Re: [Ifeffit] MacPorts install of Demeter

Hi Bruce, After fetching the new Demeter from MacPorts this morning, Atoms is now opening normally. I will be trying it out later today. I have been using Athena, just to plot and merge EXAFS data, and it is working well. The labels and spacing all look just like the Windows version, except that the buttons for plotting individual or sets of E, k, R, q, and kq have no color to them. The colors do show below that in the backgrounds of the mu(E), Background, pre-edge line, etc checkboxes. Thanks for all your hard work! Martha W. Schaefer Louisiana State University On Jan 28, 2014, at 12:00 PM, wrote:
Yay, indeed! Hopefully you and others will put Athena through her paces (some LCF, some PCA, some aligning, some merging, ...) and let me know if things look right.
Also, if you see any places where labels don't seem to be written properly or the spacing between controls seems weird, I'd like to see a screenshot.
participants (1)
Martha W Schaefer