Re: [Ifeffit] Athena data exporting

On 09/03/2014 03:21 PM, Dissanayake, Amila C wrote:
Dear Bruce,
I am Amila Dissanayake, a Ph.D intern at Pacific Northwest National Lab. I am analyzing XAS data using Athena. But when I am trying to save a list of data group (about 6 data group) using “ Save marked group as..” command, all the data groups are not saving into different columns. When I try to load this file into Origin I could find only just two columns of data. Could you help me to sort out this problem.
I am CCing my answer to the Ifeffit Mailing List, which is the appropriate place to ask questions about the software. You should address any follow up questions to the list. You've not offered enough information that I can even venture a guess as to what is happening. You have not told me what version of the software you are using. You've not provided an example of a project file that triggers the problem. You have not provided a recipe that would allow me to reproduce the problem on my computer. Alas, there's nothing for me to comment on. The "Save marked groups" feature works for me -- I just tried it on both the linux and Windows machines here in my office. Works fine. No one else has ever raised this problem. The one thing that occurs to me is that you may not understand what is meant by the phrase "marked groups". Have you read this page from the document? B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: Software: Demeter:
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Bruce Ravel