Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
complex | Structure used to hold complex data as 2 floats in grid |
doneMessage_t | Structure that is passed from the workerTask to the supervisorTask in the doneQueue |
grid | Class to reconstruct parallel beam tomography data using the Gridrec FFT code |
grid_struct | Parameters for gridding algorithm |
pswf_struct | Prolate spheroidal wave function (PSWF) data |
sg_struct | Structure used to define sinograms for grid |
toDoMessage_t | Structure that is passed from the constructor to the workerTasks in the toDoQueue |
tomoParams_t | Structure that is passed to the constructor to define the reconstruction |
tomoRecon | Class to do tomography reconstruction |
workerCreateStruct | Structure that is used to create a worker task |