Hi all, I'm trying to do a preliminary fit to the first shell of an amorphous material, using a histogram generated from diffraction data. I've been using a script similar to the one given here: http://bruceravel.github.com/demeter/dpg/examples/histo.html When I run my script, it creates an SS path for each histogram bin and then performs the fit, as expected. However, if I then query the fit object for a summary, I get a list of fitted values back. My question is, what is the meaning of these values? Do they refer to the fit as a whole, or individual paths within the fit? For instance, is the "delR" value the one which, when applied uniformly to all of the paths generated, produces the best fit? Or is it merely the value calculated for the last-used path (presumably the one corresponding to last bin in the histogram), which may be different for the second-to-last path or for the first path? I'm also a bit confused as to how the "amp" variable (line 30 in the script from the link given above) comes into play. Is the reported value a single multiplicative factor which is applied to the histogram-generated amplitudes of all the paths, or is there a separate "amp" for each path, with only the one corresponding to the last-accessed path being reported? I've tried looking through the Demeter source to get the answers, but given my limited knowledge of Perl, my search is proving less than conclusive. Any explanations you could give would be greatly appreciated. -Walter