areaDetector  3-5-0
EPICS areaDetector framework
Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
adsc Class Reference

Driver for ADSC detectors (Q4, Q4r, Q210, Q210r, Q270, Q315, Q315r). More...

Inheritance diagram for adsc:
ADDriver asynNDArrayDriver asynPortDriver

Public Member Functions

 adsc (const char *portName, const char *modelName)
 Constructor for ADSC driver; most parameters are simply passed to ADDriver::ADDriver. More...
virtual ~adsc ()
virtual asynStatus writeInt32 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeFloat64 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->write(). More...
void report (FILE *fp, int details)
 Report status of the driver. More...
void imageAcquisitionTask ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ADDriver
 ADDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int numParams, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 All of the arguments are simply passed to the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver base class, except numParams. More...
virtual asynStatus setIntegerParam (int index, int value)
 Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setIntegerParam (int list, int index, int value)
 Sets the value for an integer in the parameter library. More...
virtual void setShutter (int open)
 Set the shutter position. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
 asynNDArrayDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int maxBuffers, size_t maxMemory, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 This is the constructor for the asynNDArrayDriver class. More...
virtual ~asynNDArrayDriver ()
virtual asynStatus writeOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *value, size_t maxChars, size_t *nActual)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus readGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 This method copies an NDArray object from the asynNDArrayDriver to an NDArray pointer passed in by the caller. More...
virtual asynStatus writeGenericPointer (asynUser *pasynUser, void *genericPointer)
 This method currently does nothing, but it should be implemented in this base class. More...
virtual asynStatus readInt32 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 *value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus readFloat64 (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 *value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus createFilePath (const char *path, int pathDepth)
 Function to create a directory path for a file. More...
virtual asynStatus checkPath ()
 Checks whether the directory specified NDFilePath parameter exists. More...
virtual bool checkPath (std::string &filePath)
 Checks whether the directory specified exists. More...
virtual asynStatus createFileName (int maxChars, char *fullFileName)
 Build a file name from component parts. More...
virtual asynStatus createFileName (int maxChars, char *filePath, char *fileName)
 Build a file name from component parts. More...
virtual asynStatus readNDAttributesFile ()
 Create this driver's NDAttributeList (pAttributeList) by reading an XML file This clears any existing attributes from this drivers' NDAttributeList and then creates a new list based on the XML file. More...
virtual asynStatus getAttributes (NDAttributeList *pAttributeList)
 Get the current values of attributes from this driver and appends them to an output attribute list. More...
asynStatus incrementQueuedArrayCount ()
asynStatus decrementQueuedArrayCount ()
int getQueuedArrayCount ()
void updateQueuedArrayCount ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from asynPortDriver
 asynPortDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 Constructor for the asynPortDriver class. More...
 asynPortDriver (const char *portName, int maxAddr, int paramTableSize, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize) EPICS_DEPRECATED
 Legacy constructor for the asynPortDriver class (DEPRECATED - please use the one above instead). More...
virtual ~asynPortDriver ()
 Destructor for asynPortDriver class; frees resources allocated when port driver is created. More...
virtual asynStatus lock ()
 Locks the driver to prevent multiple threads from accessing memory at the same time. More...
virtual asynStatus unlock ()
 Unlocks the driver; called when an asyn client or driver is done accessing common memory. More...
virtual asynStatus getAddress (asynUser *pasynUser, int *address)
 Returns the asyn address associated with a pasynUser structure. More...
virtual asynStatus readUInt32Digital (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsUInt32 *value, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynUInt32Digital->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeUInt32Digital (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsUInt32 value, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynUInt32Digital->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus setInterruptUInt32Digital (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsUInt32 mask, interruptReason reason)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynUInt32Digital->setInterrupt(). More...
virtual asynStatus clearInterruptUInt32Digital (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynUInt32Digital->clearInterrupt(). More...
virtual asynStatus getInterruptUInt32Digital (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsUInt32 *mask, interruptReason reason)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynUInt32Digital->getInterrupt(). More...
virtual asynStatus getBounds (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 *low, epicsInt32 *high)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->getBounds(), returning the bounds on the asynInt32 interface for drivers that use raw units. More...
virtual asynStatus readOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, char *value, size_t maxChars, size_t *nActual, int *eomReason)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus flushOctet (asynUser *pasynUser)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->flush(). More...
virtual asynStatus setInputEosOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *eos, int eosLen)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->setInputEos(). More...
virtual asynStatus getInputEosOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, char *eos, int eosSize, int *eosLen)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->getInputEos(). More...
virtual asynStatus setOutputEosOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *eos, int eosLen)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->setOutputEos(). More...
virtual asynStatus getOutputEosOctet (asynUser *pasynUser, char *eos, int eosSize, int *eosLen)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOctet->getOutputEos(). More...
virtual asynStatus readInt8Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt8 *value, size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt8Array->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeInt8Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt8 *value, size_t nElements)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt8Array->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksInt8Array (epicsInt8 *value, size_t nElements, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynInt8Array interface. More...
virtual asynStatus readInt16Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt16 *value, size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt16Array->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeInt16Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt16 *value, size_t nElements)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt16Array->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksInt16Array (epicsInt16 *value, size_t nElements, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynInt16Array interface. More...
virtual asynStatus readInt32Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 *value, size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32Array->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeInt32Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsInt32 *value, size_t nElements)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32Array->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksInt32Array (epicsInt32 *value, size_t nElements, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynInt32Array interface. More...
virtual asynStatus readFloat32Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat32 *value, size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat32Array->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeFloat32Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat32 *value, size_t nElements)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat32Array->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksFloat32Array (epicsFloat32 *value, size_t nElements, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynFloat32Array interface. More...
virtual asynStatus readFloat64Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 *value, size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64Array->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeFloat64Array (asynUser *pasynUser, epicsFloat64 *value, size_t nElements)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64Array->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksFloat64Array (epicsFloat64 *value, size_t nElements, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynFloat64Array interface. More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksGenericPointer (void *pointer, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynGenericPointer interface. More...
virtual asynStatus readOption (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *key, char *value, int maxChars)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOption->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeOption (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *key, const char *value)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynOption->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus readEnum (asynUser *pasynUser, char *strings[], int values[], int severities[], size_t nElements, size_t *nIn)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynEnum->read(). More...
virtual asynStatus writeEnum (asynUser *pasynUser, char *strings[], int values[], int severities[], size_t nElements)
 Called when asyn clients call pasynEnum->write(). More...
virtual asynStatus doCallbacksEnum (char *strings[], int values[], int severities[], size_t nElements, int reason, int addr)
 Called by driver to do the callbacks to registered clients on the asynEnum interface. More...
virtual asynStatus drvUserCreate (asynUser *pasynUser, const char *drvInfo, const char **pptypeName, size_t *psize)
 Called by asynManager to pass a pasynUser structure and drvInfo string to the driver; Assigns pasynUser->reason based on the value of the drvInfo string. More...
virtual asynStatus drvUserGetType (asynUser *pasynUser, const char **pptypeName, size_t *psize)
 Returns strings associated with driver-specific commands. More...
virtual asynStatus drvUserDestroy (asynUser *pasynUser)
 Frees any resources allocated by drvUserCreate. More...
virtual asynStatus connect (asynUser *pasynUser)
 Connects driver to device; The base class implementation simply calls pasynManager->exceptionConnect if address is valid Derived classes can reimplement this function for real connection management. More...
virtual asynStatus disconnect (asynUser *pasynUser)
 Disconnects driver from device; the base class implementation simply calls pasynManager->exceptionDisconnect. More...
virtual asynStatus createParam (const char *name, asynParamType type, int *index)
 Creates a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus createParam (int list, const char *name, asynParamType type, int *index)
 Creates a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getNumParams (int *numParams)
 Returns the number of parameters in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getNumParams (int list, int *numParams)
 Returns the number of parameters in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus findParam (const char *name, int *index)
 Finds a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus findParam (int list, const char *name, int *index)
 Finds a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamName (int index, const char **name)
 Returns the name of a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamName (int list, int index, const char **name)
 Returns the name of a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamType (int index, asynParamType *type)
 Returns the asynParamType of a parameter in the parameter library*. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamType (int list, int index, asynParamType *type)
 Returns the asynParamType of a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setParamStatus (int index, asynStatus status)
 Sets the status for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setParamStatus (int list, int index, asynStatus status)
 Sets the status for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamStatus (int index, asynStatus *status)
 Gets the status for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamStatus (int list, int index, asynStatus *status)
 Gets the status for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setParamAlarmStatus (int index, int status)
 Sets the alarmStatus for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setParamAlarmStatus (int list, int index, int status)
 Sets the alarmStatus for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamAlarmStatus (int index, int *status)
 Gets the alarmStatus for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamAlarmStatus (int list, int index, int *status)
 Gets the alarmStatus for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setParamAlarmSeverity (int index, int severity)
 Sets the alarmSeverity for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setParamAlarmSeverity (int list, int index, int severity)
 Sets the alarmSeverity for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamAlarmSeverity (int index, int *severity)
 Gets the alarmSeverity for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getParamAlarmSeverity (int list, int index, int *severity)
 Gets the alarmSeverity for a parameter in the parameter library. More...
virtual void reportSetParamErrors (asynStatus status, int index, int list, const char *functionName)
 Reports errors when setting parameters. More...
virtual void reportGetParamErrors (asynStatus status, int index, int list, const char *functionName)
 Reports errors when getting parameters. More...
virtual asynStatus setUIntDigitalParam (int index, epicsUInt32 value, epicsUInt32 valueMask)
 Sets the value for a UInt32Digital in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setUIntDigitalParam (int list, int index, epicsUInt32 value, epicsUInt32 valueMask)
 Sets the value for a UInt32Digital in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setUIntDigitalParam (int index, epicsUInt32 value, epicsUInt32 valueMask, epicsUInt32 interruptMask)
 Sets the value for a UInt32Digital in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setUIntDigitalParam (int list, int index, epicsUInt32 value, epicsUInt32 valueMask, epicsUInt32 interruptMask)
 Sets the value for a UInt32Digital in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setUInt32DigitalInterrupt (int index, epicsUInt32 mask, interruptReason reason)
 Sets the interrupt mask and reason in the parameter library Calls paramList::setUInt32Interrupt (0, index, mask, reason) i.e. More...
virtual asynStatus setUInt32DigitalInterrupt (int list, int index, epicsUInt32 mask, interruptReason reason)
 Sets the interrupt mask and reason in the parameter library Calls paramList::setUInt32Interrupt (index, mask, reason) for the parameter list indexed by list. More...
virtual asynStatus clearUInt32DigitalInterrupt (int index, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Clears the interrupt mask in the parameter library Calls paramList::clearUInt32Interrupt (0, index, mask) i.e. More...
virtual asynStatus clearUInt32DigitalInterrupt (int list, int index, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Clears the interrupt mask in the parameter library Calls paramList::clearUInt32Interrupt (index, mask) for the parameter list indexed by list. More...
virtual asynStatus getUInt32DigitalInterrupt (int index, epicsUInt32 *mask, interruptReason reason)
 Gets the interrupt mask and reason in the parameter library Calls paramList::getUInt32Interrupt (0, index, mask, reason) i.e. More...
virtual asynStatus getUInt32DigitalInterrupt (int list, int index, epicsUInt32 *mask, interruptReason reason)
 Gets the interrupt mask and reason in the parameter library Calls paramList::getUInt32Interrupt (index, mask, reason) for the parameter list indexed by list. More...
virtual asynStatus setDoubleParam (int index, double value)
 Sets the value for a double in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setDoubleParam (int list, int index, double value)
 Sets the value for a double in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setStringParam (int index, const char *value)
 Sets the value for a string in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setStringParam (int list, int index, const char *value)
 Sets the value for a string in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setStringParam (int index, const std::string &value)
 Sets the value for a string in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus setStringParam (int list, int index, const std::string &value)
 Sets the value for a string in the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getIntegerParam (int index, epicsInt32 *value)
 Returns the value for an integer from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getIntegerParam (int list, int index, epicsInt32 *value)
 Returns the value for an integer from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getUIntDigitalParam (int index, epicsUInt32 *value, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Returns the value for an UInt32Digital parameter from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getUIntDigitalParam (int list, int index, epicsUInt32 *value, epicsUInt32 mask)
 Returns the value for an UInt32Digital parameter from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getDoubleParam (int index, double *value)
 Returns the value for a double from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getDoubleParam (int list, int index, double *value)
 Returns the value for a double from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getStringParam (int index, int maxChars, char *value)
 Returns the value for a string from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getStringParam (int list, int index, int maxChars, char *value)
 Returns the value for a string from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getStringParam (int index, std::string &value)
 Returns the value for a string from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus getStringParam (int list, int index, std::string &value)
 Returns the value for a string from the parameter library. More...
virtual asynStatus callParamCallbacks ()
 Calls callParamCallbacks(0, 0) i.e. More...
virtual asynStatus callParamCallbacks (int addr)
 Calls callParamCallbacks(addr, addr) i.e. More...
virtual asynStatus callParamCallbacks (int list, int addr)
 Calls paramList::callCallbacks(addr) for a specific parameter list. More...
virtual asynStatus updateTimeStamp ()
 Updates the timestamp for this port in pasynManager. More...
virtual asynStatus updateTimeStamp (epicsTimeStamp *pTimeStamp)
 Updates the timestamp for this port in pasynManager, and returns this timestamp. More...
virtual asynStatus getTimeStamp (epicsTimeStamp *pTimeStamp)
 Gets the most recent timestamp for this port from pasynManager. More...
virtual asynStatus setTimeStamp (const epicsTimeStamp *pTimeStamp)
 Sets the timestamp for this port in pasynManager. More...
asynStandardInterfaces * getAsynStdInterfaces ()
 Returns the asynStdInterfaces structure used by asynPortDriver. More...
virtual void reportParams (FILE *fp, int details)
 Calls paramList::report(fp, details) for each parameter list that the driver supports. More...
void callbackTask ()

Protected Member Functions

AdscStatus_t acquireImages ()
void acquisitionFinished (int adstatus)
void clearLastDarksParameters ()
AdscStatus_t createFileNameNoIncrement (char *dst, size_t dstSize)
const char * getAdscCcdStateString (int ccdState)
AdscStatus_t getImage (int lastImage)
int getImageSize (AdscModel_t model, int binMode)
int getImageSizeX (AdscModel_t model, int binMode)
int getImageSizeY (AdscModel_t model, int binMode)
AdscStatus_t loadPerDatasetParameters ()
AdscStatus_t loadPerImageParameters ()
AdscStatus_t readDetectorCondition ()
AdscStatus_t resetControlLibrary ()
AdscStatus_t setBinModeInParams (int binMode)
void setLastDarksParameters (double exposureTime, int adc, int bin)
AdscStatus_t setOkToExpose (int isEnabled)
AdscStatus_t setExternSwTriggerControl (AdscExternSwTriggerControl_t value)
int shouldTakeDarks ()
AdscStatus_t startExposure ()
AdscStatus_t stopExposure ()
AdscStatus_t takeDarks (const char *destDir)
AdscStatus_t takeDarksIfRequired ()
AdscStatus_t takeImage (const char *fullFileName, int imageKind, int lastImage, int triggerMode)
AdscStatus_t imageAcquired ()
AdscStatus_t waitForDetectorState (int desiredState, double timeout, int failOnErrorState)
AdscStatus_t waitForExternalTrigger (epicsEventId eventId)
AdscStatus_t writeDetectorParametersBeforeDataset ()
AdscStatus_t writeDetectorParametersBeforeImage ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from asynPortDriver
void initialize (const char *portNameIn, int maxAddrIn, int interfaceMask, int interruptMask, int asynFlags, int autoConnect, int priority, int stackSize)
 The following function is required to initialize from two constructors. More...

Protected Attributes

int AdscReadCondition
int AdscState
int AdscStatus
int AdscLastError
int AdscSoftwareReset
int AdscLastImage
int AdscOkToExpose
int AdscExternSwTriggerControl
int AdscReuseDarks
int AdscDezinger
int AdscAdc
int AdscRaw
int AdscImageTransform
int AdscStoredDarks
int AdscBeamCenterX
int AdscBeamCenterY
int AdscDistance
int AdscTwoTheta
int AdscAxis
int AdscWavelength
int AdscImageWidth
int AdscPhi
int AdscOmega
int AdscKappa
int AdscPrivateStopExpRetryCnt
AdscModel_t model
int lastImage
double lastDarksExposureTime
int lastDarksAdc
int lastDarksBin
int perDatasetReuseDarks
int perDatasetDezinger
int perDatasetAdc
int perDatasetRaw
int perDatasetImageTransform
int perDatasetStoredDarks
int perDatasetAxis
double perDatasetExposureTime
double perDatasetAcquirePeriod
int perDatasetBin
int perDatasetImageMode
int perDatasetTriggerMode
int perDatasetNumImages
double perImageBeamCenterX
double perImageBeamCenterY
double perImageDistance
double perImageTwoTheta
double perImageWavelength
double perImageImageWidth
double perImagePhi
double perImageOmega
double perImageKappa
char perImageFullFileName [MAX_FILENAME_LEN]
epicsEventId startEventId
epicsEventId stopEventId
epicsEventId startTriggerEventId
epicsEventId stopTriggerEventId
epicsEventId lastImageEventId
- Protected Attributes inherited from ADDriver
int ADManufacturer
int ADModel
int ADSerialNumber
int ADSDKVersion
int ADFirmwareVersion
int ADGain
int ADBinX
int ADBinY
int ADMinX
int ADMinY
int ADSizeX
int ADSizeY
int ADMaxSizeX
int ADMaxSizeY
int ADReverseX
int ADReverseY
int ADFrameType
int ADImageMode
int ADNumExposures
int ADNumExposuresCounter
int ADNumImages
int ADNumImagesCounter
int ADAcquireTime
int ADAcquirePeriod
int ADTimeRemaining
int ADStatus
int ADTriggerMode
int ADAcquire
int ADAcquireBusy
int ADWaitForPlugins
int ADShutterControl
int ADShutterControlEPICS
int ADShutterStatus
int ADShutterMode
int ADShutterOpenDelay
int ADShutterCloseDelay
int ADTemperature
int ADTemperatureActual
int ADReadStatus
int ADStatusMessage
int ADStringToServer
int ADStringFromServer
- Protected Attributes inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
int NDPortNameSelf
int NDADCoreVersion
int NDDriverVersion
int NDArraySizeX
int NDArraySizeY
int NDArraySizeZ
int NDArraySize
int NDNDimensions
int NDDimensions
int NDDataType
int NDColorMode
int NDUniqueId
int NDTimeStamp
int NDEpicsTSSec
int NDEpicsTSNsec
int NDBayerPattern
int NDCodec
int NDCompressedSize
int NDArrayCounter
int NDFilePath
int NDFilePathExists
int NDFileName
int NDFileNumber
int NDFileTemplate
int NDAutoIncrement
int NDFullFileName
int NDFileFormat
int NDAutoSave
int NDWriteFile
int NDReadFile
int NDFileWriteMode
int NDFileWriteStatus
int NDFileWriteMessage
int NDFileNumCapture
int NDFileNumCaptured
int NDFileCapture
int NDFileDeleteDriverFile
int NDFileLazyOpen
int NDFileCreateDir
int NDFileTempSuffix
int NDAttributesFile
int NDAttributesStatus
int NDAttributesMacros
int NDArrayData
int NDArrayCallbacks
int NDPoolMaxBuffers
int NDPoolAllocBuffers
int NDPoolFreeBuffers
int NDPoolMaxMemory
int NDPoolUsedMemory
int NDPoolEmptyFreeList
int NDNumQueuedArrays
class NDArray ** pArrays
 An array of NDArray pointers used to store data in the driver. More...
class NDAttributeListpAttributeList
 An NDAttributeList object used to obtain the current values of a set of attributes. More...
int threadStackSize_
int threadPriority_
- Protected Attributes inherited from asynPortDriver
asynUser * pasynUserSelf
 asynUser connected to ourselves for asynTrace More...
asynStandardInterfaces asynStdInterfaces
 The asyn interfaces this driver implements. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from asynNDArrayDriver
class NDArrayPoolpNDArrayPool
 An NDArrayPool pointer that is initialized to pNDArrayPoolPvt_ in the constructor. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from asynPortDriver
char * portName
 The name of this asyn port. More...
int maxAddr
 The maximum asyn address (addr) supported by this driver. More...

Detailed Description

Driver for ADSC detectors (Q4, Q4r, Q210, Q210r, Q270, Q315, Q315r).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ adsc()

adsc::adsc ( const char *  portName,
const char *  modelName 

Constructor for ADSC driver; most parameters are simply passed to ADDriver::ADDriver.

After calling the base class constructor, this method creates a thread to collect the detector data and sets reasonable default values for the parameters defined in this class, asynNDArrayDriver and ADDriver.

[in]portNameThe name of the asyn port driver to be created
[in]modelNameThe model name of the detector being used; choices are "Q4", "Q4r", "Q210", "Q210r", "Q270", "Q315", or "Q315r"

◆ ~adsc()

adsc::~adsc ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ acquireImages()

AdscStatus_t adsc::acquireImages ( )

◆ acquisitionFinished()

void adsc::acquisitionFinished ( int  adstatus)

◆ clearLastDarksParameters()

void adsc::clearLastDarksParameters ( )

◆ createFileNameNoIncrement()

AdscStatus_t adsc::createFileNameNoIncrement ( char *  dst,
size_t  dstSize 

◆ getAdscCcdStateString()

const char * adsc::getAdscCcdStateString ( int  ccdState)

◆ getImage()

AdscStatus_t adsc::getImage ( int  lastImage)

◆ getImageSize()

int adsc::getImageSize ( AdscModel_t  model,
int  binMode 

◆ getImageSizeX()

int adsc::getImageSizeX ( AdscModel_t  model,
int  binMode 

◆ getImageSizeY()

int adsc::getImageSizeY ( AdscModel_t  model,
int  binMode 

◆ imageAcquired()

AdscStatus_t adsc::imageAcquired ( )

◆ imageAcquisitionTask()

void adsc::imageAcquisitionTask ( )

◆ loadPerDatasetParameters()

AdscStatus_t adsc::loadPerDatasetParameters ( )

◆ loadPerImageParameters()

AdscStatus_t adsc::loadPerImageParameters ( )

◆ readDetectorCondition()

AdscStatus_t adsc::readDetectorCondition ( )

◆ report()

void adsc::report ( FILE *  fp,
int  details 

Report status of the driver.

Prints details about the driver if details>0. It then calls the ADDriver::report() method.

[in]fpFile pointed passed by caller where the output is written to
[in]detailsIf >0 then driver details are printed

Reimplemented from asynNDArrayDriver.

◆ resetControlLibrary()

AdscStatus_t adsc::resetControlLibrary ( )

◆ setBinModeInParams()

AdscStatus_t adsc::setBinModeInParams ( int  binMode)

◆ setExternSwTriggerControl()

AdscStatus_t adsc::setExternSwTriggerControl ( AdscExternSwTriggerControl_t  value)

◆ setLastDarksParameters()

void adsc::setLastDarksParameters ( double  exposureTime,
int  adc,
int  bin 

◆ setOkToExpose()

AdscStatus_t adsc::setOkToExpose ( int  isEnabled)

◆ shouldTakeDarks()

int adsc::shouldTakeDarks ( )

◆ startExposure()

AdscStatus_t adsc::startExposure ( )

◆ stopExposure()

AdscStatus_t adsc::stopExposure ( )

◆ takeDarks()

AdscStatus_t adsc::takeDarks ( const char *  destDir)

◆ takeDarksIfRequired()

AdscStatus_t adsc::takeDarksIfRequired ( )

◆ takeImage()

AdscStatus_t adsc::takeImage ( const char *  fullFileName,
int  imageKind,
int  lastImage,
int  triggerMode 

◆ waitForDetectorState()

AdscStatus_t adsc::waitForDetectorState ( int  desiredState,
double  timeout,
int  failOnErrorState 

◆ waitForExternalTrigger()

AdscStatus_t adsc::waitForExternalTrigger ( epicsEventId  eventId)

◆ writeDetectorParametersBeforeDataset()

AdscStatus_t adsc::writeDetectorParametersBeforeDataset ( )

◆ writeDetectorParametersBeforeImage()

AdscStatus_t adsc::writeDetectorParametersBeforeImage ( )

◆ writeFloat64()

asynStatus adsc::writeFloat64 ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
epicsFloat64  value 

Called when asyn clients call pasynFloat64->write().

This function performs actions for some parameters, including ADAcquireTime, AdscTwoTheta, etc. For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks.

[in]pasynUserpasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address
[in]valueValue to write

Reimplemented from asynPortDriver.

◆ writeInt32()

asynStatus adsc::writeInt32 ( asynUser *  pasynUser,
epicsInt32  value 

Called when asyn clients call pasynInt32->write().

This function performs actions for some parameters, including ADAcquire, ADBinX, etc. For all parameters it sets the value in the parameter library and calls any registered callbacks.

[in]pasynUserpasynUser structure that encodes the reason and address
[in]valueValue to write

Reimplemented from ADDriver.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AdscAdc

int adsc::AdscAdc

◆ AdscAxis

int adsc::AdscAxis

◆ AdscBeamCenterX

int adsc::AdscBeamCenterX

◆ AdscBeamCenterY

int adsc::AdscBeamCenterY

◆ AdscDezinger

int adsc::AdscDezinger

◆ AdscDistance

int adsc::AdscDistance

◆ AdscExternSwTriggerControl

int adsc::AdscExternSwTriggerControl

◆ AdscImageTransform

int adsc::AdscImageTransform

◆ AdscImageWidth

int adsc::AdscImageWidth

◆ AdscKappa

int adsc::AdscKappa

◆ AdscLastError

int adsc::AdscLastError

◆ AdscLastImage

int adsc::AdscLastImage

◆ AdscOkToExpose

int adsc::AdscOkToExpose

◆ AdscOmega

int adsc::AdscOmega

◆ AdscPhi

int adsc::AdscPhi

◆ AdscPrivateStopExpRetryCnt

int adsc::AdscPrivateStopExpRetryCnt

◆ AdscRaw

int adsc::AdscRaw

◆ AdscReadCondition

int adsc::AdscReadCondition

◆ AdscReuseDarks

int adsc::AdscReuseDarks

◆ AdscSoftwareReset

int adsc::AdscSoftwareReset

◆ AdscState

int adsc::AdscState

◆ AdscStatus

int adsc::AdscStatus

◆ AdscStoredDarks

int adsc::AdscStoredDarks

◆ AdscTwoTheta

int adsc::AdscTwoTheta

◆ AdscWavelength

int adsc::AdscWavelength

◆ lastDarksAdc

int adsc::lastDarksAdc

◆ lastDarksBin

int adsc::lastDarksBin

◆ lastDarksExposureTime

double adsc::lastDarksExposureTime

◆ lastImage

int adsc::lastImage

◆ lastImageEventId

epicsEventId adsc::lastImageEventId

◆ model

AdscModel_t adsc::model

◆ perDatasetAcquirePeriod

double adsc::perDatasetAcquirePeriod

◆ perDatasetAdc

int adsc::perDatasetAdc

◆ perDatasetAxis

int adsc::perDatasetAxis

◆ perDatasetBin

int adsc::perDatasetBin

◆ perDatasetDezinger

int adsc::perDatasetDezinger

◆ perDatasetExposureTime

double adsc::perDatasetExposureTime

◆ perDatasetImageMode

int adsc::perDatasetImageMode

◆ perDatasetImageTransform

int adsc::perDatasetImageTransform

◆ perDatasetNumImages

int adsc::perDatasetNumImages

◆ perDatasetRaw

int adsc::perDatasetRaw

◆ perDatasetReuseDarks

int adsc::perDatasetReuseDarks

◆ perDatasetStoredDarks

int adsc::perDatasetStoredDarks

◆ perDatasetTriggerMode

int adsc::perDatasetTriggerMode

◆ perImageBeamCenterX

double adsc::perImageBeamCenterX

◆ perImageBeamCenterY

double adsc::perImageBeamCenterY

◆ perImageDistance

double adsc::perImageDistance

◆ perImageFullFileName

char adsc::perImageFullFileName[MAX_FILENAME_LEN]

◆ perImageImageWidth

double adsc::perImageImageWidth

◆ perImageKappa

double adsc::perImageKappa

◆ perImageOmega

double adsc::perImageOmega

◆ perImagePhi

double adsc::perImagePhi

◆ perImageTwoTheta

double adsc::perImageTwoTheta

◆ perImageWavelength

double adsc::perImageWavelength

◆ startEventId

epicsEventId adsc::startEventId

◆ startTriggerEventId

epicsEventId adsc::startTriggerEventId

◆ stopEventId

epicsEventId adsc::stopEventId

◆ stopTriggerEventId

epicsEventId adsc::stopTriggerEventId

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