Re: [Ifeffit] Demeter deglitch problem

Dear Matt and Bruce
Thanks a lot for your help,
I noticed your suggestions, regarding the deglitch problem, I installed the
Demeter in another drive than in drive C.
Now it seems working well except some minor things, I can remove the
points from the data, the random point selection by software works better
for rebinned data. I think the only problem I have now is I still cannot
move the cursor after double click (I can only remove the points which the
software decides - at least now it choose the points where I double click).
When i move my mouse cursor on the plot, it shows the correct coordinates.
I have one clarifications, when u choose the option to deglitch the data
(rebinned or non rebinned data), does the x(E) data plot looks like in the
attached file (line) or it looks like sets of blue round points same size
as cursor.
I think, the issue is solved except that I cannot move the randomly chosen
Thanks a lot
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 5:10 PM,
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Fwd: Re: Demeter deglitch problem (Matt Newville) 2. Handling time resolved data (Ditty Dixon)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2013 13:20:05 -0600 From: Matt Newville
To: XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit , Sathish Mayanna Subject: Re: [Ifeffit] Fwd: Re: Demeter deglitch problem Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Sathish, Bruce,
On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Bruce Ravel
wrote: Sathish,
I'm sorry, Sathish, but I simply don't see this behavior, on any of the computers I have tried.
I have no trouble putting the cursor on the point in question. It can be a little tricky getting the cursor on, for example, one of the points from 6750 to 6770. That is because of the details of the algorithm that tries to find the actual data point that is closest to whatever point was clicked on. For a data point that is not a distant outlier, pretty good aim is required.
That said, the two points near 6864 are distant outliers. Hitting one and not the other might be hard, but hitting one of them is easy.
I am not disputing that you are having trouble. I am just saying that given the data you sent and the explanation you gave, I cannot reproduce the behavior, so I don't know what I can do to help.
I made what I thought were two concrete suggestions / observations to Satish, a) I do not see k space data, and think you probably shouldn't either. b) If you just move the mouse around on the plot window, do you see the correct coordinates?
I am sure Satish read Bruce's instructions on reporting bugs, but it would have been polite if he had followed them. He did not answer the questions designed to help diagnose the problem. He did not respond not to the list, but directly to Bruce. In fact, he asked Bruce if anyone else had seen the problem!
Satish, it would be very much appreciated if this conversation remained on the mailing list. If a problem happens for you, it is possible that it will happen (or has happened) for someone else. You'll get much better help and be helping others if you use the mailing list.
Message: 2 Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2013 15:00:11 +0100 From: Ditty Dixon
To: Subject: [Ifeffit] Handling time resolved data Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Dear Bruce,
Recenetly we did some time resolved measurements, QEXAFS mode. While the old Athena arranged the file as we want i.e file 1, 2, 3 etc, the new did it bit different 1, 11 12 and again 2, 21 etc. Screenshot attached. Why is it doing diffrently for the two version? Can it be fixed some how.
Thank you,
-- Ditty Dixon, Anorganische Chemie Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Kaiserstr 12 Karlsruhe, Germany Ph no: 004972160848093

Hi Sathish,
On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 2:35 PM, Sathish Mayanna
Dear Matt and Bruce
Thanks a lot for your help,
I noticed your suggestions, regarding the deglitch problem, I installed the Demeter in another drive than in drive C.
Now it seems working well except some minor things, I can remove the points from the data, the random point selection by software works better for rebinned data. I think the only problem I have now is I still cannot move the cursor after double click (I can only remove the points which the software decides - at least now it choose the points where I double click). When i move my mouse cursor on the plot, it shows the correct coordinates.
I'm still a bit confused about whether this actually working for you. The data you sent has fairly large arrays (>2400 points), but all the data was well-ordered in energy... I think that should "just work", without needing re-binning. And it does for me, and I don't see how re-binning would affect this. I think it's always been the case that you double-click near the point to be removed, and hope that Athena does select the one you intended.
I have one clarifications, when u choose the option to deglitch the data (rebinned or non rebinned data), does the x(E) data plot looks like in the attached file (line) or it looks like sets of blue round points same size as cursor.
For me, it looks very much like the image you attached. I do not see a series of dots.
I think, the issue is solved except that I cannot move the randomly chosen point.
Why can't you remove the point chosen? That seems like it's not working to me. Wasn't that the problem you were having? Again, it may be that I'm not understanding. Cheers, --Matt
participants (2)
Matt Newville
Sathish Mayanna