Mac intel OSX - Feff6 whereabouts

Hi, Apologies if this question has a very simple answer but I can't work it out. I installed the iXAFS package onto my new Mac (OSX 10.4.8) and almost everything works very well and it is very pleasant to use so thankyou. BUT Feff6 won't run. I can fit to existing Feff calculations but I can't make new ones, from .inp files that used to work on my other computer, or from quick first shell calculations. The message from Artemis starts 'This error is probably due to having Artemis configured incorrectly and so it does not know how to run Feff on your computer...' and goes on to say that I should check the value of the Feff executable in Preferences, and set it to Feff6. So I checked it and it was indeed Feff6. I looked for Feff6 on my computer and could only find a Feff6.atp file in the Perl directory (/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- multi-2level/Xray/atp) - should there be anything else? I tried typing this address into the box for the Feff executable option but this didn't help. I tried to remove everything and reinstall from the disk image but I am not sure if that was successful since I still only got the option to 'upgrade' when I clicked on the installer package. Where are all the things I need to remove if I want to get rid of the old version? Thankyou, Katy Katy Evans Dept. App. Geol. Curtin University Tel: 0061 8 9266 4682 Bentley Fax: 0061 8 9266 3153 GPO Box U 1987, WA6845

I can't say I have had this problem with either of my Intel Macs, but I do know a solution that seems to have worked for others... that is to delete the preferences file for artemis which is located in your home directory under ".horae" and is named "artemisrc". Note that the "." (dot) in the directory name. This causes the finder and the default unix file listing "ls" command to not output the name as such preference files are considered "noise". To delete the preference file you should run the command "rm ~/.horae/artemisrc". This hopefully will help things... Paul On Jul 16, 2007, at 2:46 AM, Katy Evans wrote:
Apologies if this question has a very simple answer but I can't work it out. I installed the iXAFS package onto my new Mac (OSX 10.4.8) and almost everything works very well and it is very pleasant to use so thankyou.
BUT Feff6 won't run.
I can fit to existing Feff calculations but I can't make new ones, from .inp files that used to work on my other computer, or from quick first shell calculations.
The message from Artemis starts 'This error is probably due to having Artemis configured incorrectly and so it does not know how to run Feff on your computer...' and goes on to say that I should check the value of the Feff executable in Preferences, and set it to Feff6. So I checked it and it was indeed Feff6.
I looked for Feff6 on my computer and could only find a Feff6.atp file in the Perl directory (/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- multi-2level/Xray/atp) - should there be anything else? I tried typing this address into the box for the Feff executable option but this didn't help.
I tried to remove everything and reinstall from the disk image but I am not sure if that was successful since I still only got the option to 'upgrade' when I clicked on the installer package. Where are all the things I need to remove if I want to get rid of the old version?
Thankyou, Katy
Katy Evans Dept. App. Geol. Curtin University Tel: 0061 8 9266 4682 Bentley Fax: 0061 8 9266 3153 GPO Box U 1987, WA6845
_______________________________________________ Ifeffit mailing list
Paul Fons Team Leader Nano-Optics Research Team Center for Applied Near-Field Optics National Institute of Advanced Industrial Technology Tsukuba Central 4, Higashi 1-1-1 Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan 305-8562 tel. +81-298-61-5635 fax. +81-298-61-2939 The following lines are in a Japanese font 〒305-8562 茨城県つくば市つくば中央東 1-1-1 産業技術総合研究所 近接場光応用工学研究センター 近接場光基礎研究チーム チーム長 ポール・フォンス

Hi Katy, I ran into this problem about two weeks ago. I have no idea why, it had worked fine for a few months before that. Paul's suggestion worked for me. Jeff On Jul 16, 2007, at 3:09 PM, paul fons wrote:
I can't say I have had this problem with either of my Intel Macs, but I do know a solution that seems to have worked for others... that is to delete the preferences file for artemis which is located in your home directory under ".horae" and is named "artemisrc". Note that the "." (dot) in the directory name. This causes the finder and the default unix file listing "ls" command to not output the name as such preference files are considered "noise". To delete the preference file you should run the command "rm ~/.horae/ artemisrc". This hopefully will help things... Paul On Jul 16, 2007, at 2:46 AM, Katy Evans wrote:
Apologies if this question has a very simple answer but I can't work it out. I installed the iXAFS package onto my new Mac (OSX 10.4.8) and almost everything works very well and it is very pleasant to use so thankyou.
BUT Feff6 won't run.
I can fit to existing Feff calculations but I can't make new ones, from .inp files that used to work on my other computer, or from quick first shell calculations.
The message from Artemis starts 'This error is probably due to having Artemis configured incorrectly and so it does not know how to run Feff on your computer...' and goes on to say that I should check the value of the Feff executable in Preferences, and set it to Feff6. So I checked it and it was indeed Feff6.
I looked for Feff6 on my computer and could only find a Feff6.atp file in the Perl directory (/Library/Perl/5.8.6/darwin-thread- multi-2level/Xray/atp) - should there be anything else? I tried typing this address into the box for the Feff executable option but this didn't help.
I tried to remove everything and reinstall from the disk image but I am not sure if that was successful since I still only got the option to 'upgrade' when I clicked on the installer package. Where are all the things I need to remove if I want to get rid of the old version?
Thankyou, Katy
Katy Evans Dept. App. Geol. Curtin University Tel: 0061 8 9266 4682 Bentley Fax: 0061 8 9266 3153 GPO Box U 1987, WA6845
_______________________________________________ Ifeffit mailing list
Paul Fons Team Leader Nano-Optics Research Team
Center for Applied Near-Field Optics National Institute of Advanced Industrial Technology Tsukuba Central 4, Higashi 1-1-1 Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan 305-8562
tel. +81-298-61-5635 fax. +81-298-61-2939
The following lines are in a Japanese font 〒305-8562 茨城県つくば市つくば中央東 1-1-1 産業技術総合研究所 近接場光応用工学研究センター 近接場光基礎研究チーム チーム長 ポール・フォンス
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participants (3)
Jeff Terry
Katy Evans
paul fons