Fwd: 64-bit Demeter not able to use on Windows computer
In your first post to the mailing list, you said you could not get the
software to run on "a Windows computer". That you are looking for a 32
bit installer seems like extremely relevant information.
I no longer have the capacity to build 32 bit versions of the installer,
but I keep links to old versions available on the Demeter website.
The most recent version for which a 32 bit installer exists is 0.9.25.
Somewhat dated, but should still be useful.
PS: Please send email to the mailing list
ifeffit@millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov and please do not send email directly
to ifeffit-owner. Matt and I are the only ones who read mail sent to
ifeffit-owner and we don't guarantee a response to email sent to that
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 64-bit Demeter not able to use on Windows computer
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2019 09:10:17 -0400
From: Brittaney Courchesne
participants (1)
Ravel, Bruce