[Ifeffit] Linear Combination Fitting in Athena

Skya Fawcett fawcett at geoladm.geol.queensu.ca
Thu Sep 6 15:13:23 CDT 2007

A couple questions about linear combination fitting in Athena:

1. There is the option of floating an E0 for the standards, is there any
way to restrict how much it floats, ie. constrain it to +/-0.4eV shifts
during fitting?

2. If I am fitting normalized u(E), and only care about the XANES region
at this point, is perfecting background removal needed? (I have, of
course, carefully checked the pre-edge and normalization range).

Thank you!

Skya Fawcett
PhD Candidate
Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Queen's University, Kingston, Canada

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