tomoRecon 1-0
Public Attributes
tomoParams_t Struct Reference

Structure that is passed to the constructor to define the reconstruction. More...

#include <tomoRecon.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

int numThreads
 Number of workerTask threads to create.
int numPixels
 Number of horizontal pixels in the input data.
int maxSlices
 Maximum number of slices that will be passed to tomoRecon::reconstruct.
int numProjections
 Number of projection angles in the input data.
int paddedSinogramWidth
 Number of pixels to pad the sinogram to; must be power of 2 and >= numPixels.
int airPixels
 Number of pixels of air on each side of sinogram to use for secondary normalization.
int ringWidth
 Number of pixels in smoothing kernel when doing ring artifact reduction; 0 disables ring artifact reduction.
int fluorescence
 Set to 1 if the data are fluorescence data and should not have the log taken when computing sinogram.
int debug
 Debug output level; 0: only error messages, 1: debugging from tomoRecon, 2: debugging also from grid.
char debugFileName [256]
 Name of file for debugging output; use 0 length string ("") to send output to stdout.
int geom
 0 if array of angles provided; 1,2 if uniform in half, full circle
float pswfParam
 PSWF parameter.
float sampl
 "Oversampling" ratio
float MaxPixSiz
 Max pixel size for reconstruction.
float R
 Region of interest (ROI) relative size.
float X0
 Offset of ROI from rotation axis in units of center-to-edge distance.
float Y0
 Offset of ROI from rotation axis in units of center-to-edge distance.
char fname [16]
 Name of filter function.
int ltbl
 Number of elements in convolvent lookup tables.

Detailed Description

Structure that is passed to the constructor to define the reconstruction.

Member Data Documentation

Number of pixels of air on each side of sinogram to use for secondary normalization.

Debug output level; 0: only error messages, 1: debugging from tomoRecon, 2: debugging also from grid.

Name of file for debugging output; use 0 length string ("") to send output to stdout.

Set to 1 if the data are fluorescence data and should not have the log taken when computing sinogram.

Name of filter function.

0 if array of angles provided; 1,2 if uniform in half, full circle

Number of elements in convolvent lookup tables.

Max pixel size for reconstruction.

Maximum number of slices that will be passed to tomoRecon::reconstruct.

Number of horizontal pixels in the input data.

Number of projection angles in the input data.

Number of workerTask threads to create.

Number of pixels to pad the sinogram to; must be power of 2 and >= numPixels.

PSWF parameter.

Region of interest (ROI) relative size.

Number of pixels in smoothing kernel when doing ring artifact reduction; 0 disables ring artifact reduction.

"Oversampling" ratio

Offset of ROI from rotation axis in units of center-to-edge distance.

Offset of ROI from rotation axis in units of center-to-edge distance.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: