Hello IFEFFIT Mailing List,
I am pleased to let you know that the website and registration pages for the XAFS19 conference to be held on the Illinois Tech Main Campus in Chicago, Illinois, July 14-18 is now available. The links to the registration for participants and exhibitors are both live and we are able to take registration. Members of the International XAFS Society can take advantage of the discount on the full participant registration fee with a promotion code that will be available shortly from the Society. The Abstract submission will open early next week and I will send an additional announcement out at that time.
Please bear with us as the web site is still a work in progress. Housing information as well as more information regarding invited speakers is forthcoming.
The link to the main conference web site is https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.icdd.com/xafs19/__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!cy8... . Please feel free to disseminate this announcement.
For any questions, please email the conference at
participants (1)
Carlo Segre