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Last modified: Thu Apr 18 11:52:38 2013.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::ACQUIRE_OFF PURPOSE: This procedures turns off acquisition of the MCA. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->ACQUIRE_OFF INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') mca->ACQUIRE_OFF MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added /WAIT since that is now longer default 17-Mar-1999 MLR Removed /WAIT from caput, to be compatible with version 4.3 and later of the MCA record, which does not fire forward links until acquisition is complete.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::ACQUIRE_ON PURPOSE: This procedures turns on acquisition of the MCA. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->ACQUIRE_ON INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') mca->ACQUIRE_ON MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 May 5, 1998: Mark Rivers, removed setting the acquisition start time here, since the record now does that. 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added /WAIT since that is now longer default 17-Mar-1999 MLR Removed /WAIT from caput, to be compatible with version 4.3 and later of the MCA record, which does not fire forward links until acquisition is complete.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::ACQUIRE_WAIT PURPOSE: This procedures waits for acquisition of the MCA to complete. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->ACQUIRE_WAIT, Time OPTIONAL INPUTS: Time: The estimated acquisition time of the MCA. KEYWORD_PARAMETERS: START: Set this flag to wait for acquisition to start. STOP: Set this flag to wait for acquisition to stop. This is the default. If both the START and STOP keywords are given then the routine will wait first for acquisition to start and then for acquistion to stop. If only /START is given then it will not wait for acquisition to stop. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine simply polls to see if acquisition is complete using EPICS_MCA::GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS(). If the optional Time input is specified then the time between polling is Time/10. The default and minimum time between polling is one second. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') mca->ACQUIRE_ON MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 MLR 18-APR-2001 Added START and STOP keywords
NAME: EPICS_MCA::ADD_ROI PURPOSE: This function adds a new region-of-interest to the MCA. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->ADD_ROI, roi PROCEDURE: This function invokes MCA::ADD_ROI and then calls EPICS_MCA::SET_ROIS to write the new region-of-interest to the hardware the EPICS MCA record. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::ADD_ROI. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 23-Mar-1998 Mark Rivers. Changed input parameter to a structure of type MCA_ROI from left, right, label, bgd_width
NAME: EPICS_MCA::DEL_ROI PURPOSE: This function deletes a region-of-interest from the MCA. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->DEL_ROI, Index PROCEDURE: This function invokes MCA::DEL_ROI and then calls EPICS_MCA::SET_ROIS to write the new region-of-interest to the hardware the EPICS MCA record. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::DEL_ROI. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 23-Mar-1998 Mark Rivers. Modified input parameters to ROI index from left, right.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::ERASE PURPOSE: This procedures erases the MCA data, i.e. sets all channels to zero. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->ERASE INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This procedure erases the MCA by sending the appropriate command to the EPICS MCA record. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') mca->ERASE MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 May 5, 1998: Mark Rivers, removed setting the acquisition start time here, since the record now does that. 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added /WAIT since that is now longer default 17-Mar-1999 MLR Removed /WAIT from caput, to be compatible with version 4.3 and later of the MCA record, which does not fire forward links until acquisition is complete.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS PURPOSE: This function returns the acquisition status for the MCA. This is 1 if the MCA is acquiring and 0 if it is not acquiring. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS() KEYWORD PARAMETERS: UPDATE: Set this keyword to force the routine to process the record. By default this routine does NOT process the record. The acquire status returned will be the status when the record was last processed. CHECK_NEW: A flag which indicates that this routine should only return the acquire status if it has changed. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NEW_FLAG: If CHECK_FLAG is set, then NEW_FLAG will be 1 if the function is returning new acquire status, 0 if the function is not returning new acquire status. If CHECK_FLAG is set and NEW_FLAG is 0 then the function returns -1. PROCEDURE: This function reads the acquisition status from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS(). RESTRICTIONS: This routine does NOT force the record to process by default. The status will not update unless the record is processed. This can be done by setting the UPDATE keyword. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 Nov. 14, 1997 Mark Rivers added UPDATE keyword, changed routine to not process record by default. 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added /WAIT since that is now longer default 17-Mar-1999 MLR Removed /WAIT from caput, to be compatible with version 4.3 and later of the MCA record, which does not fire forward links until acquisition is complete. 15-Apr-1999 MLR Added CHECK_NEW and NEW_FLAG
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This function returns the calibration parameters for the MCA. The calibration information is contained in a structure of type MCA_CALIBRATION. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_CALIBRATION() PROCEDURE: This function reads the calibration information from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::GET_CALIBRATION ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_CALIBRATION(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added caStartGroup, caEndGroup for efficiency
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_DATA PURPOSE: This function returns the data from the MCA. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_DATA() KEYWORD_PARAMETERS: CHECK_NEW: A flag which indicates that this routine should only return the data if it has changed. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NEW_FLAG: If CHECK_FLAG is set, then NEW_FLAG will be 1 if the function is returning new data, 0 if the function is not returning new data. If CHECK_FLAG is set and NEW_FLAG is 0 then the function returns -1. PROCEDURE: This function reads the data from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::GET_DATA ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_DATA(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 Nov. 14, 1997 Mark Rivers. Changed routine to eliminate setting rec.READ back to 0, since record support does this automatically and it was causing record to process again. 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added /WAIT to caput, since default is not to wait for callback now. 17-Mar-1999 MLR Removed /WAIT from caput, to be compatible with version 4.3 and later of the MCA record, which does not fire forward links until acquisition is complete. 28-Mar-1999 MLR Changed routine so it no longer pokes READ field. This assumes that someone else (typically a database) is periodically poking the READ field. The object initialization code now sets a monitor on the VAL field. Added New_flag output and CHECK_NEW keyword.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_ELAPSED PURPOSE: This function returns the elapsed parameters for the MCA. The elapsed information is contained in a structure of type MCA_ELAPSED. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_ELAPSED() KEYWORD_PARAMETERS: CHECK_NEW: A flag which indicates that this routine should only return the elapsed parameters if they have changed. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: NEW_FLAG: If CHECK_FLAG is set, then NEW_FLAG will be 1 if the function is returning new elapsed parameters, 0 if the function is not returning new elapsed parameters. If CHECK_FLAG is set and NEW_FLAG is 0 then the function returns -1. PROCEDURE: This function reads the elapsed information from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::GET_ELAPSED ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ELAPSED(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 May 5, 1998: Mark Rivers, added reading the acquisition start time from the timestamp field of the record. 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added caStartGroup, caEndGroup for efficiency 15-APR-1999 MLR Changed from using catimestamp to reading the .STIM field of the record 16-MAY-1999 MLR Added .read_time field 28-SEP-2001 MLR Added caStartGroup and caEndGroup
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_ENVIRONMENT PURPOSE: This function gets the environment parameters for the MCA. The environment information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ENVIRONMENT. CATEGORY: IDL device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_ENVIRONMENT() PROCEDURE: This function reads the environment information from EPICS and then invokes MCA::GET_ENVIRONMENT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: This function accepts all of the keyword paramters used by MCA::GET_ENVIRONMENT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ENVIRONMENT(). EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:aim_adc1') env = mca->GET_ENVIRONMENT(count) ; Get all environment variables help, /structure, env[0] ; Get all of the sample information env = mca->GET_ENVIRONMENT(DESCRIPTION='Sample', count) for i=0, count-1 do print, env[i].name, '=', env[i].value MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, Sept. 29, 2001. Put this code here and deleted from the MCA::WRITE_FILE routines.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_PRESETS PURPOSE: This function returns the preset parameters for the MCA. The preset information is contained in a structure of type MCA_PRESETS. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_PRESETS() PROCEDURE: This function reads the preset information from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::GET_PRESETS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_PRESETS(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added caStartGroup, caEndGroup for efficiency
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_ROIS PURPOSE: This function returns the region-of-interest information for the MCA. The rois information is contained in a structure of type MCA_ROIS. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_ROIS(roi_info, /ENERGY) PROCEDURE: This function reads the region-of-interest information from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::GET_ROIS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::GET_ROIS(). MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 19-Sep-1998 MLR Added caStartGroup, caEndGroup for efficiency 25-Sep-1998 MLR Added ENERGY keyword 28-Sep-2001 MLR Re-wrote to use caGetArray, factor of 32 speed improvement
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_ROI_COUNTS PURPOSE: This procedures returns the net and total counts of each region-of-interest in the MCA. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->GET_ROI_COUNTS, Total, Net INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: Total: The total counts in each ROI. Net: The net counts in each ROI. NOTE: These values are computed by the record itself, not by this routine or by the base class routine mca::get_roi_counts. The dimension of each array is NROIS, where NROIS is the number of currently defined ROIs for this MCA. It returns zero for both if NROIS is zero. Users should call MCA::GET_ROIS() to check the number of ROIS. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') mca->GET_ROI_COUNTS, total, net print, 'Net counts = ', net MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MCA::GET_SEQUENCE PURPOSE: This function returns the current sequence number MCA. Sequences are used for time resolved spectroscopy, and refer to different regions of MCA memory for data acquistion and readout. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = epics_mca->GET_SEQUENCE() PROCEDURE: This function reads the preset information from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, November 18, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MCA::INIT PURPOSE: This is the initialization code which is invoked when a new object of type EPICS_MCA is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('EPICS_MCA', Record_Name) INPUTS: Record_Name: The name of the EPICS MCA record for the MCA object being created. This record name can include a field name which will be stripped off. For example, '13IDC:mca1' and '13IDC:mca1.DESC' are both valid. This makes it convenient when dragging process variable names from MEDM windows to IDL windows. KEYWORD_PARAMETERS: Environment_file: This keyword can be used to specify the name of a file which contains the names of EPICS process variables which should be saved in the header of files written with MCA::WRITE_FILE. If this keyword is not specified then this function will attempt to open a file called 'catch1d.env' in the current directory. This is done to be compatible with the data catcher program. This is an ASCII with each line containing a process variable name, followed by a space and a description field. OUTPUTS: This function returns a status to indicate whether it was able to establish channel access communication with the specified EPICS MCA record. This status is 1 for success, 0 for failure. This status is passed back indirectly to the routine which calls OBJ_NEW(). OBJ_NEW will return a valid object pointer if this routine succeeds, and will return a NULL object pointer if this routine fails. The user should test the return value of OBJ_NEW() with the IDL function OBJ_VALID(). SIDE EFFECTS: The routine establishes channel access monitors on all of the fields in the MCA record which the methods in this class will read. This greatly improves the speed and efficiency. RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class EPICS_MCA by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') if (OBJ_VALID(mca)) then print, 'It worked!' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 MLR 18-Nov-1997 Removed CA monitor on .VAL field, because old data were being read when doing things quickly. MLR 22-Oct-1998 Added environment_file MLR 28-Mar-1999 Put monitor on VAL field so get_data() can return a flag indicating if there is new data. MLR 15-Apr-1999 Put monitor on STIM field since we now use this to get acquisition start time.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::SET_CALIBRATION PURPOSE: This procedure sets the calibration parameters for the MCA. The calibration information is contained in a structure of type MCA_CALIBRATION. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->SET_CALIBRATION, Calibration PROCEDURE: This function invokes MCA::SET_CALIBRATION and then writes the calibration information to the hardware using the EPICS MCA record. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_CALIBRATION. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 17-Sep-1998 MLR Removed caStartGroup, caEndGroup, since these don't work with the non-callback version of caput, which we are now using (ezcaPutOldCa)
NAME: EPICS_MCA::SET_DATA PURPOSE: This procedure writes data to the MCA CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->SET_DATA, Data PROCEDURE: This function calls MCA::SET_DATA and then writes the data to the EPICS MCA record. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_DATA(). RESTRICTIONS: This procedure writes the spectral data to the EPICS MCA record. However the MCA record does not yet write the values to the MCA hardware for any supported devices. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, April 29, 2000
NAME: EPICS_MCA::SET_PRESETS PURPOSE: This procedure sets the preset parameters for the MCA. The preset information is contained in a structure of type MCA_PRESETS. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->SET_PRESETS, Presets PROCEDURE: This function invokes MCA::SET_PRESETS and then writes the preset information to the hardware using the EPICS MCA record. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_PRESETS. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 17-Sep-1998 MLR Removed caStartGroup, caEndGroup, since these don't work with the non-callback version of caput, which we are now using (ezcaPutOldCa)
NAME: EPICS_MCA::SET_ROIS PURPOSE: This procedure sets the region-of-interest information for the MCA. The region-of-interest information is contained in an array of structures of type MCA_ROIS. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->SET_ROIS, Rois PROCEDURE: This function invokes MCA::SET_ROIS and then writes the ROI information to the hardware using the EPICS MCA record. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::SET_ROIS. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997 17-Sep-1998 MLR Removed caStartGroup, caEndGroup, since these don't work with the non-callback version of caput, which we are now using (ezcaPutOldCa) 28-Sep-2001 MLR Changed to using caPutArray, much faster.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::SET_SEQUENCE PURPOSE: This procedure sets the current sequence number for the MCA. Sequences are used for time resolved spectroscopy, and refer to different regions of MCA memory for data acquistion and readout. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->SET_SEQUENCE, Sequence PROCEDURE: This function invokes writes the sequence number to the hardware using the EPICS MCA record. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, November 18, 1997
NAME: EPICS_MCA::SPECTRA_SCAN PURPOSE: This procedures collects MCA spectra in conjunction with an EPICS scan record. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->SPECTRA_SCAN, First_file, Scan_record INPUTS: First_file: The name of the first spectrum file to save. Subsequent files will be named using the INCREMENT_FILENAME()function. The filename must end in a numeric extension for this to work. Scan_record: The name of the EPIC scan record which is controlling the scan. This scan record must start MCA data collection by writing "1" into the EraseStart record of the MCA database. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') mca->SPECTRA_SCAN, 'test.001', '13IDC:scan1' PROCEDURE: 1) Set scan.EnableWait to 1 so scan will wait for IDL client 2) Wait for scan.EXSC = 1, meaning scan has started 3) If scan.EXSC is still 0 (scan ended or aborted) disable EnableWait and return 4) Read scan.ClientWait, if 0 (meaning acquisition has not started) go to 3 5) Wait for MCA aquisition to start and then stop 6) Write data to disk with MCA::WRITE_FILE, increment file name 7) Reset ClientWait to 0 so scan will continue 8) Go to 3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, April 18, 2001. Copied from MED__DEFINE.
NAME: EPICS_MCA::WRITE_FILE PURPOSE: This procedure writes an EPIC_MCA object to a disk file. CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: epics_mca->WRITE_FILE, file PROCEDURE: This function reads all information from the hardware using the EPICS MCA record, and then invokes MCA::WRITE_FILE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: See MCA::WRITE_FILE. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, January 17, 1998 MLR 29-SEP-2001 Removed calls to read elapsed, calibration, rois, and data, since this is done in MCA::WRITE_FILE.
NAME: EPICS_MCA__DEFINE PURPOSE: This is the definition code which is invoked when a new object of type EPICS_MCA is created. It cannot be called directly, but only indirectly by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function, CATEGORY: EPICS device class library. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = OBJ_NEW('EPICS_MCA', Record_Name) INPUTS: Record_Name: The name of the EPICS MCA record for the MCA object being created. This record name can include a field name which will be stripped off. For example, '13IDC:mca1' and '13IDC:mca1.DESC' are both valid. This makes it convenient when dragging process variable names from MEDM windows to IDL windows. This name is passed to EPICS_MCA::INIT(). OUTPUTS: None (but see EPICS_MCA::INIT) RESTRICTIONS: This routine cannot be called directly. It is called indirectly when creating a new object of class EPICS_MCA by the IDL OBJ_NEW() function. EXAMPLE: mca = obj_new('EPICS_MCA', '13IDC:mca1') if (OBJ_VALID(mca)) then print, 'It worked!' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers, October 1, 1997
NAME: Release notes Version 3: Everything prior to 3/17/99 when I started making release notes! Prior to this date there are release notes for each routine but no global release notes for the EPICS_MCA class, and there are no version numbers Version 4.0 March 17, 1999. Mark Rivers. Removed the /WAIT qualifier from all CAPUT calls to make the class compatible with Version 4.3 of the EPICS MCA record. Added monitors to all PVs, including .VAL field Changed logic of getting acquisition start time from using catimestamp (Ben-Chin's routine) to using the new .STIM field in the record. This requires version 4.6 or greater of the record. April 15, 1999. Mark Rivers Added CHECK_NEW and NEW_FLAG to GET_ELAPSED, GET_DATA and GET_ACQUIRE_STATUS. Version 4.1 May 16, 1999 Mark Rivers Added .read_time field to MCA_ELAPSED and put a monitor on it for accurate counts/second calculations Version 4.2 Dec. 1, 1999 Mark Rivers Fixed bug in epics_mca::init when reading environment file. Dec. 2, 1999 Mark Rivers Added .dwell, .channel_advance and .prescale to MCA_PRESETS Dec. 3, 1999 Mark Rivers Changed GET_DATA to read .NUSE each time, adjust self.nchans. This permits NUSE to be changed after the EPICS_MCA is created. Modified WRITE_FILE to reset ClientWait after file is written. April 18, 2001 Mark Rivers Added MCA::SPECTRA_SCAN to collect spectra using the "ClientWait" PV. This already existed in EPICS_MED, added to EPICS_MCA. Added the /START and /STOP keywords to EPICS_MCA::ACQUIRE_WAIT Sept. 28, 2001 Mark Rivers Changed GET_ROIS to use caGetArray and SET_ROIS to use caPutArray. This speeded up GET_ROIS by a factor of 32 and SET_ROIS by a factor of 32 the first time, not much on subsequent calls. Sept. 29, 2001 Mark Rivers Added GET_ENVIRONMENT. This code used to be in MCA::WRITE_FILE where it did not belong. Deleted calls to read the data, rois, etc. in EPICS_MCA:: WRITE_FILE, since this was done again in MCA::WRITE_FILE. Changed many calls from caGet to caGetArray. This eliminates the need for caSetMonitor which was slowing things down at startup. March 5, 2002 Mark Rivers Changed acquire_wait to poll every dwell_time/100. from dwell_time/10. to reduce latencies