[Sees_users] SEES User Group Committee election
Dear SEES community, Please vote for representatives to serve on the SEES User Group Committee. The role of this committee is to provide advice and recommendations to the SEES management concerning all issues affecting the user community. Twenty-two candidates have agreed to stand for election to the eight positions on the committee. Short biographies of the candidates and more information about the election are provided at this link<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://seescience.org/usergroup_election2024/__;... >. You can vote here<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://seescience.org/vote__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!elSf... >. Additional information about the SEES User Group is provided here<https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://seescience.org/people/user_community/__;!... >. Thanks for your participation. The election will close on April 1. Best wishes, Andy ---------------------------------- Andrew Campbell SEES Director Dept. of the Geophysical Sciences University of Chicago Chicago, IL 60637 (773) 834-1085 acampbel@uchicago.edumailto:acampbel@uchicago.edu https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://geosci.uchicago.edu/*campbell__;fg!!G_uCfs... -----------------------------------
Dear all, The 2024 AGU Honors nomination cycle has been open for some time already! Only 9 days to go for our section awards, with a deadline on 27 March at 11:59 PM ET. Do you have anyone in mind? Don't be shy! /There are many great scientists, of all origins, genders, career stages, who never get awards because they are not nominated./ Please look around you, your colleagues, your friends, people you admire. Do they deserve an award from AGU? AGU section awards recognize individuals for their outstanding work within a specific scientific field. Nominate a peer for a Mineral and Rock Physics Section award: * John C. Jamieson Student Paper Award <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.agu.org/Honor-and-Recognize/Honors/Se... >, granted to a student from the Mineral and Rock Physics Section community who has published the most outstanding paper in the field of high-pressure and high-temperature research in the previous year, * Mineral and Rock Physics Early Career Award <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.agu.org/Honor-and-Recognize/Honors/Se... >, given annually to one early career scientist (no more than ten years post-terminal degree) in recognition of outstanding contributions in the broadly defined area of Mineral and Rock Physics, * Mineral and Rock Physics Graduate Research Award <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.agu.org/Honor-and-Recognize/Honors/Se... >, to recognize promising young scientists for outstanding contributions achieved during their Ph.D. research. Once you identify a nominee, you have two options: * Ask for help to organize the nomination package: get in touch with us, at the MRP Canvasing Committee (i.e. me). We can help to put packages together and move forward with the process * Nominate the individual yourself, using the AGU platform at https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://agu-unionamp.secure-platform.com/__;!!G_u... . Thanks! Your contribution is invaluable for the quality and diversity of AGU awards. Sébastien Merkel, Univ. Lille, France, Head of the Canvassing Committee for MRP -- Sébastien Merkel Université de Lille, France https://urldefense.us/v3/__http://merkel.texture.rocks/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!aeD...
participants (2)
Andrew J. Campbell
Sébastien Merkel