Hi Chachi, Please try the _rc2.tar.gz -- one serious problem was found that you haven't gotten to yet! You won't need to reinstall PGPLOT, just ifeffit. I think you may need to do a couple things: 1. I've noticed some failures during Perl/Tk 'make test' procedure. You may need to override the "normal" CPAN installation, by going to the CPAN build directory and installing by hand (assuming root): cd /root/.cpan/build/Tk-804.027/ perl Makefile.PL make install 2. You may get stuck during the horae build with a complaint about Chemistry::Elements. Doing this seems to fix the problem: cd horae-0.65 perl Makefile.PL make (proceeds, but eventually fails) rm -f 0CPAN/Chemistry-Elements-1.01/pm_to_blib make make install Hope that helps, --Matt