CS> By the way, I really like the horae_install script. I am not an
CS> expert in shell scripting but if I can help keeping it working, I
CS> would be happy to.
Glad it worked out for you.
It currently works by my making sure to symlink "horae-latest.tar.gz"
to whatever the latest version of the tarball is and by making sure to
extract the HORAE file from the tar ball and place it, too, on the
server. I am a little worried about my actually remembering to do the
things each time!
Attached is an improvement (even though I said I wasn't going to work
on it -- I get obsessed and can't really help myself ;-) It uses wget
to fetch a listing of the directory where the tarballs live and
determines the most recent version to download. That seems easier for
The script is highly dependent on wget. That could be a problem on
non-linux unix machines. One obvious improvement would be to allow
using some other program to grab the file. Another possibility would
be to write a similar script in perl or python so you could build a
web client right into the script.
Let me know if this works for you and I'll post it on the web site.
# This file will attempt to download the Horae tarball
# and then build it for a linux system. This was cribbed
# from Matt Newville's PGPLOT_install script
# syntax: HORAE_install
# This may need customization for some systems
# verified on: linux
# set horae file locales
if [ ! -f $wget ] ; then
echo "This script requires wget for downloading the horae package"
echo "you can grab the source code tarball for wget from"
echo " ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/wget/"
exit 1
# # get command line options
# for opt
# do
# option=''
# case "$opt" in
# -*=*)
# optarg=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'`
# option=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/=.*//' | sed 's/-*//'`
# ;;
# *)
# option=`echo "$opt" | sed 's/^-*//'`
# optarg=
# ;;
# esac
# case "$option" in
# prefix) prefix=$optarg ;;
# system) system=$optarg ;;
# no-clean) do_clean=0 ;;
# no-log) do_log=0 ;;
# with-png) with_png=1 ;;
# with-gif) with_gif=1 ;;
# no-png) with_png=0 ;;
# no-gif) with_gif=0 ;;
# -help | --help | help) cat< $logfile
echo " " >> $logfile
## determine most recent version of the horae tarball
## this will download a directory listing of the packages directory on
## the web site
wget -r -l1 $horae_url$horae_dir -A.dummy
## this will extract a list of all the files that have the word
## "horae" in the filename. The arguments to cut extract the tarball
## from a line of html
horae_list=`grep horae $horae_index | cut -d '"' -f 6 | sort`
## clean up a bit...
rm -rf $horae_site
## the list should be sorted in a way that the most recent version of
## the horae tarball comes last (except for -latest, which may still
## be hanging around the server
for f in $horae_list; do
if [ "$f" != 'horae-latest.tar.gz' ]; then
## strip the .tar.gz from the tarball filename. this gives the name
## of the directory that te kit is unpacked to
kit_dir=`echo $current | cut -d '.' -f 1`
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "wget -r -l1 $horae_url$horae_dir -A.dummy" >> $logfile
echo "grep horae $horae_index | cut -d '\"' -f 6 | sort" >> $logfile
echo "rm -rf $horae_site" >> $logfile
echo "kit_dir=`echo $current | cut -d '.' -f 1`" >> $logfile
echo " = fetching $kit_dir from $current" >> $logfile
echo " "
echo " = fetching $kit_dir from $current"
echo " "
## fetch the current tarball using wget
echo " = Looking for HORAE file: $horae_file"
if [ -f $current ] ; then
echo " = HORAE file not found "
echo " = I'll try to download it for you using wget..."
wget --tries=10 $tmp
## here it would perhaps be nice to have some fallbacks... although,
## wget was essential earlier, so one would need fallbacks earlier as
## well...
## if we still don't have the file, croak
if [ -f $current_file ]; then
echo " = I see the current HORAE archive file. Good."
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo " = I see the current HORAE archive file. Good." >> $logfile
echo " = Sorry, I couldn't download the HORAE tar file."
echo " = You'll have to download it yourself"
echo " = from $horae_url$horae_dir"
echo " = then run this script again"
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo " = Sorry, I couldn't download the HORAE tar file." >> $logfile
echo " = You'll have to download it yourself" >> $logfile
echo " = from $horae_url$horae_dir" >> $logfile
echo " = then run this script again" >> $logfile
exit 1
## unpack kit
echo " = Unpacking HORAE: "
gzip -dc $current | tar xvf -
echo " = Running HORAE's Makefile.PL script "
cd "$kit_dir"
perl Makefile.PL
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "gzip -dc $current_file | tar xvf -" >> $logfile
echo "cd $kit_dir/ " >> $logfile
echo "perl Makefile.PL " >> $logfile
echo " = Running make "
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "make " >> $logfile
if [ "$who" = "root" ] ; then
make install
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo "make install" >> $logfile
echo " "
echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
echo " = You need to become root to install Athena and Artemis."
echo " = When you become root, issue this command:"
echo " = make install"
echo " = in this directory."
if [ $do_log -eq 1 ] ; then
echo " " >> $logfile
echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = " >> $logfile
echo " = You need to become root to install Athena and Artemis." >> $logfile
echo " = When you become root, issue this command:" >> $logfile
echo " = make install" >> $logfile
echo " = in this directory." >> $logfile
echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
echo " "
echo " = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = "
echo " "
# done
Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- ravel@phys.washington.edu
Code 6134, Building 3, Room 222
Naval Research Laboratory phone: (1) 202 767 5947
Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 1697
NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC)
Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b, X24c, U4b
National Synchrotron Light Source
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973
My homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel
EXAFS software: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/