I am answering your question on the Ifeffit mailing list, which is the
most appropriate venue for questions of this sort. Please read this
If I understand your question, you are asking about whether it is
appropriate to run Feff with a small cluster. The canonical answer to
that question is that you want to use a large cluster whenever
possible so that the muffin tin potential is well constrained.
Sometimes, with a very small cluster, the algorithm Feff uses to
compute the muffin tin radii can result in radii that are unphysically
large, resulting in an unphysical calculation.
Of course, that is a somewhat hand-waving answer. It is hard to know
without actually running a calculation whether the problem with muffin
tin radii will actually happen. I have comfortably published results
which use very small clusters indeed.
In your case, as in so many cases, the best advice I can give is to
try it both ways and see what happens. That is, you can try doing a
XANES calculation (Are you using Feff8? You didn't say...) with the
small cluster and comparing it to the Feff8 calculation which uses a
large cluster to compute the potentials and small cluster to compute
the full multiple scattering XANES. See the Feff document at
for details about how to set parameters in the feff.inp file to make
that happen.
---------- Forwarded Message ----------
Subject: Questions about Athena & FEFF
Date: Wednesday 15 April 2009
From: "Pascal G. YOT"
participants (1)
Bruce Ravel