areaDetector  3-5-0
EPICS areaDetector framework
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CADnEDTransformBaseADnEDTransform base class
 CAdscSensor_tADSC sensor structure
 CAndorADCSpeed_tStructure defining an ADC speed for the ADAndor driver
 CAndorPreAmpGain_tStructure defining a pre-amp gain for the ADAndor driver
 CasynPortDriverBase class for asyn port drivers; handles most of the bookkeeping for writing an asyn port driver with standard asyn interfaces and a parameter library
 Chdf5::AttributeClass used for writing an Attribute with the NDFileHDF5 plugin
 CbadPixelBad pixel structure for Pilatus detector
 CBusManagerA singleton class that keep a list of the (configured) cameras on the bus
 Cccd_exceptionClass for storing errors from detector
 CCircularBuffer< T >
 CCircularBuffer< double >
 CcomportInterfaceInterface to a com port, on a grabber
 Chdf5::DataSourceClass used for writing a DataSource with the NDFileHDF5 plugin
 Chdf5::ElementDescribe a generic structure element with the NDFileHDF5 plugin
 CfreeNDArray< dataType >
 CgrabberInterfaceVirtual class to represent any vendor frame grabber
 CjpegDestMgrExpanded data destination object for JPEG output
 Chdf5::LayoutXMLUsed to define layout of HDF5 file with NDFileHDF5 plugin
 Clog_fileClass LOG_FILE
 CNDArrayN-dimensional array class; each array has a set of dimensions, a data type, pointer to data, and optional attributes
 CNDArrayInfoStructure returned by NDArray::getInfo
 CNDArrayPoolManages a free list (pool) of NDArray objects
 CNDAttributeNDAttribute class; an attribute has a name, description, source type, source string, data type, and value
 CNDAttributeListNodeStructure used by the EPICS ellLib library for linked lists of C++ objects
 CNDAttrValueUnion defining the values in an NDAttribute object
 CNDDimensionStructure defining a dimension of an NDArray
 CNDFileHDF5DatasetClass used for writing a Dataset with the NDFileHDF5 plugin
 CNDMaskSee .cpp file for more documentation
 CNDOverlayStructure defining an overlay
 CNDROIStructure defining a Region-Of-Interest and Stats
 CparamListClass to support parameter library (also called parameter list); set and get values indexed by parameter number (pasynUser->reason) and do asyn callbacks when parameters change
 Cpco_commandInline class to create a binary command to be sent to pco cameras over serial port
 Cpco_responseClass to define a single binary response from pco cameras, received over serial port
 CxPCO_DescriptionAps designed struct based on PCO SDK