Query regarding error bars
Hi all, Could any tell me in a simple language about the error bars returned by the EXAFS fitting program? what do they exactly represent?How is it determined?How is the number of iterations decided.In addition to R-factor what are the other parameters which determines a good fit.For a R-factor ~0.001, if the value of chi2~10,000 and reduced chi2 ~ 500, can one consider the fit to be good even if one gets a good match to the experimental spectra. Bindu Dr.Bindu R. Visiting Fellow BG-37 DCMP&MS Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Homi Bhabha Road Colaba Mumbai-400 005 India Contact Number Lab- 022-2278 2256, 022-2278 2671 Mobile-919892536830 Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/invite/
Hi Bindu, There are lots of descriptions of these concepts on the exafs.org web page. Check out the Tutorials page. I wrote about them in my book chapter on page 58. If you like, I can send you a copy. It is kinda big so you will need to have 8Meg space in your mail box. Shelly -----Original Message----- From: ifeffit-bounces@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov on behalf of Bindu R. Sent: Fri 1/9/2009 7:12 AM To: ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov Subject: [Ifeffit] Query regarding error bars Hi all, Could any tell me in a simple language about the error bars returned by the EXAFS fitting program? what do they exactly represent?How is it determined?How is the number of iterations decided.In addition to R-factor what are the other parameters which determines a good fit.For a R-factor ~0.001, if the value of chi2~10,000 and reduced chi2 ~ 500, can one consider the fit to be good even if one gets a good match to the experimental spectra. Bindu Dr.Bindu R. Visiting Fellow BG-37 DCMP&MS Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Homi Bhabha Road Colaba Mumbai-400 005 India Contact Number Lab- 022-2278 2256, 022-2278 2671 Mobile-919892536830 Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go to http://messenger.yahoo.com/invite/
On Friday 09 January 2009 09:12:16 am Bindu R. wrote:
Could any tell me in a simple language about the error bars returned by the EXAFS fitting program? what do they exactly represent? How is it determined? How is the number of iterations decided. In addition to R-factor what are the other parameters which determines a good fit. For a R-factor ~0.001, if the value of chi2~10,000 and reduced chi2 ~ 500, can one consider the fit to be good even if one gets a good match to the experimental spectra.
I believe that most of these questions are answered at http://cars9.uchicago.edu/iffwiki/FAQ/FeffitModeling The number of iterations is determined from the data. That is, when the fit converges to within some tolerance, the fit stops and the error bars are evaluated. There is a hard-wired default for that tolerance and long experience suggests it is reasonable. There is also a hard-wired upper limit to the number of iterations, but a decent fit never reaches that number. The error bars are the diagonal elements of the covariance matrix evaluated during the fit. Because uncertainty is so hard to properly evaluate (as discussed in the links in the FAQ), the error bars are rescaled under the assumption that the fit performed was, in fact, a good fit. Thus the error bars are a reasonable (although probably conservative) estimate of measurement uncertainty if you believe that the fit is indeed a good fit. Again, see the FAQ for some hints about how to decide if a a fit is a good fit. If you have additional specific questions, let us know so we can answer them here and update the FAQ as needed. Regards, B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 My homepage: http://xafs.org/BruceRavel EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/
participants (3)
Bindu R.
Bruce Ravel
Kelly, Shelly