[Ifeffit] two measurements of the same compound in different beam-lines

María Elena Montero Cabrera elena.montero at cimav.edu.mx
Thu Aug 12 19:44:43 CDT 2010

Hi all!
I have performed two independent XAFS measurements of Cr K-edge of the same
Fe-Cr sample at two different beam-lines at SSRL. I have obtained the Fe-K
edge data only once. The quality of data are different in each measurement.
However, I cannot average spectra from different Cr-K measurements, and I
don't know if I could take somehow advantage from having almost twice the
information for the Cr- K adge, or I have to use only the better quality
data and discard the other. What do you advice? If I can use both
measurements, how can I do the fitting in Artemis?
Thank you very much and all take care

María Elena

Dra. María Elena Montero Cabrera
Departamento de Medio Ambiente y Energía
Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados (CIMAV)
Miguel de Cervantes 120, Compl. Ind. Chihuahua
Chihuahua CP 31109, Chih. México
Tel (614) 4391123
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