Hello Bruce, thank you for your constant efforts on improving this great analysis software. I just want to report a few observations on the new versions of Athena and Artemis. I use Windows 2000, Ifeffit + Update 014. - The file http://cars9.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/updates/update.dat still indicates an update level of 012. As discussed before it is easy to update the windows version by downloading the updater zip-files and extract them to the program folder. - The csv-file exported from Athena as two extra commas in the title lines so that title and data is misaligned. - When exporting data from Artemis choosing "Save selected group as" the x-value column is only exported if the original dataset is also selected. - I was often not able to export data via File | Save Data/Fit/Residual As | chi(k) (Artemis message below). I figured out, that it works when the group of the original chi-data is selected in the Data & Paths-window, but not when Fit or Residual is chosen. Another bug: if one of the FEFF-paths is selected while exporting via "Save data as" then the values of the original chi-data will be exported, but the filename and header will reflect the chosen path. I was initially trying to export some FEFF-paths using this method and was quite confused that they all look the same :). A tip that I can give to other users: it something seems to be wrong with the exported data, it is always possible to extract the correct data by saving the project to disc and opening it with an unzip program. Cheers, Gerrit Artemis message: Ifeffit checked for updates recently. Tk::Error: Can't call method "param_summary" on unblessed reference at script/ar temis line 7878. [\&main::save_data,fit,k] (menu invoke) main::__ANON__('Tk::Error: Can\'t call method "param_summary" on unbless ed refer...') called at blib\lib\Tk.pm (autosplit into blib\lib\auto\Tk\Error.al ) line 402 Tk::Error('MainWindow=HASH(0x219c69fc)', 'Can\'t call method "param_summ ary" on unblessed reference at scr...', '[\&main::save_data,fit,k]', '(menu invo ke)') called at Tk.pm line 340 eval {...} called at Tk.pm line 340 Tk::MainLoop() called at script/artemis line 1798 require main called at ../blib/lib/PAR.pm line 260 PAR::_run_member('Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember=HASH(0x11c0104)', 1) calle d at script/main.pl line 4 require main called at ../blib/lib/PAR.pm line 260 PAR::_run_member('Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember=HASH(0x11c0254)') called a t ../blib/lib/PAR.pm line 226 PAR::import('PAR') called at -e line 824 __par_pl::BEGIN() called at script/artemis line 0 eval {...} called at script/artemis line 0