Hi! As I mentioned in my last email, today's source code release includes the new development branch of Artemis. As I said about a month ago, I am now maintaining a stable branch, which will usually only get bug fixes, and a development branch, which is where I will be working on new features. I put a few notes and a screenshot on my Artemis page: http://leonardo.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/aboutartemis.html scroll down to the middle of the page. There is a box labeled "Development Branch". I want to clarify how this is going to work: 1. The source tarball has both branches and both get built and installed. The development version gets installed as "diana". This allows you to try out the development version but still have the stable version to fall back on. 2. I don't intend to build Windows executables of the development version until it is almost ready for normal release. This is in part to save myself some work and in part to keep the development branch out of wide use until it has been much better tested. 3. The development version involves some changes to the project file format. It will read projects from the stable version, but some information will get lost in the other direction. 4. If you use the development version, you should anticipate that there will be problems and be prepared to submit good, clear, helpful bug reports. If you expect stable behavior, use the stable version. That said, I have been using the development version for my own analysis. It ain't perfect, but I am getting work done. Here are a few notes to get you started with the new features. You might want to go take a look at the screenshot on the Artemis web page. 1. The window is much larger now. This takes up more screen real estate, but the paths list is much taller. The blank area in the lower right hand corner will get filled with new plotting controls in the future. 2. Fits get added to the Data and Paths List as seen in the screen shot. Old fits are plotted just like anything else -- just select it and click a plot button. 3. Background functions and residuals can still be plotted, but they are no longer displayed in the Data and Paths List. Now to get a bkg or res plot, click the check buttons in the plot controls panel. Whenever you plot a fit, the background and residual functions from that fit will be plotted along with best fit function. 4. When you click on a fit entry, the main panel will display a tool for viewing and exploring the log files from the fits you have done. This is essentially the same as the log viewer that Stefano was asking about last week. There is a list of fits on the left side of the panel -- double-click and right-click are both useful. The main use of this page is to write little reports about parameters so you can compare your various fits. Fits are included into reports by selecting them from the list on the left and not by selecting them from the Data and Path List. 5. In many situations (plotting, saving files, etc) selecting the head of the fit branch means to use the most recent fit. Selecting both the head of the fit branch and the most recent fit is redundant, but should not cause any problems. 6. The fit entries in the Data and Paths List may behave a little surprisingly in the case of a multiple data set fit. Some things, like plotting, depend upon which data set the selected list item is under. Other things, like discarding a fit, will effect every data set. 7. In the upper right corner is a little box which tells you when you have modified your project and, therefore, might want to consider saving it. Keep an eye on that box and let me know if there are situations where it gets set incorrectly. 8. I have written some documentation for viewing inside Artemis. There are lots of buttons scattered around the program for displaying context appropriate documentation (you can see a couple in the screenshot). Feel free to read through this and suggest ways to improve upon it or even write some of it yourself! Lots of the documentation is still unwritten. Things that don't work correctly yet that I know about: 1. Saving fits to multi-column files certainly doesn't work. Saving individual fits to column data files should work. 2. Hiding individual or selected fits (see the Fit menu) is flaky. Things to remember about using the development branch: 1. You can always go back to the stable branch, they are installed side-by-side. 2. It's a development branch -- it's going to have lots of bugs. 3. I want to hear about your problems and your suggestions for new & better features. Have fun! B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- ravel@phys.washington.edu Code 6134, Building 3, Room 405 Naval Research Laboratory phone: (1) 202 767 2268 Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 4642 NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC) Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 My homepage: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel EXAFS software: http://feff.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/
participants (1)
Bruce Ravel