Hi Folks, Larch version 0.9.60 has been released. It should now be installed by default using all installation mechanisms, and you should see a notice to update, perhaps the next time you run XAS Viewer. There are several bug fixes and feature improvements in XAS Viewer. This version also adds some important new features to XAS Viewer and Larch. These are described in a bit more detail at https://github.com/xraypy/xraylarch/releases/tag/0.9.60 Briefly, the new features for XAS Viewer are: 1. Each data "Group" has a processing Journal, with a time-stamped history of processing events. This will document the main processing steps. 2. Many preferences for XAS Viewer can now be set program-wide and saved for future sessions. Copying processing parameters between groups now works better. 3. A Session or Project file can now be saved at any time. This will contain all the arrays for a Group and also include fitting models and per-group fit histories for Pre-edge Peaks, Linear-Combination analyses, Feff-fitting (including Feff Paths), and so on. These Session files can be read back in and fit models and histories are restored in XAS Viewer. That is, these files are intended to be suitable for exchanging by email and archiving, etc. Session files are also "auto-saved" periodically and can be used to recover the last session on startup. There are several changes here. I'm confident with the basic functionality and have been testing myself on all platforms. But GUI actions are hard to test thoroughly, so it is reasonable to expect some new bugs or misfeatures. With upcoming workshops in July, I expect to need a release focused on bug and feature fixes in about a month. So, I hope you will be able to test and make any suggestions, comments, or error reports. Cheers, --Matt PS: For Python users, all of Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 should work, though the main installers are still using either Python 3.8 or Python 3.9.
participants (1)
Matt Newville