Hello everyone, First, I would like to pay homage to the authors of that fairly user-friendly software, which is very useful for a diffusion of XAFS technique. Thanks to the detailed explanation found in the various tutorials, I became able to use it almost without any help. Despite every thing, I encounter now some difficulties running DIFFKK and DELTAF in IFEFFIT. I am trying to reduce DAFS data of a metallic nitride film at the Ti K-edge and I need anomalous scattering factors. First I built diffkk.inp and deltaf.inp files following the instructions given by Matt Newville and Julie O. Cross in the Diffkk tutorial. Then, I begin to run diffkk in ifeffit 1.2.11c as follows: ifeffit> run diffkk ifeffit> read diffkk.inp or ifeffit> run deltaf ifeffit> read deltaf.inp I become only a file named userenv.log with such comments: " cannot process autoexec.bat". Perhaps I loaded a wrong version of IFEFFIT. Thank you in advance. Marie-Hélène Diffkk.inp %Anomalous scattering at Ti K-edge% Title=Ti0.5Al0.5N (2microns) XAFS data out = C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\Ti05diffkk.fpp %output file name xmu= C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\L27ACIEReldeg.xmu %xmu data file name isfeff=false %is this a feff xmu.dat ? encol=1 % energy column mucol=2 % mu(E) column iz=22 % z of central atom (Ti) e0=4968.0000 % edge energy egrid= 1.0000 % energy grid ewidth=1.2000 % for broadening Cromer-Liberman f"(E) elow=70.0000 % how far below the data range to go ehigh=500.0000 % how far above the data range to go %------------------------% Deltaf.inp %Bare atom resonant scattering factors at Ti K-edge% Title=Ti0.5Al0.5N (2microns) delta f" out = C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\Ti05deltaf.fpp %output file name iz=22 % z of central atom (Ti) e0=4968.0000 % edge energy ehigh=500 % how far above the data range to go elow=70 % how far below the data range to go egrid= 1 % energy grid ewidth=1.2 % for broadening Cromer-Liberman f"(E) end %------------------------%

Hi Marie,
Sorry about this, and for the delay in responding. Currently, diffkk
and deltaf are not currently included in the Windows Ifeffit
distribution, and are not available simply as ifeffit commands.
The "almost-good" news is that diffkk has been ported to Python, which
can, in principle, be downloaded and run on Windows machines. This
code was ported by Adam Webb from Fortran (written mostly by me) to
Python. For now, this code is available from
The "less-good" news is that, when I try to use this myself, I am
getting important differences between the Windows and Unix version --
and the Windows version is definitely wrong....
In addition, it's more work to get the python code to work on Windows
(like, how to get Python to communicate to Ifeffit and what other
extensions you might need), which is not currently well-managed. It
is possible (though no one has done it yet!) to make a standalone
executable. Probably, we need to figure out why it's not working on
I will try to do work on this, but life is complicated this summer, so
I can't promise when this can be completed.
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 9:20 AM,
Hello everyone,
First, I would like to pay homage to the authors of that fairly user-friendly software, which is very useful for a diffusion of XAFS technique. Thanks to the detailed explanation found in the various tutorials, I became able to use it almost without any help. Despite every thing, I encounter now some difficulties running DIFFKK and DELTAF in IFEFFIT. I am trying to reduce DAFS data of a metallic nitride film at the Ti K-edge and I need anomalous scattering factors. First I built diffkk.inp and deltaf.inp files following the instructions given by Matt Newville and Julie O. Cross in the Diffkk tutorial. Then, I begin to run diffkk in ifeffit 1.2.11c as follows:
ifeffit> run diffkk ifeffit> read diffkk.inp
or ifeffit> run deltaf ifeffit> read deltaf.inp
I become only a file named userenv.log with such comments: " cannot process autoexec.bat". Perhaps I loaded a wrong version of IFEFFIT. Thank you in advance.
%Anomalous scattering at Ti K-edge%
Title=Ti0.5Al0.5N (2microns) XAFS data
out = C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\Ti05diffkk.fpp %output file name
xmu= C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\L27ACIEReldeg.xmu %xmu data file name
isfeff=false %is this a feff xmu.dat ?
encol=1 % energy column
mucol=2 % mu(E) column
iz=22 % z of central atom (Ti)
e0=4968.0000 % edge energy
egrid= 1.0000 % energy grid
ewidth=1.2000 % for broadening Cromer-Liberman f"(E)
elow=70.0000 % how far below the data range to go
ehigh=500.0000 % how far above the data range to go
%Bare atom resonant scattering factors at Ti K-edge%
Title=Ti0.5Al0.5N (2microns) delta f"
out = C:\Program Files\Ifeffit\Ti05deltaf.fpp %output file name
iz=22 % z of central atom (Ti)
e0=4968.0000 % edge energy
ehigh=500 % how far above the data range to go
elow=70 % how far below the data range to go
egrid= 1 % energy grid
ewidth=1.2 % for broadening Cromer-Liberman f"(E)
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Matt Newville