RE: [Ifeffit] Solution flow cells

Hi Scott, See below:
Hi all,
I've been doing a literature search for an article I'm writing up, and I can't seem to find any examples of an XAS flow cell desgined for liquids. Sealed cells for liquids, yes; flow cells for passing gases over solids, yes; but no solution-chemistry flow cell. I feel like someone must have published work in that area before, but I can't seem to find it.
So, does anyone know of any work done using a liquid-phase XAS flow cell?
Simon Bare uses a flow cell for passing liquids/gasses over a sample. This one is a glass container with kapton windows with ports for input and output. Also I have seen something like that at PNC cat. I think that Ed Stern et. al. was using it. The one at PNC cat circulated the liquid through a boron carbide section that is x-ray transparent. Shelly

Just to follow up on and add to Shelly's and Tsu-Chien's responses: There's a paper by M. Hoffmann, et al (J. Fulton, and others from PNNL) on a flow-cell, especially for high pressure fluids. I believe it's in J Phys Chem (1999), but don't have the exact citation. This might be the one Shelly saw at PNC CAT. Mark Antonio has a nice electrochemical cell in which he can change both potential, but can't remember if he can flow in a changed solution... is that "flow"? I believe the catalyst people who run at ESRF (esp. the DXAFS line) have some nice flow cells too, but don't know if or where it's published. --Matt
participants (2)
Kelly, Shelly D.
Matt Newville