Advanced Topic with Python Channel Access

This chapter contains a variety of “usage notes” and implementation details that may help in getting the best performance from the pyepics module.

The wait and timeout options for get(), ca.get_complete()

The get functions, epics.caget(), pv.get() and all ask for data to be transferred over the network. For large data arrays or slow networks, this can can take a noticeable amount of time. For PVs that have been disconnected, the get call will fail to return a value at all. For this reason, these functions all take a timeout keyword option. The lowest level also has a wait option, and a companion function This section describes the details of these.

If you’re using epics.caget() or pv.get() you can supply a timeout value. If the value returned is None, then either the PV has truly disconnected or the timeout passed before receiving the value. If the get is incomplete, in that the PV is connected but the data has simply not been received yet, a subsequent epics.caget() or pv.get() will eventually complete and receive the value. That is, if a PV for a large waveform record reports that it is connected, but a pv.get() returns None, simply trying again later will probably work:

>>> p = epics.PV('LargeWaveform')
>>> val = p.get()
>>> val
>>> time.sleep(10)
>>> val = p.get()

At the lowest level (which pv.get() and epics.caget() use), issues a get-request with an internal callback function. That is, it calls the CA library function libca.ca_array_get_callback() with a pre-defined callback function. With wait=True (the default), then waits up to the timeout or until the CA library calls the specified callback function. If the callback has been called, the value can then be converted and returned.

If the callback is not called in time or if wait=False is used but the PV is connected, the callback will be called eventually, and simply waiting (or using if is False) may be sufficient for the data to arrive. Under this condition, you can call, which will NOT issue a new request for data to be sent, but wait (for up to a timeout time) for the previous get request to complete. will return None if the timeout is exceeded or if there is not an “incomplete get” that it can wait to complete. Thus, you should use the return value from with care.

Note that pv.get() (and so epics.caget()) will normally rely on the PV value to be filled in automatically by monitor callbacks. If monitor callbacks are disabled (as is done for large arrays and can be turned off) or if the monitor hasn’t been called yet, pv.get() will check whether it should can or

If not specified, the timeout for (and all other get functions) will be set to:

timeout = 0.5 + log10(count)

Again, that’s the maximum time that will be waited, and if the data is received faster than that, the get will return as soon as it can.

Strategies for connecting to a large number of PVs

Occasionally, you may find that you need to quickly connect to a large number of PVs, say to write values to disk. The most straightforward way to do this, say:

import epics

pvnamelist = read_list_pvs()
pv_vals = {}
for name in pvnamelist:
    pv = epics.PV(name)
    pv_vals[name] = pv.get()

or even just:

values = [epics.caget(name) for name in pvnamelist]

does incur some performance penalty. To minimize the penalty, we need to understand its cause.

Creating a PV object (using any of pv.PV, or pv.get_pv(), or epics.caget()) will automatically use connection and event callbacks in an attempt to keep the PV alive and up-to-date during the seesion. Normally, this is an advantage, as you don’t need to explicitly deal with many aspects of Channel Access. But creating a PV does request some network traffic, and the PV will not be “fully connected” and ready to do a PV.get() until all the connection and event callbacks are established. In fact, PV.get() will not run until those connections are all established. This takes very close to 30 milliseconds for each PV. That is, for 1000 PVs, the above approach will take about 30 seconds.

The simplest remedy is to allow all those connections to happen in parallel and in the background by first creating all the PVs and then getting their values. That would look like:

# improve time to get multiple PVs:  Method 1
import epics

pvnamelist = read_list_pvs()
pvs = [epics.PV(name) for name in pvnamelist]
values = [p.get() for p in pvs]

Though it doesn’t look that different, this improves performance by a factor of 100, so that getting 1000 PV values will take around 0.4 seconds.

Can it be improved further? The answer is Yes, but at a price. For the discussion here, we’ll can the original version “Method 0” and the method of creating all the PVs then getting their values “Method 1”. With both of these approaches, the script has fully connected PV objects for all PVs named, so that subsequent use of these PVs will be very efficient.

But this can be made even faster by turning off any connection or event callbacks, avoiding PV objects altogether, and using the interface. This has been encapsulated into epics.caget_many() which can be used as:

# get multiple PVs as fast as possible:  Method 2
import epics
pvnamelist = read_list_pvs()
values = epics.caget_many(pvlist)

In tests using 1000 PVs that were all really connected, Method 2 will take about 0.25 seconds, compared to 0.4 seconds for Method 1 and 30 seconds for Method 0. To understand what epics.caget_many() is doing, a more complete version of this looks like this:

# epics.caget_many made explicit:  Method 3
from epics import ca

pvnamelist = read_list_pvs()

pvdata = {}
pvchids = []
# create, don't connect or create callbacks
for name in pvnamelist:
    chid = ca.create_channel(name, connect=False, auto_cb=False) # note 1

# connect
for chid in pvchids:

# request get, but do not wait for result
for chid in pvchids:
    ca.get(chid, wait=False)  # note 2

# now wait for get() to complete
for chid in pvchids:
    val = ca.get_complete(data[0])
    pvdata[] = val

The code here probably needs detailed explanation. As mentioned above, it uses the ca level, not PV objects. Second, the call to (Note 1) uses connect=False and auto_cb=False which mean to not wait for a connection before returning, and to not automatically assign a connection callback. Normally, these are not what you want, as you want a connected channel and to be informed if the connection state changes, but we’re aiming for maximum speed here. We then use to connect all the channels. Next (Note 2), we tell the CA library to request the data for the channel without waiting around to receive it. The main point of not having wait for the data for each channel as we go is that each data transfer takes time. Instead we request data to be sent in a separate thread for all channels without waiting. Then we do wait by calling once and only once, (not len(pvnamelist) times!). Finally, we use the method to convert the data that has now been received by the companion thread to a python value.

Method 2 and 3 have essentially the same runtime, which is somewhat faster than Method 1, and much faster than Method 0. Which method you should use depends on use case. In fact, the test shown here only gets the PV values once. If you’re writing a script to get 1000 PVs, write them to disk, and exit, then Method 2 (epics.caget_many()) may be exactly what you want. But if your script will get 1000 PVs and stay alive doing other work, or even if it runs a loop to get 1000 PVs and write them to disk once a minute, then Method 1 will actually be faster. That is doing epics.caget_many() in a loop, as with:

# caget_many() 10 times
import epics
import time
pvnamelist = read_list_pvs()
for i in range(10):
    values = epics.caget_many(pvlist)

will take around considerably longer than creating the PVs once and getting their values in a loop with:

# pv.get() 10 times
import epics
import time
pvnamelist = read_list_pvs()
pvs = [epics.PV(name) for name in pvnamelist]
for i in range(10):
    values = [p.get() for p in pvs]

In tests with 1000 PVs, looping with epics.caget_many() took about 1.5 seconds, while the version looping over PV.get() took about 0.5 seconds.

To be clear, it is connecting to Epics PVs that is expensive, not the retreiving of data from connected PVs. You can lower the connection expense by not retaining the connection or creating monitors on the PVs, but if you are going to re-use the PVs, that savings will be lost quickly. In short, use Method 1 over epics.caget_many() unless you’ve benchmarked your use-case and have demonstrated that epics.caget_many() is better for your needs.

time.sleep() or epics.poll()?

In order for a program to communicate with Epics devices, it needs to allow some time for this communication to happen. With set to True, this communication will be handled in a thread separate from the main Python thread. This means that CA events can happen at any time, and does not need to be called to explicitly allow for event processing.

Still, some time must be released from the main Python thread on occasion in order for events to be processed. The simplest way to do this is with time.sleep(), so that an event loop can simply be:

>>> while True:
>>>     time.sleep(0.001)

Unfortunately, the time.sleep() method is not a very high-resolution clock, with typical resolutions of 1 to 10 ms, depending on the system. Thus, even though events will be asynchronously generated and epics with pre-emptive callbacks does not require or to be run, better performance may be achieved with an event loop of:

>>> while True:
>>>     epics.poll(evt=1.e-5, iot=0.1)

as the loop will be run more often than using time.sleep().

Using Python Threads

An important feature of the PyEpics package is that it can be used with Python threads, as Epics 3.14 supports threads for client code. Even in the best of cases, working with threads can be somewhat tricky and lead to unexpected behavior, and the Channel Access library adds a small level of complication for using CA with Python threads. The result is that some precautions may be in order when using PyEpics and threads. This section discusses the strategies for using threads with PyEpics.

First, to use threads with Channel Access, you must have = True. This is the default value, but if has been set to False, threading will not work.

Second, if you are using PV objects and not making heavy use of the module (that is, not making and passing around chids), then the complications below are mostly hidden from you. If you’re writing threaded code, it’s probably a good idea to read this just to understand what the issues are.

Channel Access Contexts

The Channel Access library uses a concept of contexts for its own thread model, with contexts holding sets of threads as well as Channels and Process Variables. For non-threaded work, a process will use a single context that is initialized prior doing any real CA work (done in In a threaded application, each new thread begins with a new, uninitialized context that must be initialized or replaced. Thus each new python thread that will interact with CA must either explicitly create its own context with (and then, being a good citizen, destroy this context as the thread ends with or attach to an existing context.

The generally recommended approach is to use a single CA context throughout an entire process and have each thread attach to the first context created (probably from the main thread). This avoids many potential pitfalls (and crashes), and can be done fairly simply. It is the default mode when using PV objects.

The most explicit use of contexts is to put at the start of each function call as a thread target, and at the end of each thread. This will cause all the activity in that thread to be done in its own context. This works, but means more care is needed, and so is not the recommended.

The best way to attach to the initially created context is to call before any other CA calls in each function that will be called by Equivalently, you can add a withInitialContext() decorator to the function. Creating a PV object will implicitly do this for you, as long as it is your first CA action in the function. Each time you do a PV.get() or PV.put() (or a few other methods), it will also check that the initial context is being used.

Of course, this approach requires CA to be initialized already. Doing that in the main thread is highly recommended. If it happens in a child thread, that thread must exist for all CA work, so either the life of the process or with great care for processes that do only some CA calls. If you are writing a threaded application in which the first real CA calls are inside a child thread, it is recommended that you initialize CA in the main thread,

As a convenience, the CAThread in the module is is a very thin wrapper around the standard threading.Thread which adding a call of just before your threaded function is run. This allows your target functions to not explicitly set the context, but still ensures that the initial context is used in all functions.

How to work with CA and Threads

Summarizing the discussion above, to use threads you must use run in PREEMPTIVE_CALLBACK mode. Furthermore, it is recommended that you use a single context, and that you initialize CA in the main program thread so that your single CA context belongs to the main thread. Using PV objects exclusively makes this easy, but it can also be accomplished relatively easily using the lower-level ca interface. The options for using threads (in approximate order of reliability) are then:

1. use PV objects for threading work. This ensures you’re working in a single CA context.

2. use CAThread instead of Thread for threads that will use CA calls.

3. put at the top of all functions that might be a Thread target function, or decorate them with withInitialContext() decorator, @withInitialContext.

4. use at the top of all functions that are inside a new thread, and be sure to put at the end of the function.

5. ignore this advise and hope for the best. If you’re not creating new PVs and only reading values of PVs created in the main thread inside a child thread, you may not see a problems, at least not until you try to do something fancier.

Thread Examples

This is a simplified version of test code using Python threads. It is based on code originally from Friedrich Schotte, NIH, and included as in the tests directory of the source distribution.

In this example, we define a run_test procedure which will create PVs from a supplied list, and monitor these PVs, printing out the values when they change. Two threads are created and run concurrently, with overlapping PV lists, though one thread is run for a shorter time than the other.

import epics
import threading
import pvnames

def test_basic_thread():
    result = []
    def thread():
        pv = epics.get_pv(pvnames.double_pv)
    t = threading.Thread(target=thread)

    assert len(result) and result[0] is not None

def test_basic_cathread():
    result = []
    def thread():
        pv = epics.get_pv(pvnames.double_pv)
    t =

    assert len(result) and result[0] is not None

def test_attach_context():
    result = []
    def thread():
        pv = epics.get_pv(pvnames.double_pv2)
        assert pv.wait_for_connection()
        pv = epics.get_pv(pvnames.double_pv)
        assert pv.wait_for_connection()
    ctx =
    t = threading.Thread(target=thread)

    assert len(result) == 2 and result[0] is not None

def test_pv_from_main():
    result = []
    def thread():
    pv = epics.get_pv(pvnames.double_pv2)

    t =

    assert len(result) and result[0] is not None

In light of the long discussion above, a few remarks are in order: This code uses the standard Thread library and explicitly calls prior to any CA calls in the target function. Also note that the run_test() function is first called from the main thread, so that the initial CA context does belong to the main thread. Finally, the call in run_test() above could be replaced with, and run OK.

The output from this will look like:

First, create a PV in the main thread:
Run 2 Background Threads simultaneously:
-> thread "A" will run for 3.000 sec, monitoring ['Py:ao1', 'Py:ai1', 'Py:long1']
-> thread "B" will run for 6.000 sec, monitoring ['Py:ai1', 'Py:long1', 'Py:ao2']
   Py:ao1 = 8.3948 (A)
   Py:ai1 = 3.14 (B)
   Py:ai1 = 3.14 (A)
   Py:ao1 = 0.7404 (A)
   Py:ai1 = 4.07 (B)
   Py:ai1 = 4.07 (A)
   Py:long1 = 3 (B)
   Py:long1 = 3 (A)
   Py:ao1 = 13.0861 (A)
   Py:ai1 = 8.49 (B)
   Py:ai1 = 8.49 (A)
   Py:ao2 = 30 (B)
Completed Thread  A
   Py:ai1 = 9.42 (B)
   Py:ao2 = 30 (B)
   Py:long1 = 4 (B)
   Py:ai1 = 3.35 (B)
   Py:ao2 = 31 (B)
   Py:ai1 = 4.27 (B)
   Py:ao2 = 31 (B)
   Py:long1 = 5 (B)
   Py:ai1 = 8.20 (B)
   Py:ao2 = 31 (B)
Completed Thread  B

Note that while both threads A and B are running, a callback for the PV Py:ai1 is generated in each thread.

Note also that the callbacks for the PVs created in each thread are explicitly cleared with:

[p.clear_callbacks() for p in pvs]

Without this, the callbacks for thread A will persist even after the thread has completed!

Using Multiprocessing with PyEpics

An alternative to Python threads that has some very interesting and important features is to use multiple processes, as with the standard Python multiprocessing module. While using multiple processes has some advantages over threads, it also has important implications for use with PyEpics. The basic issue is that multiple processes need to be fully separate, and do not share global state. For epics Channel Access, this means that all those things like established communication channels, callbacks, and Channel Access context cannot easily be share between processes.

The solution is to use a CAProcess, which acts just like multiprocessing.Process, but knows how to separate contexts between processes. This means that you will have to create PV objects for each process (even if they point to the same PV).

class CAProcess(group=None, target=None, name=None, args=(), kwargs={})

a subclass of multiprocessing.Process that clears the global Channel Access context before running you target function in its own process.

class CAPool(processes=None, initializer=None, initargs=(), maxtasksperchild=None)

a subclass of multiprocessing.pool.Pool, creating a Pool of CAProcess instances.

A simple example of using multiprocessing successfully is given:

from __future__ import print_function
import epics
import time
import multiprocessing as mp
import threading

import pvnames
PVN1 = pvnames.double_pv # 'Py:ao2'
PVN2 = pvnames.double_pv2 # 'Py:ao3'

def subprocess(*args):
    print('==subprocess==', args)
    mypvs = [epics.get_pv(pvname) for pvname in args]

    for i in range(10):
        out = [(p.pvname, p.get(as_string=True)) for p in mypvs]
        out = ', '.join(["%s=%s" % o for o in out])
        print('==sub (%d): %s' % (i, out))

def test_mpprocess():
    def monitor(pvname=None, char_value=None, **kwargs):
        print('--main:monitor %s=%s' % (pvname, char_value))

    pv1 = epics.get_pv(PVN1)
    print('--main:init %s=%s' % (PVN1, pv1.get()))

        proc1 = epics.CAProcess(target=subprocess,
                                args=(PVN1, PVN2))
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        print('--main: killing subprocess')

    print('--main: subprocess complete')
    print('--main:final %s=%s' % (PVN1, pv1.get()))

here, the main process and the subprocess can each interact with the same PV, though they need to create a separate connection (here, using PV) in each process.

Note that different CAProcess instances can communicate via standard multiprocessing.Queue. At this writing, no testing has been done on using multiprocessing Managers.