areaDetector  3-5-0
EPICS areaDetector framework
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CADCameralinkAreaDetector Driver for general Camera Link cards
 CADCSimDetectorADC simulation driver; does 1-D waveforms on 8 channels
 CADDriverClass from which areaDetector drivers are directly derived
 CADGenICamAravis GigE detector driver
 CADLambdaClass to wrap Lambda detector library provided by X-Spectrum
 CADnEDPixelROIExtract Regions-Of-Interest (ROI) from NDArray data; the plugin can be a source of NDArray callbacks for other plugins, passing these sub-arrays
 CADnEDTransformLibrary of functions to use for transforming the time of flight value into another parameter (for example dspace)
 CADnEDTransformBaseADnEDTransform base class
 CADPICamCopyright (c) 2015, UChicago Argonne, LLC See LICENSE file
 CadscDriver for ADSC detectors (Q4, Q4r, Q210, Q210r, Q270, Q315, Q315r)
 CAdscSensor_tADSC sensor structure
 CADSpinnakerMain driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class
 Candor3Driver for Andor sCMOS cameras using version 3 of their SDK; inherits from ADDriver class in ADCore
 CAndorADCSpeed_tStructure defining an ADC speed for the ADAndor driver
 CAndorCCDDriver for Andor CCD cameras using version 2 of their SDK; inherits from ADDriver class in ADCore
 CAndorPreAmpGain_tStructure defining a pre-amp gain for the ADAndor driver
 CaravisCameraAravis GigE detector driver
 CasynNDArrayDriverThis is the class from which NDArray drivers are derived; implements the asynGenericPointer functions for NDArray objects
 CasynPortDriverBase class for asyn port drivers; handles most of the bookkeeping for writing an asyn port driver with standard asyn interfaces and a parameter library
 CbadPixelBad pixel structure for Pilatus detector
 CBISDetectorDriver for Bruker BIS ccd detector using their BIS server over TCP/IP socket
 CBusManagerA singleton class that keep a list of the (configured) cameras on the bus
 CcamLinkSerialAsyn Driver for Serial port on Camera Link grabber
 Cccd_exceptionClass for storing errors from detector
 Ccl_com_portClass for general serial port
 CcomportInterfaceInterface to a com port, on a grabber
 CDexelaDriver for the Perkin Elmer Dexela CMOS flat panel detectors
 CExposeDataTaskA task that periodically executes the data exposure method of the plugin
 CFastCCDDriver class for FastCCD CCD
 CffmpegFileWrites NDArrays to a ffmpeg file
 CffmpegStreamTake an array source and compress it and serve it as an mjpeg stream
 CFirewireDCAMMain driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class
 CFirewireWinDCAMMain driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class
 CfunctAttributeAttribute that gets its value from a user-defined function The updateValue() method for this class retrieves the current value from the function
 CgrabberInterfaceVirtual class to represent any vendor frame grabber
 CjpegDestMgrExpanded data destination object for JPEG output
 CLightFieldDriver for Princeton Instruments cameras using the LightField Automation software
 Clog_fileClass LOG_FILE
 Cmar345Driver for mar345 online image plate detector; communicates with the mar345dtb program over a TCP/IP socket
 CmarCCDDriver for marCCD (Rayonix) CCD detector; communicates with the marCCD program over a TCP/IP socket with the marccd_server_socket program that they distribute
 CmythenDriver for sls array detectors using over TCP/IP socket
 CNDArrayN-dimensional array class; each array has a set of dimensions, a data type, pointer to data, and optional attributes
 CNDArrayInfoStructure returned by NDArray::getInfo
 CNDArrayPoolManages a free list (pool) of NDArray objects
 CNDAttributeNDAttribute class; an attribute has a name, description, source type, source string, data type, and value
 CNDAttributeListNodeStructure used by the EPICS ellLib library for linked lists of C++ objects
 CNDAttrValueUnion defining the values in an NDAttribute object
 CNDDimensionStructure defining a dimension of an NDArray
 CNDFileHDF5Writes NDArrays in the HDF5 file format; an XML file can control the structure of the HDF5 file
 CNDFileHDF5DatasetClass used for writing a Dataset with the NDFileHDF5 plugin
 CNDFileJPEGWrites NDArrays in the JPEG file format, which is a lossy compression format
 CNDFileMagickWrites NDArrays to files using the GraphicsMagick library; can write many different file formats
 CNDFileNetCDFWrites NDArrays to files in the netCDF file format
 CNDFileNexusWrites NDArrays in the NeXus file format
 CNDFileNullWrites NDArrays in the Null file format
 CNDFileTIFFWrites NDArrays in the TIFF file format
 CNDMaskSee .cpp file for more documentation
 CNDOverlayStructure defining an overlay
 CNDPluginAttributeExtract an Attribute from an NDArray and publish the value (and array of values) over channel access
 CNDPluginAttrPlotAD plugin that saves attribute values from recieved NDArrays
 CNDPluginCircularBuffPerforms a scope like capture
 CNDPluginColorConvertConvert NDArrays from one NDColorMode to another
 CNDPluginDriverClass from which actual plugin drivers are derived; derived from asynNDArrayDriver
 CNDPluginEdgeDoes image processing operations
 CNDPluginFFTCompute FFTs on signals
 CNDPluginFileBase class for NDArray file writing plugins; actual file writing plugins inherit from this class
 CNDPluginGatherA plugin that subscribes to callbacks from multiple ports, not just a single port
 CNDPluginOverlayOverlay graphics on top of an image
 CNDPluginProcessDoes image processing operations
 CNDPluginPvaConverts NDArray callback data into EPICS V4 NTNDArray data and exposes it as an EPICS V4 PV
 CNDPluginROIExtract Regions-Of-Interest (ROI) from NDArray data; the plugin can be a source of NDArray callbacks for other plugins, passing these sub-arrays
 CNDPluginROIStatCompute statistics on ROIs in an array
 CNDPluginScatterA plugin that does callbacks in round-robin fashion rather than passing every NDArray to every callback client
 CNDPluginStatsDoes image statistics
 CNDPluginStdArraysConverts NDArray callback data into standard asyn arrays (asynInt8Array, asynInt16Array, asynInt32Array, asynFloat32Array or asynFloat64Array); normally used for putting NDArray data in EPICS waveform records
 CNDPluginTimeSeriesCompute time series on signals
 CNDPluginTransformPerform transformations (rotations, flips) on NDArrays
 CNDROIStructure defining a Region-Of-Interest and Stats
 CparamAttributeAttribute that gets its value from an asynNDArrayDriver driver parameter
 CparamListClass to support parameter library (also called parameter list); set and get values indexed by parameter number (pasynUser->reason) and do asyn callbacks when parameters change
 CpcoPco.cpp Area Detector Driver for PCO cameras that use Camera Link Inherite ADCameraLink to provide Image Grabbing functions
 Cpco_commandInline class to create a binary command to be sent to pco cameras over serial port
 Cpco_responseClass to define a single binary response from pco cameras, received over serial port
 CpcoEdgePluginEnums for plugin-specific parameters
 CPerkinElmerDriver for the Perkin Elmer flat panel amorphous silicon detectors
 CPhotonIIDriver for Bruker Photon II detector using their p2util server over TCP/IP socket
 CpilatusDetectorDriver for Dectris Pilatus pixel array detectors using their camserver server over TCP/IP socket
 CpixiradDriver for PiXirad pixel array detectors using their server server over TCP/IP socket
 CpointGreyMain driver class inherited from areaDetectors ADDriver class
 CprosilicaDriver for Prosilica GigE and CameraLink cameras using their PvApi library
 CPSLDriver for Photonic Sciencies Ltd
 CPVAttributeAttribute that gets its value from an EPICS PV
 CpvCamDriver for Roper (Photometrics and Princeton Instruments) cameras using the PvCam library
 CroperDriver for Roper (Princeton Instrument and Photometrics) cameras using the COM interface to WinView or WinSpec
 CshamrockDriver for Andor Shamrock spectrographs
 CsimDetectorSimulation detector driver; demonstrates most of the features that areaDetector drivers can support
 Csw_com_portClass for general serial port
 CURLDriverURL driver; reads images from URLs, such as Web cameras and Axis video servers, but also files, etc
 CxPCO_DescriptionAps designed struct based on PCO SDK