


    ((Model(gaussian, prefix='g1_') + Model(gaussian, prefix='g2_')) + Model(exponential, prefix='exp_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 46.0000000
    # data points      = 250.000000
    # variables        = 8.00000000
    chi-square         = 1247.52821
    reduced chi-square = 5.15507524
    Akaike info crit   = 417.864631
    Bayesian info crit = 446.036318
    exp_amplitude:  99.0183282 +/- 0.53748735 (0.54%) (init = 162.2102)
    exp_decay:      90.9508861 +/- 1.10310509 (1.21%) (init = 93.24905)
    g1_amplitude:   4257.77318 +/- 42.3833640 (1.00%) (init = 2000)
    g1_center:      107.030954 +/- 0.15006784 (0.14%) (init = 105)
    g1_sigma:       16.6725753 +/- 0.16048161 (0.96%) (init = 15)
    g1_fwhm:        39.2609138 +/- 0.37790530 (0.96%) == '2.3548200*g1_sigma'
    g1_height:      101.880231 +/- 0.59217099 (0.58%) == '0.3989423*g1_amplitude/max(2.220446049250313e-16, g1_sigma)'
    g2_amplitude:   2493.41771 +/- 36.1694729 (1.45%) (init = 2000)
    g2_center:      153.270100 +/- 0.19466742 (0.13%) (init = 155)
    g2_sigma:       13.8069484 +/- 0.18679415 (1.35%) (init = 15)
    g2_fwhm:        32.5128783 +/- 0.43986659 (1.35%) == '2.3548200*g2_sigma'
    g2_height:      72.0455934 +/- 0.61722093 (0.86%) == '0.3989423*g2_amplitude/max(2.220446049250313e-16, g2_sigma)'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(g1_amplitude, g1_sigma)      =  0.824
    C(g2_amplitude, g2_sigma)      =  0.815
    C(exp_amplitude, exp_decay)    = -0.695
    C(g1_sigma, g2_center)         =  0.684
    C(g1_center, g2_amplitude)     = -0.669
    C(g1_center, g2_sigma)         = -0.652
    C(g1_amplitude, g2_center)     =  0.648
    C(g1_center, g2_center)        =  0.621
    C(g1_center, g1_sigma)         =  0.507
    C(exp_decay, g1_amplitude)     = -0.507
    C(g1_sigma, g2_amplitude)      = -0.491
    C(g2_center, g2_sigma)         = -0.489
    C(g1_sigma, g2_sigma)          = -0.483
    C(g2_amplitude, g2_center)     = -0.476
    C(exp_decay, g2_amplitude)     = -0.427
    C(g1_amplitude, g1_center)     =  0.418
    C(g1_amplitude, g2_sigma)      = -0.401
    C(g1_amplitude, g2_amplitude)  = -0.307
    C(exp_amplitude, g2_amplitude) =  0.282
    C(exp_decay, g1_sigma)         = -0.252
    C(exp_decay, g2_sigma)         = -0.233
    C(exp_amplitude, g2_sigma)     =  0.171
    C(exp_decay, g2_center)        = -0.151
    C(exp_amplitude, g1_amplitude) =  0.148
    C(exp_decay, g1_center)        =  0.105

import warnings
# <examples/>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

from lmfit.model import load_modelresult

dat = np.loadtxt('NIST_Gauss2.dat')
x = dat[:, 1]
y = dat[:, 0]

result = load_modelresult('nistgauss_modelresult.sav')

plt.plot(x, y, 'bo')
plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'r-')
# <end examples/>

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 0.078 seconds)

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