Technique Availability at GSECARS (Sector 13) for Run 2012-3 (General User Proposal Deadline July 13, 2012) GSECARS is in the final stages of upgrading the undulator port to a canted geometry with two independent undulators serving two independent beamlines; 13ID-C/D and 13ID-E. Both new undulators and the canted beam front-end have been installed and the 13ID-C/D beamline is fully operational. All beamline components for the 13ID-E beamline are installed except for the monochromator which is expected to be delivered and installed during the September 2012 maintenance period. The table below summarizes our beam time scheduling plans for the 2012-3 operations cycle (Oct. - Dec. 2012; proposal deadline July 13, 2012). All undulator and bending magnet stations will run in normal operations (i.e., General User proposals accepted through the APS web-based system) with the exception of 13ID-E. For 13ID-E, we expect the beamline to be fully assembled at the beginning of the cycle and will devote a substantial portion of the cycle to commissioning activities. We anticipate running some first experiments toward the end of the cycle but will not be scheduling those through the APS General User program. If you're interested in getting some of this early experiment time, send an email to Steve Sutton, Matt Newville or Tony Lanzirotti. Techniques 2012-3 Operations Undulator Stations 13-ID-C, Surface/Interface Scattering Normal Operations 13-ID-D, Laser Heated DAC, 1000-ton Press Normal Operations 13-ID-E, X-ray Microprobe Commissioning and First Experiments Bending Magnet Stations 13-BM-C, Surface/Interface Scattering, Microtomography Normal Operations 13-BM-D, DAC, Brillouin, 250-ton Press, Microtomography, X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (bulk/microbeam) Normal Operations Sincerely, Mark Rivers and Steve Sutton, Project Managers