Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sources

Board of Governors
The Board of Governors of the Consortium proposes policies and advises the University of Chicago on policies for the Consortium.

The board is composed of two representatives from each of the institutional members (UofC, NIU, SIUC, and UIC) and two representatives from each of the four national groupings (BioCARS, GeoCARS, SoilEnviroCARS and ChemMatCARS).

GeoCARS and SoilEnviroCARS representatives are elected by national user groups and serve two-year terms.

Meetings are held twice a year or more frequently if necessary.

The University of Chicago: Robert Fefferman
Northern Illinois University: Laurence Lurio, Sue Mini
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale: John Koropchak, Prudence Rice
University of Illinois at Chicago: Mark Schlossman (Chair), Neil Sturchio
GeoCARS: Dion Heinz (University of Chicago), Jay Bass (COMPRES; University of Illinois)
SoilEnviroCARS: Will Bleam (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Darrell Schulze (Purdue University)
BioCARS: Jack Johnson (The Scripps Research Institute), William Royer (University of Massachussetts Medical School)
ChemMatCARS: Ka Yee Lee (University of Chicago), Gopal Shenoy (Argonne National Laboratory)