Dear Friends,
Welcome to the Ifeffit Mailing list. This list is intened for
announcements, questions, and discussion of Ifeffit and related
programs (including, but not limited to Feffit, Autobk, Atoms,
G.I.Feffit, Athena, and Diffkk).
It is also intended for discussion of the Analysis of XAFS and
related spectroscopies. Although there is a separate mailing
list for Feff Users and Development (see questions and
discussion of how Feff relates to XAFS Analysis, and the use of
Feff calculations in XAFS Analysis are welcome here too.
--Matt Newville
|= Matthew Newville
|= GSECARS, Bldg 434A voice: (630) 252-0431 / 1713
|= Argonne Natl Lab fax: (630) 252-0443
|= 9700 South Cass Ave
|= Argonne, IL 60439 USA