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NAME: MCA::ADD_ROI PURPOSE: This procedure adds a new region-of-interest to the MCA. If the maximum number of ROIs has been exceeded then this routine returns -1 else it returns 0. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: status = mca->ADD_ROI(roi) INPUTS: Roi: A structure of type MCA_ROI. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this flag to indicate that the .left and .right fields of Roi are in units of energy rather than channel number. FUNCTION RETURNS: 0 if the ROI was added successfully, -1 if there are too many ROIs. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' roi = {MCA_ROI} roi.left = 500 roi.right = 600 roi.label = 'Fe Ka' mca->ADD_ROI, roi MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 23-Mar-1998 Mark Rivers, changed the input to be an MCA_ROI structure from left, right, label, bgd_width 11-Sep-1998 Mark Rivers. Added ENERGY keyword
NAME: MCA::BACKGROUND_INITIALIZE PURPOSE: This procedure initializes a structure of type {MCA_BACKGROUND}. It is typically called before calling FIT_BACKGROUND CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->BACKGROUND_INITIALIZE() OUTPUT: This function returns a structure of type {MCA_BACKGROUND} with a number of fields initialized to appropriate values. PROCEDURE: This function initializes the fields in the {MCA_BACKGROUND} structure as follows: .exponent = 2 .top_width = 0. .bottom_width = 4. .tangent = 0 .compress = 4 These are reasonable default values for fitting x-ray spectra collected with Si(Li) or Ge detectors. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' fit = mca->BACKGROUND_INITIALIZE() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, November 1, 1998
NAME: MCA::CHAN_TO_D PURPOSE: This function converts channels to "d-spacing" using the current calibration values for the MCA. This routine can convert a single channel number or an array of channel numbers. Users are strongly encouraged to use this function rather than implement the conversion calculation themselves, since it will be updated if additional calibration parameters are added. This routine is useful for energy dispersive diffraction experiments. It uses both the energy calibration parameters and the "two-theta" calibration parameter. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->CHAN_TO_D(Channels) INPUTS: Channels: The channel numbers to be converted to "d-spacing". This can be a single number or an array of channel numbers. OUTPUTS: This function returns the equivalent "d-spacing" for the input channels. The output units are in Angstroms. RESTRICTIONS: This function assumes that the units of the energy calibration are keV and that the units of "two-theta" are degrees. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' channels = findgen(mca->GET_NCHANS()) ; All channel numbers d = mca->CHAN_TO_D(channels) ; Get the "d-spacing" of these MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::CHAN_TO_ENERGY PURPOSE: This function converts channels to energy using the current calibration values for the MCA. This routine can convert a single channel number or an array of channel numbers. Users are strongly encouraged to use this function rather than implement the conversion calculation themselves, since it will be updated if additional calibration parameters (cubic, etc.) are added. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->CHAN_TO_ENERGY(Channels) INPUTS: Channels: The channel numbers to be converted to energy. This can be a single number or an array of channel numbers. OUTPUTS: This function returns the equivalent energy for the input channels. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' channels = findgen(mca->GET_NCHANS()) ; All channel numbers energy = mca->CHAN_TO_ENERGY(channels) ; Get the energy of these MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::COPY PURPOSE: This functions returns a copy of the MCA object. CATEGORY: MCA object library CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->COPY() PROCEDURE: This function simply makes a copy of the MCA object and returns it. It would be nice if IDL had a universal way to make a copy of an object, preserving all of the data in that object, but there is currently no such functionality in IDL. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' new = mca->COPY() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::DEL_ROI PURPOSE: This procedure deletes the specified region-of-interest from the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->DEL_ROI, index INPUTS: Index: The index of the ROI to be deleted, range 0 to nrois-1 OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' mca->DEL_ROI, 2 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 23-Mar-1998: Mark Rivers, changed routine to use ROI index, rather than left and right channel numbers. Function MCA::FIND_ROI is typically used to find the index number before calling this routine.
NAME: MCA::D_TO_CHAN PURPOSE: This function converts "d-spacing" to channels using the current calibration values for the MCA. This routine can convert a single "d-spacing" or an array of "d-spacings". Users are strongly encouraged to use this function rather than implement the conversion calculation themselves, since it will be updated if additional calibration parameters are added. This routine is useful for energy dispersive diffraction experiments. It uses both the energy calibration parameters and the "two-theta" calibration parameter. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->D_TO_CHAN(D_spacing) INPUTS: D_spacing: The "d-spacing" values to be converted to channels. This can be a single number or an array of values. OUTPUTS: This function returns the closest equivalent channel for the input "d-spacing". Note that it does not generate an error if the channel number is outside the range 0 to (nchans-1), which will happen if the "d-spacing" is outside the range for the calibration values of the MCA. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' channel = mca->D_TO_CHAN(1.598) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::ENERGY_TO_CHAN PURPOSE: This function converts energy to channels using the current calibration values for the MCA. This routine can convert a single energy or an array of energy values. Users are strongly encouraged to use this function rather than implement the conversion calculation themselves, since it will be updated if additional calibration parameters are added. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->ENERGY_TO_CHAN(Energy) INPUTS: Energy: The energy values to be converted to channels. This can be a single number or an array of energy values. OUTPUTS: This function returns the closest equivalent channel for the input energy. Note that it does not generate an error if the channel number is outside the range 0 to (nchans-1), which will happen if the energy is outside the range for the calibration values of the MCA. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' channel = mca->ENERGY_TO_CHAN(5.985) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 Mark Rivers, November 4, 1997 Fixed bug when converting an array of energies with non-linear calibration coefficients Mark Rivers, February 20, 2000 Fixed bug in choosing the correct root returned by fz_roots
NAME: MCA::FINAL_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure performs a final fine energy calibration of the MCA, setting both the offset and slope parameters. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->FINAL_CALIBRATION, Peaks INPUTS: Peaks: The array of MCA_PEAKS structures to be used by MCA::FIT_PEAKS. OUTPUTS: None: PROCEDURE: This routine does the following: 1) Fits the background 2) Fits the peaks, determining the best-fit energy offset and slope. 3) Sets the offset and slope of the energy calibration to the values from the fit EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' peaks = read_peaks('calib.pks') mca->FINAL_CALIBRATION, peaks MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 15, 1998
NAME: MCA::FIND_ROI PURPOSE: This procedure finds the index number of the ROI with a specified left and right channel number. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: index = mca->FIND_ROI(Left, Right) INPUTS: Left: Left channel number of this ROI Right: Right channel number of this ROI KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this flag to indicate that Left and Right are in units of energy rather than channel number. FUNCTION RETURNS: Index of the specified ROI, -1 if the ROI was not found. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' index = mca->FIND_ROI(left, right) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, March 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::FIT_BACKGROUND PURPOSE: This function fits the background to the MCA spectrum. CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->FIT_BACKGROUND() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: All keywords accepted by the FIT_BACKGROUND function. OUTPUTS: This function returns an MCA object which is identical to the calling object, except that the data have been replaced by the background fit. PROCEDURE: This routine provides a convenient interface to the FIT_BACKGROUND function. The function extracts the data and calibration slope from the input MCA object, and passes them to FIT_BACKGROUND(). It creates a new MCA object using MCA::COPY() and stores the output of FIT_BACKGROUND() in this new object with MCA::SET_DATA. It then returns this new MCA object as the function return value. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' bgd = mca->FIT_BACKGROUND(bottom=6, exponent=4) mca->plot bgd->oplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::FIT_INITIALIZE PURPOSE: This procedure initializes a structure of type {MCA_FIT}. It is typically called before calling FIT_PEAKS CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->FIT_INTIIALIZE() OUTPUT: This function returns a structure of type {MCA_FIT} with a number of fields initialized to appropriate values. PROCEDURE: This function initializes the fields in the {MCA_FIT} structure as follows: .first_chan = 0 .last_chan = self.nchans-1 .nchans = self.nchans .initial_energy_offset = self.calibration.offset .initial_energy_slope = self.calibration.slope .energy_flag = 1 .fwhm_flag = 1 .initial_fwhm_offset = .15 ; 150 eV constant .initial_fwhm_slope = 0. .chi_exp = 0. .max_iter = 20 .tolerance = 1.e-4 .debug = 0 These are reasonable default values for fitting x-ray spectra collected with Si(Li) or Ge detectors. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' fit = mca->FIT_INITIALIZE() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::FIT_PEAKS PURPOSE: This function fits the peaks in the MCA spectrum. It provides a convenient interface to the FIT_PEAKS function. CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->FIT_PEAKS(Peaks) INPUTS: Peaks: An array of structures of type {MCA_PEAKS}. See FIT_PEAKS and READ_PEAKS for more information. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FIT: A structure of type {MCA_FIT} which can be used to control the peak fitting. If this keyword is omitted then the Fit structure is created with mca->FIT_INITIALIZE() BACKGROUND: An MCA object containing the fitted background. If this keyword is omitted then this function will call mca->FIT_BACKGROUND before calling FIT_PEAKS. OUTPUT: The name of an output file to receive the ASCII printout of the fit results. This keyword is simply passed to MCA::FIT_PEAKS_REPORT. SPREADSHEET: The name of an output file to receive the ASCII output of the fit results in spreadsheet format. This keyword is simply passed to MCA::FIT_PEAKS_REPORT. APPEND: Flag indicating whether the output and spreadsheet files should be appended to or overwritten. This keyword is simply passed to MCA::FIT_PEAKS_REPORT. In addition to these keywords, all keywords accepted by the FIT_BACKGROUND function are accepted if the Background keyword is not present, i.e. if this function will be calling FIT_BACKGROUND(). OUTPUTS: This function returns an MCA object which is identical to the calling object, except that the data have been replaced by the peak fit. PROCEDURE: The function does the following: - Creates the Fit structure with mca->FIT_INITIALIZE() if Fit was not passed as a keyword parameter. - Fits the background using MCA::FIT_BACKGROUND if Background was not passed as a keyword parameter. - Extracts the data from the input spectrum and the background spectrum. - Calls the FIT_PEAKS function with the background subtracted data. - Calls MCA::FIT_PEAKS_REPORT - Creates a new MCA object using MCA::COPY() and stores the output of FIT_PEAKS() in this new object with MCA::SET_DATA. It then returns this new MCA object as the function return value. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' peaks = read_peaks('mypeaks.pks') fit = mca->FIT_PEAKS(peaks, bottom=6, exponent=4) mca->plot fit->oplot MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998 Nov. 1, 1998. Mark Rivers. Added APPEND keyword Jan. 4, 2001. Mark Rivers. Added SPREADHSHEET keyword.
NAME: MCA::FIT_PEAKS_REPORT PURPOSE: This procedure prints out the results from FIT_PEAKS CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->FIT_PEAKS_REPORT, Fit, Peaks, Background INPUTS: Fit: A structure of type {MCA_FIT}. Peaks: An array of structures of type {MCA_PEAK}. (See FIT_PEAKS for more information on Fit and Peaks) Background: An MCA object containing the fitted background spectrum. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUT: The name of an output file to receive the ASCII printout of the fit results. If this keyword is omitted then the output will be written to stdout, i.e. the IDL output window. If the Output file already exists then the new information will (by default) be appended to the file. SPREADSHEET: The name of an output file to receive the ASCII output of the fit results in a format easily imported into a spreadsheet. If this keyword is omitted then no spreadsheet output will be generated. written to stdout, i.e. the IDL output window. If the spreadhseet file already exists then the new information will (by default) be appended to the file. APPEND: Set this keyword to 0 to overwrite the output and spreadsheet files rather than to append to them, which is the default behavior. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' peaks = read_peaks('mypeaks.pks') fit = mca->fit_peaks(peaks, fit=fit, background=background, $ bottom=6, exponent=4) mca->FIT_PEAKS_REPORT, fit, peaks, background, output='mca.001_out' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998 Nov. 1, 1998. Mark Rivers. Added APPEND keyword Nov. 17, 1998 Mark Rivers. Added error string, initial energy. Jan. 4, 2001 Mark Rivers. Added spreadsheet file output. Jan. 9, 2001 Mark Rivers. Modified spreadsheet output slightly Jan. 18, 2001 Mark Rivers. Added energy and FWHM to spreadsheet output
NAME: MCA::GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS PURPOSE: This function returns the acquisition status of the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the acquisition status of the MCA. The function returns 0 if the device is not acquiring and 1 if it is acquiring. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' acq = mca->GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::GET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This function returns the calibration parameters for the MCA. The calibration information is contained in a structure of type MCA_CALIBRATION. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_CALIBRATION() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the calibration information for the MCA. The calibration information is contained in a structure of type MCA_CALIBRATION. This structure is currently defined as follows: {mca_calibration, $ offset: 0., $ slope: 0., $ quad: 0., $ units: '', $ two_theta: 0. $ } The calibration equation is: energy = .offset + .slope*channel + .quad*channel^2 where channel 0 is the first channel and offset is thus the energy of the first channel. The function MCA::CHANNEL_TO_ENERGY or MCA::ENERGY_TO_CHANNEL should always be used rather than implementing the above equation directly in case additional calibration parameters are implemented in the future. .units is a string, typically something like "keV". .two_theta is the angle of the detector from the incident beam. This is typically used in energy-dispersive diffraction. NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_CALIBRATION structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' calibration = mca->GET_CALIBRATION() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::GET_DATA PURPOSE: This function returns the data for the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_DATA() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the data for the MCA. This is an array whose length is the same as that returned by the function MCA::GET_NCHANS(). EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' data = mca->GET_DATA() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::GET_ELAPSED PURPOSE: This function returns the elapsed parameters for the MCA. The elapsed information is contained in a structure of type MCA_ELAPSED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_ELAPSED() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the elapsed information for the MCA. The elapsed information is contained in a structure of type MCA_ELAPSED. This structure is currently defined as follows: {mca_elapsed, $ start_time: '', $ live_time: 0., $ real_time: 0., $ read_time: 0.D0, $ total_counts: 0. $ } .start_time is a string, containing the date and time when acquisition started .live_time is the elapsed live time in seconds. .real_time is the elapsed real time in seconds. .total_counts is the total counts between the preset start and end channels NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_ELAPSED structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' elapsed = mca->GET_ELAPSED() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::GET_ENERGY PURPOSE: This function returns an array containing the energy of each channel in the MCA spectrum. CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_ENERGY() PROCEDURE: This routine simply returns mca->chan_to_energy(indgen(self.nchans)) EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' energy = mca->GET_ENERGY() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::GET_ENVIRONMENT PURPOSE: This function gets the environment parameters for the MCA. The environment information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ENVIRONMENT. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_ENVIRONMENT() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAME : This keyword can be used to define a search string. Only environment array elements whose .NAME fields contain this string will be returned. The match is done using STRPOS and the match does not have to be complete, i.e. NAME can be a substring of the .NAME field. DESCRIPTION: This keyword can be used to define a search string. Only environment array elements whose .DESCRIPTION fields contain this string will be returned. The match is done using STRPOS and the match does not have to be complete, i.e. DESCRIPTION can be a substring of the .DESCRIPTION field. One can specify either the NAME or DESCRIPTION keywords, but not both. If neither is specified then the function returns all of the environment array elements. OUTPUTS: This function returns the environment information for the MCA. The environment information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ENVIRONMENT. This structure is currently defined as follows: {mca_environment, $ name: '', $ value: '', $ description: '' $ } NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_ENVIRONMENT structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: Count: The size of the {MCA_ENVIRONMENT} array being returned. This will be <=0 if there are no environment variables in the MCA or if no entries matched the NAME or DESCRIPTION criteria. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' env = mca->GET_ENVIRONMENT(count) ; Get all environment variables help, /structure, env[0] ; Get all of the sample information env = mca->GET_ENVIRONMENT(DESCRIPTION='Sample', count) for i=0, count-1 do print, env[i].name, '=', env[i].value MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 31, 1998
NAME: MCA::GET_NAME PURPOSE: This function returns the name of this MCA object. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_NAME() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the name of the MCA object. This is typically either the hardware name of the detector or the name of the disk file that contained the MCA data. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' name = mca->GET_NAME() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, September 21, 2001
NAME: MCA::GET_NCHANS PURPOSE: This function returns the number of channels in the MCA CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_NCHANS() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the number of channels in the MCA. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' nchans = mca->GET_NCHANS() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::GET_PRESETS PURPOSE: This function returns the preset parameters for the MCA. The preset information is contained in a structure of type MCA_PRESETS. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_PRESETS() INPUTS: None: OUTPUTS: This function returns the preset information for the MCA. The preset information is contained in a structure of type MCA_PRESETS. This structure is currently defined as follows: {mca_presets, $ live_time: 0., $ real_time: 0., $ total_counts: 0., $ start_channel: 0L, $ end_channel: 0L, $ dwell: 0., $ channel_advance: 0L, $ prescale: 0L $ } .live_time is the preset live time in seconds. .real_time is the preset real time in seconds. .total_counts is the total counts between the preset start and end channels .start_channel is the first channel for the preset count region .end_channel is the last channel for the preset count region .dwell is the dwell time in seconds for MCS mode .channel_advance is 0 for internal channel advance, 1 for external in MCS mode .prescale is the external prescale factor in MCS mode NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_PRESETS structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' presets = mca->GET_PRESETS() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::GET_ROIS PURPOSE: This function returns the region-of-interest parameters for the MCA. This information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ROI. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->GET_ROIS(ROI_Info, /ENERGY) INPUTS: None: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this keyword to return the ROI .left and .right fields in energy rather than in channels. OUTPUTS: This function returns the region-of-interest parameters for the MCA. This information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ROI. This structure is currently defined as follows: {mca_roi, $ left: 0., $ right: 0., $ centroid: 0., $ bgd_width: 0L, $ use: 0L, $ preset: 0., $ label: '', $ d_spacing: 0., $ energy: 0. $ } .left is the left channel (or energy) of the region of interest .right is the right channel (or energy) of the region of interest .centroid is the channel centroid of the region of interest. Note that this value is NOT presently computed by the MCA class. .bgd_width is the number of channels of background outwide the ROI to be used in computing net counts in the ROI .use is a flag indicating whether this ROI should be used in energy-calibration. .preset is the preset counts in the ROI .label is a string label to identify the ROI .d_spacing is the lattice spacing for this ROI when it is a diffraction peak .energy is the energy of the centroid of the ROI NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_ROI structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: Roi_Info: This is a structure which returns some additional information about the regions-of-interest. This structure is presently defined as follows: {max_rois: 0L, $ nrois: 0L} .max_rois is the maximum number of ROIs which can be defined. .nrois is the number of ROIs presently defined. This is the number of elements in the function return value. If there are no ROIs presently defined then this number is zero, and the function return value will be a single structure of type MCA_ROI which should be ignorred. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' rois = mca->GET_ROIS(roi_info) if (roi_info.nrois gt 0) then begin print, rois[0].left ... MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998 Added ENERGY keyword
NAME: MCA::GET_ROI_COUNTS PURPOSE: This procedures returns the net and total counts of each region-of-interest in the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->GET_ROI_COUNTS, Total, Net INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BACKGROUND_WIDTH : Set this keyword to set the width of the background region on either side of the peaks when computing net counts. The default is 1. OUTPUTS: Total: The total counts in each ROI. Net: The net counts in each ROI. The dimension of each array is NROIS, where NROIS is the number of currently defined ROIs for this MCA. It returns zero for both if NROIS is zero. Users should call MCA::GET_ROIS() to check the number of ROIS. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' mca->GET_ROI_COUNTS, total, net, background_width=3 print, 'Net counts = ', net MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, June 29, 2001
NAME: MCA::INIT PURPOSE: This is the initialization code which is invoked when a new object of type MCA is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('MCA') INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: This function always returns success, since it is device independent and always able to create a new object. RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class MCA by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->READ_FILE, 'mca.001' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::INITIAL_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure performs an initial coarse energy calibration of the MCA, setting only the slope, and setting the offset parameter to 0. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = mca->INITIAL_CALIBRATION, Energy INPUTS: Energy: The energy of the biggest peak in the MCA spectrum PROCEDURE: This routine does the following: 1) Sets the offset coefficient to 0.0 2) Sets the quadratic coefficient to 0.0 3) Determines which channel contains the most counts, PEAK_CHAN 4) Sets the slope equal to the input energy divided by PEAK_CHAN EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' mca->INITIAL_CALIBRATION, 20.1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 13, 1998
NAME: MCA::OPLOT PURPOSE: This procedure provides a quick and convenient way to overplot an MCA spectrum. CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->OPLOT, Data OPTIONAL INPUTS: Data: The data to be oplotted. The default is the entire spectrum in the MCA object, i.e. data = mca->GET_DATA(). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: All keywords accepted by the IDL "OPLOT" procedure. Such keywords are passed to OPLOT via the _EXTRA mechanism. PROCEDURE: This routine simply does the following: 1) Sets Data = self->GET_DATA if Data is not defined 2) Sets Energy = self->chan_to_energy(findgen(n_elements(Data))) 3) Executes OPLOT, Energy, Data, _EXTRA=extra. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' mca->PLOT mca->read_file, 'mca.002' mca->OPLOT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::PLOT PURPOSE: This procedure provides a quick and convenient way to plot an MCA spectrum. CATEGORY: MCA object library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->PLOT, Data OPTIONAL INPUTS: Data: The data to be plotted. The default is the entire spectrum in the MCA object, i.e. data = mca->GET_DATA(). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: All keywords accepted by the IDL "PLOT" procedure. Such keywords are passed to PLOT via the _EXTRA mechanism. PROCEDURE: This routine simply does the following: 1) Sets Data = self->GET_DATA if Data is not defined 2) Sets Energy = self->chan_to_energy(findgen(n_elements(Data))) 3) Executes PLOT, Energy, Data, _EXTRA=extra. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' mca->PLOT MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 23, 1998
NAME: MCA::READ_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure reads a disk file into an MCA object. It simply calls MCA::READ_STANDARD_FILE. The reason for having this routine is that it can easily be overridden by compiling a replacement version after compiling this file. A replacement version might, for example, first try to read a file in a site-specific format and if that fails try to read the file using MCA::READ_STANDARD_FILE. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->READ_FILE, File INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to read. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1997. 10-FEB-2000 Split into READ_FILE and READ_STANDARD_FILE
NAME: MCA::READ_STANDARD_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure reads a disk file into an MCA object. The file format is a tagged ASCII format. The file contains the information from the MCA object which it makes sense to store permanently, but does not contain all of the internal state information for the MCA. This procedure reads files written with MCA::WRITE_FILE. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->READ_STANDARD_FILE, File INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to read. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_standard_file, 'mca.001' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Feb. 10, 2000. Split READ_FILE into READ_FILE and READ_STANDARD_FILE.
NAME: MCA::SET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure sets the calibration parameters for the MCA. The calibration information is contained in a structure of type MCA_CALIBRATION. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_CALIBRATION, Calibration INPUTS: Calibration: A structure of type MCA_CALIBRATION. The current definition of this structure is described in MCA::GET_CALIBRATION(). NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_CALIBRATION structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' calibration = mca->GET_CALIBRATION() calibration.offset = .014 mca->SET_CALIBRATION, calibration MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::SET_DATA PURPOSE: This procedure writes the data for the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_DATA, Data INPUTS: Data: An array of data which is stored in the MCA object. OUTPUTS: None. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' data = findgen(mca->GET_NCHANS()) mca->SET_DATA(), data MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::SET_ELAPSED PURPOSE: This procedure sets the elapsed parameters for the MCA. The elapsed information is contained in a structure of type MCA_ELAPSED. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_ELAPSED, Elapsed INPUTS: Elapsed: A structure of type MCA_ELAPSED. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 25, 1998
NAME: MCA::SET_ENVIRONMENT PURPOSE: This procedure sets the environment parameters for the MCA. The calibration information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ENVIRONMENT. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_ENVIRONMENT, Environment INPUTS: Environment: An array of structures of type MCA_ENVIRONMENT. The current definition of this structure is described in MCA::GET_ENVIRONMENT(). NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_ENVIRONMENT structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' env = mca->get_environment() env[0].description = 'Test' mca->SET_ENVIRONMENT, env MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 30, 1998
NAME: MCA::SET_NAME PURPOSE: This procedure sets the name of the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_NAME, Name INPUTS: Name: A string giving the descriptive name of the MCA OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' mca->SET_NAME, 'My MCA' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, September 21, 2001
NAME: MCA::SET_PRESETS PURPOSE: This procedure sets the preset parameters for the MCA. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_PRESETS, Presets INPUTS: Presets: A structure of type MCA_PRESETS. The current definition of this structure is described in MCA::GET_PRESETS(). NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_PRESETS structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' presets = mca->GET_PRESETS() presets.live_time = 0.5 mca->SET_PRESETS, presets MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: MCA::SET_ROIS PURPOSE: This procedure sets the region-of-interest parameters for the MCA. The rois information is contained in a structure of type MCA_ROIS. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->SET_ROIS, Rois INPUTS: Rois: A structure of type MCA_ROIS. The current definition of this structure is described in MCA::GET_ROIS(). NOTE: The exact definition of the MCA_ROIS structure is subject to change. What will not change is the name and function of the fields described here. However, additional fields may be added and the order of the fields could change. Users should not write code which assumes anything about the exact definition of this structure. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ENERGY: Set this flag to indicate that the .left and .right fields of Rois are in units of energy rather than channel number. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->read_file, 'mca.001' rois = mca->GET_ROIS() rois[0].left = 1012 rois[0].right = 1050 mca->SET_ROIS, rois MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 21-Mar-1998 Mark Rivers. Changed logic to modify nrois
NAME: MCA::WRITE_ASCII_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure writes MCA or MED objects to a disk file. The file format is a tagged ASCII format. The file contains the information from the MCA object which it makes sense to store permanently, but does not contain all of the internal state information for the MCA. Files written with this routine can be read with MCA::READ_FILE. Note that users who want to read such files with IDL are strongly encouraged to use MCA::READ_FILE. For reading files in other languages users should use the tags to interpret the data and NOT rely on the position of lines in the data. Additional tags may be added in the future, but existing tags will not be changed. This procedure is typically not called directly, but is called by MCA::WRITE_FILE if the /NETCDF keyword is not used. The following shows part of a file written with this procedure for a 13 element MED: ... CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->WRITE_ASCII_FILE, File INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to write. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') ; Note - we don't call mca->write_ascii_file directly, but rather ; call mca->write_file without the /netcdf flag mca->write_file, 'mca.001' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 28-SEP-1998 MLR Merged code for MCA and MED classes into a single WRITE_FILE routine. The major changes are that the file version number was changed from 3.0 to 3.1 and ROI labels now have an '&' character after them, needed as a separator when storing MED data. The files can now contain data for multiple MCAs. 30-OCT-1998 MLR Fixed a bug. The ELEMENTS: tag must be the first tag after VERSION:, since controls the dimension of arrays in READ_FILE. Previous version wrote DATE: tag before ELEMENTS: 20-FEB-2000 MLR Changed format of calibration coefficients from F to E to preserve precision. 31-MAY-2000 MLR Added ",x" to formats to compensate for a bug in IDL (up to 5.3?) which caused no space in floating numbers printed in "e" format if negative. 29-SEP-2001 MLR Renamed this procedure from MCA::WRITE_FILE to MCA::WRITE_ASCII_FILE.
NAME: MCA::WRITE_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure writes MCA or MED objects to a disk file. It calls MCA::WRITE_NETCDF_FILE if the /NETCDF keyword is specified, otherwise it calls MCA::WRITE_ASCII_FILE. Note that users who want to read such files with IDL are strongly encouraged to use MCA::READ_FILE. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->WRITE_FILE, File INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to write. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NETCDF: Set this flag to write the file in netCDF format, otherwise the file is written in ASCII format. See the documentation for MCA::WRITE_ASCII_FILE and MCA::WRITE_NETCDF_FILE for information on the formats. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->write_file, 'mca.001', /netcdf MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, September 29, 2001. The previous version of MCA::WRITE_FILE was renamed to MCA:: WRITE_ASCII_FILE, and the MCA::WRITE_NETCDF_FILE was added.
NAME: MCA::WRITE_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure writes MCA or MED objects to a disk file in netCDF format. netCDF is a portable, self-describing binary format, and there is software to read such files in many data analysis and data visualization programs. It is much more efficient, in speed and disk space, than the ASCII format. The file contains the information from the MCA object which it makes sense to store permanently, but does not contain all of the internal state information for the MCA. Files written with this routine can be read with MCA::READ_FILE. This procedure is typically not called directly, but is called by MCA::WRITE_FILE if the /NETCDF keyword is used. Note that users who want to read such files with IDL are strongly encouraged to use MCA::READ_FILE. Files can be read in other languages by using the netCDF library which is availble from XXXXX CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->WRITE_NETCDF_FILE, File INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to write. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') ; Note - we don't call mca->write_netcdf_file directly, but rather ; use the /netcdf flag to mca->write_file mca->write_file, 'mca.001', /netcdf MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, September 29, 2001.
NAME: MCA_READ_NETCDF_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure reads a disk file into an MCA object. The file format is netCDF. The file contains the information from the MCA object which it makes sense to store permanently, but does not contain all of the internal state information for the MCA. This procedure reads files written with MCA::WRITE_FILE, /NETCDF. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->READ_FILE, File, Elapsed, Calibration, Rois, Data INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to read. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca_read_netdf_file, 'mca.001', Elapsed, Calibration, Rois, Roi_info, Data MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 29, 2001
NAME: MCA_READ_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure reads a disk file into an MCA object. This procedure reads either ASCII or netCDF files. It does not read into the object itself, because the dimensions in the disk file may be inconsistent with those of the object. The object procedures call this procedure. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: MCA_READ_FILE, File, Elapsed, Calibration, Rois, Roi_info, $ Environment, Data INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to read. OUTPUTS: The elapsed, calibration, roi, environment and data information in the disk file EXAMPLE: mca_read_file, 'mca.001', Elapsed, Calibration, Rois, Roi_info, Environment, Data MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, September 29, 2001. Previous version renamed to MCA_READ_ASCII_FILE on_ioerror, ignore_error ncdf_control, 0, /noverbose file_id = ncdf_open(file, /nowrite) gnore_error: if (n_elements(file_id) eq 0) then begin on_ioerror, null ; This is not a netCDF file, it is an ASCII file mca_read_ascii_file, file, elapsed, calibration, rois, roi_info, $ environment, data endif else begin ; This is a netCDF file ; Close the netCDF file that was opened in the test above ncdf_close, file_id mca_read_netcdf_file, file, elapsed, calibration, rois, roi_info, $ environment, data endelse nd ***************************************************************************** ro mca_read_ascii_file, file, elapsed, calibration, rois, roi_info, $ environment, data + NAME: MCA_READ_ASCII_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure reads a disk file into an MCA object. The file format is a tagged ASCII format. The file contains the information from the MCA object which it makes sense to store permanently, but does not contain all of the internal state information for the MCA. This procedure reads files written with MCA::WRITE_FILE. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: mca->READ_FILE, File, Elapsed, Calibration, Rois, Data INPUTS: File: The name of the disk file to read. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca_read_ascii_file, 'mca.001', Elapsed, Calibration, Rois, Roi_info, Data MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 28-SEP-1998 MLR Made common READ_FILE routine for MCA and MED data Old files can still be read fine. The new version can read files containing multiple MCAs, e.g. MED objects. 30-OCT-1998 MLR Added code to correctly read files written with DATE: tag before ELEMENTS: tag. This was a bug in WRITE_FILE which is also fixed. 31-MAY-2000 MLR Modified slightly to handle lines without a trailing blank, as happens when some text editors modify them. 29-SEP-2001 MLR Renamed to MCA_READ_ASCII_FILE, added MCA_READ_NETCDF_FILE
NAME: MCA__DEFINE PURPOSE: This is the definition code which is invoked when a new object of type MCA is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. It defines the data structures used for the MCA class. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('MCA') INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class MCA by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('MCA') mca->READ_FILE, 'mca.001' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 23-Mar-1998: Mark Rivers. Added .d_spacing to MCA_ROI structure. 16-May-1999: Mark Rivers. Added .read_time to MCA_ELAPSED structure.
NAME: Release notes Version 3: Everything prior to 5/16/99 when I started making release notes! Prior to this date there are release notes for each routine but no global release notes for the MCA class, and there are no version numbers Version 4.1 May 16, 1999 Mark Rivers Added .read_time field to MCA_ELAPSED Version 4.2 Dec. 2, 1999 Mark Rivers Added .dwell, .channel_advance, .prescale to MCA_PRESETS Dec. 3, 1999 Mark Rivers Fixed WRITE_FILE so environment information is retrieved for EPICS_MED. Feb. 10, 2000 Mark Rivers Added WRITE_STANDARD_FILE and READ_STANDARD_FILE, made WRITE_FILE and READ_FILE call these routines. This makes it easy to replace WRITE_FILE and READ_FILE with site-specific routines but also retain the standard routines. Feb. 20, 2000 Mark Rivers Fixed bug in ENERGY_TO_CHAN which caused it to use the wrong root of the quadratic equation if the quadratic term of the energy calibration was positive. Modified WRITE_FILE to use exponential notation for energy calibration coefficients to preserve precision. Jan. 4, 2001 Mark Rivers Added spreadsheet compatible output to fit_peaks_report. Jan. 4, 2001 Mark Rivers Modified spreadsheet output slightly. Jan. 18, 2001 Mark Rivers Added energy and FWHM to spreadsheet output Feb. 01, 2001 Mark Rivers Changed (not an mca method, but called by mca::fit_peaks) to make it so that if a peak amplitude is constrained then the area rather than the amplitude is actually what is constrained to the specified value. Mar. 20, 2001 Mark Rivers Increased MAX_CHANS from 4096 to 8192 to handle X17 multiplexor (4x2048) data. June 29, 2001 Mark Rivers Added method mca::get_roi_counts to retrieve total and net counts in each ROI. Added utility routine July 14, 2001 Mark Rivers Minor documentation fix for mca::get_environment(). July 21, 2001 Mark Rivers Increased MAX_ROIS from 10 to 32 to take advantage of new EPICS record limit. Sept. 21, 2001 Mark Rivers Added GET_NAME and SET_NAME methods. Sept. 29, 2001 Mark Rivers Added support for netCDF file format. Renamed MCA::WRITE_FILE to MCA::WRITE_ASCII_FILE, created MCA::WRITE_NETCDF_FILE, new version of MCA::WRITE_FILE that calls one or the other of these. Renamed MCA_READ_FILE to MCA_READ_ASCII_FILE, created MCA_READ_NETCDF_FILE, new version of MCA_READ_FILE that calls one or the other of these. Took the EPICS specific code to get environment out of the WRITE_FILE routines, added call to GET_ENVIRONMENT() August 28, 2002 Mark Rivers Fixed bug in background calculation in FIT_PEAKS_REPORT, hi was one channel to large.