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NAME: MED::ADD_ROI PURPOSE: This function adds a new region-of-interest to each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->ADD_ROI, Roi, /ENERGY INPUTS: Roi: A structure of type MCA_ROI which defines the ROI to be added. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this keyword if the .LEFT and .RIGHT fields in the ROI are defined in energy rather than in channel numbers. This is very useful when defining ROIs when the calibration parameters for each MCA in the MED are not identical. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::ADD_ROI for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::ADD_ROI. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::COPY_ROIS PURPOSE: This procedure copies the ROIs defined for one MCA in the MED to all of the other MCAs. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->COPY_ROIS, Detector, /ENERGY INPUTS: Detector: The number of the detector (MCA) from which the ROIs are to be copied. This number ranges from 1 to self.n_detectors. The default is detector 1. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this keyword if the ROIs should be copied by their position in energy rather than in channels. This is very useful when copying ROIs when the calibration parameters for each MCA in the MED are not identical. PROCEDURE: This function invokes MCA::GET_ROIS on the specified detector and then MED::SET_ROIS. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_ROIS. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::DEL_ROI PURPOSE: This function deletes a region-of-interest from each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->DEL_ROI, Index INPUTS: Index: The index of the ROI to delete in the range 0 to self.MAX_ROIS-1 PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::DEL_ROI for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::DEL_ROI. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::FINAL_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure does a final energy calibration for each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->FINAL_CALIBRATION, Peaks INPUTS: Peaks: An array of structures of type MCA_PEAKS containing the information on the peaks to be fit. This array is typically read from a disk file with function READ_PEAKS(). PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::FINAL_CALIBRATION for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::FINAL_CALIBRATION. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This function returns the calibration parameters for the MED. The calibration information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_CALIBRATION. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_CALIBRATION() OUTPUTS: This function returns an array of structures of type MCA_CALIBRATION. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_CALIBRATION for each MCA in the MED and stores the results in the returned array. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_CALIBRATION(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_DATA PURPOSE: This function returns the data from the each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_DATA(/TOTAL, /ALIGN) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TOTAL: Set this keyword to return the sum of the spectra from all of the MCAs. ALIGN: Set this keyword to return spectra which have been shifted and and stretched to match the energy calibration parameters of the first detector. This permits doing arithmetic on a "channel-by-channel" basis. This keyword can be used alone or together with the TOTAL keyword, in which case the data are aligned before summing. OUTPUTS: By default this function returns a long 2-D array of counts dimensioned [self.nchans, self.n_detectors] If the TOTAL keyword is set then the function returns a long 1-D array dimensioned [self.nchans]. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_DATA for each MCA in the MED and stores the results in the returned array. If the ALIGN keyword is specified then all spectra except the first are shifted and stretched using IDL's POLY_2D procedure to match the energy calibration parameters of the first detector. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_DATA(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998 Mark Rivers Nov. 24, 1998. Added MIN_SLOPE to prevent divide by 0
NAME: MED::GET_ELAPSED PURPOSE: This function returns the elapsed parameters for the MED. The elapsed information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ELAPSED. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_ELAPSED() OUTPUTS: This function returns an array of structures of type MCA_ELAPSED. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_ELAPSED for each MCA in the MED and stores the results in the returned array. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ELAPSED(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_ENERGY PURPOSE: This function returns a 2-D array containing the energy scale for each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_ENERGY() OUTPUTS: This function returns a 2-D float array, dimensioned [self.nchans, self.n_detectors] PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_ENERGY for each MCA in the MED and stores the results in the returned array. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ENERGY(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 27, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_MCA_OBJECTS PURPOSE: This function returns the object pointers to the MCA objects in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_MCA_OBJECTS() OUTPUTS: This function returns an array of object pointers to the MCA objects in the MED. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 27, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_PRESETS PURPOSE: This function returns the preset parameters for each MCA in the MED. The preset information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_PRESETS. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_PRESETS() PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_PRESETS for each MCA in the MED and stores the output in the returned array. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_PRESETS(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_ROIS PURPOSE: This function returns the region-of-interest information for each MCA in the MED. The ROI information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ROI. Additional information about the number of ROIs defined for each MCA is returned in an array of structures of type MCA_ROI_INFO. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_ROIS(Roi_Info, /ENERGY) OUTPUTS: This function returns a 2-D array of structures of type MCA_ROI. The dimensions of this array are [self.n_detectors, self.MAX_ROIS]. Roi_Info: This optional output is an array of structures of type MCA_ROI_INFO which contains information on the number of rois defined for each MCA. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_ROIS for each MCA in the MED and stores the results in the returned arrays. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ROIS(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_ROI_COUNTS PURPOSE: This procedures returns the net and total counts for each ROI in each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->GET_ROI_COUNTS, Total, Net OUTPUTS: Total: A 2-D array dimensioned [self.MAX_ROIS, self.n_detectors] containing the total counts in each ROI for each MCA. Net: A 2-D array dimensioned [self.MAX_ROIS, self.n_detectors] containing the net counts in each ROI for each MCA. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_ROI_COUNTS for each MCA in the MED and stores the results in the returned arrays. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ROI_COUNTS(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::GET_SEQUENCE PURPOSE: This function returns the current sequence number for each MCA in the MED. Sequences are used for time resolved spectroscopy, and refer to different regions of MCA memory for data acquistion and readout. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = med->GET_SEQUENCE() OUTPUTS: This function returns a long array containing the current sequence number of each MCA in the MED. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::GET_SEQUENCE for each MCA in the MED and stores the result in the returned array. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_SEQUENCE. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::INIT PURPOSE: This is the initialization code which is invoked when a new object of type MED is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('MED', N_detectors) INPUTS: N_detectors: The number of detectors (MCA objects) in this MED. The default is 13. OUTPUTS: This function always returns a 1 to indicate that it succeeded. RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class MED by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: med = obj_new('MED', 15) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::INITIAL_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure does an initial energy calibration for each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->INITIAL_CALIBRATION, Energy INPUTS: Energy: The energy of the largest peak in the spectrum. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::INITIAL_CALIBRATION for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::INITIAL_CALIBRATION. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998 04-APR-2000 MLR Read data before doing calibration
NAME: MED::READ_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure reads a disk file into an MED object. The file format is a tagged ASCII format. The file contains the information from the MED object which it makes sense to store permanently, but does not contain all of the internal state information for the MCA. This procedure reads files written with MED::WRITE_FILE. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->READ_FILE, File INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to read. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: med = obj_new('MED') med->read_file, 'med.001' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 29, 1998 28-SEP-1998 MLR Made common MCA_READ_FILE routine called by MED::READ_FILE and MCA::READ_FILE 18-NOV-1998 MLR Added Environment to MCA_READ_FILE call 24-NOV-1998 MLR Corrected logic when med has fewer detectors than the data file has. 21-SEP-2001 MLR Added set_name for each mca.
NAME: MED::SET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure sets the calibration parameters for the MED. The calibration information is contained in a structure or an array of structures of type MCA_CALIBRATION. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->SET_CALIBRATION, Calibration INPUTS: Calibration: A single structure or an array of structures of type MCA_CALIBRATION containing the calibration parameters for each MCA. If a single structure is passed then this is written to each MCA. If an array of structures is passed then Calibration[i] is written to MCA[i]. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::SET_CALIBRATION for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_CALIBRATION. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::SET_DATA PURPOSE: This procedure writes data to each MCA in the MED CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->SET_DATA, Data INPUTS: Data: Data to be written. Dimensions are either [NCHANS], in which case the same data are written to each detector, or [NCHANS, NDETECTORS], in which case Data[*,i] is written to detector i. PROCEDURE: This procedure simply invokes MCA::SET_DATA for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_DATA(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Nov. 16, 2003
NAME: MED::SET_ELAPSED PURPOSE: This procedure set the elapsed parameters for the MED. The elapsed information is contained in a structure or an array of structures of type MCA_ELAPSED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->SET_ELAPSED(), Elapsed INPUTS: Elapsed: A single structure or an array of structures of type MCA_ELAPSED containing the elapsed parameters for each MCA. If a single structure is passed then this is written to each MCA. If an array of structures is passed then Elapsed[i] is written to MCA[i]. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::SET_ELAPSED for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_ELAPSED(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED::SET_PRESETS PURPOSE: This procedure sets the preset parameters for each MCA in the MED. The preset information is contained in a structure or array of structure of type MCA_PRESETS. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->SET_PRESETS, Presets INPUTS: Presets: A single structure or an array of structures of type MCA_PRESETS containing the preset parameters for each MCA. If a single structure is passed then this is written to each MCA. If an array of structures is passed then Presets[i] is written to MCA[i]. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::SET_PRESETS for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_PRESETS. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 28, 1998
NAME: MED::SET_ROIS PURPOSE: This procedure sets the region-of-interest information for each MCA in the MED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->SET_ROIS, Rois, /ENERGY INPUTS: Rois: A 1-D or 2-D array of structures of type MCA_ROI. If Rois is a 1-D array then the same ROIs are written to each MCA in the MED. If Rois is a 2-D array then Rois[*,i] is written to detector i. If this input parameter is missing or not defined then all ROIs in each MCA are cleared. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this keyword if the .LEFT and .RIGHT fields in each ROI are defined in energy rather than in channel numbers. This is very useful when defining ROIs when the calibration parameters for each MCA in the MED are not identical. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::SET_ROIS for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_ROIS. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998 18-NOV-1998 MLR Added support for Rois being 1-D or 2-D
NAME: MED::SET_SEQUENCE PURPOSE: This procedure sets the current sequence number for each MCA in the MED. Sequences are used for time resolved spectroscopy, and refer to different regions of MCA memory for data acquistion and readout. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: med->SET_SEQUENCE, Sequence INPUTS: Sequence: A scalar or array of sequence numbers. If a single sequence number is passed then this is written to each MCA. If an array of sequences is passed then Sequence[i] is written to MCA[i]. PROCEDURE: This function simply invokes MCA::SET_SEQUENCE for each MCA in the MED. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_SEQUENCE. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MED__DEFINE PURPOSE: This is the definition code which is invoked when a new object of type MED is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function, CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('MED', N_detectors) INPUTS: N_detectors: The number of detectors (MCA objects) in this MED. The default is 13. OUTPUTS: None (but see MED::INIT) RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class MED by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: med = obj_new('MED', 15) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998