I beg the indulgence of the list owner to post a question not directly related to Ifeffit. Where can on purchase sample holders to be used in the SSRL beam (both for liquid samples and solid ones)? I've asked some researchers at SSRL and at UCB but they use ones milled at their respective institutions, and I don't have this option. Silvio Levy Cal State University East Bay Mathematical Sciences Research Institute

Dear Silvio, It may not be what you've used before, but Spex CeritPrep (http://www.spexcp.com) has a line of XRF sample preparation products, including liquid cells. They're not suitable for transmission XAFS, but I use them regularly for fluorescence measurements on dilute solutions. They do tend to be rather large volumes, but are easy to work with. You could also ask the people at the beamline you're working what they have, and if they can lend you anything. --Matt
participants (2)
Matt Newville
Silvio Levy