Dear Bruce and mailing list members, I'd like to report about the installation of the Demeter package under Ubuntu where everything went smoothly but a few glitches... ## Background: Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal, 3.5.0-19-generic with everything up to date as of today (December 18th). Demeter 0.9.14 (pulled from git today). I have Horae package installed and running (from Carlo's repos). I followed specific Ubuntu instructions at https://gist.github.com/3959252 (Dave Hughes' installation guide) ##First, one comment. You need to have the package gnuplot-x11 installed. For some reason, it was not installed in my case (although gnuplot was). This lead to many error messages during the './Build test' loop, and obviously the impossibility to plot anything when running (D)athena/artemis/hephaestus. At that time I did not think to try the change of the plotwith variable (gnuplot -> pgplot) as discussed in a previous ifeffit thread. I since reinstalled Ubuntu and this time installed gnuplot-x11 before Demeter. ##Then, a possible bug. It is reproducible everytime: - I launch Dathena from the command line without specifying the name of the project I want to open - I try to open a project (an old style Athena project) from the GUI (for example located at /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj) - I get an error message (a pop-up window, the terminal is quiet) saying '/home/denis/athena.prj is not readable', i.e. it looks for my file in my home folder and doesn't take into consideration the path to the file I input in the 'import data' dialog. - if I copy athena.prj from /home/denis/pathtothefolder/ to /home/denis/ then it works. - a workaround is: 'dathena /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj' In the case of Dartemis, it is a bit different: - if I try to open an old-style Artemis project through the dedicated old style import module (say, /home/denis/pathtothefolder/artemis.apj), there is a message at the bottom of the main Dartemis window saying: '/home/denis/artemis.apj is not an old style fitting project file'. Again it misses the complete path to the file. - if I try to open an old-style Artemis project through the 'open project of data' module, Dartemis crashes saying (in the terminal): Can't open($fh, '/home/denis/artemis.apj'): Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type at /home/denis/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi/Demeter/Files.pm line 89 Actually, the crash may not be a bug as I am trying to open an old Artemis project through the bad channel obviously, but notice that the path to the file it refers to is again wrong. ## I must add that my first installation of Demeter (before I reinstalled Ubuntu) was global (not following the non root specific commands of Dave Hughes' installation guide) and I already had this problem. Let me know if you want me to try different things to track the problem down. Many thanks. Cheers Denis -- Denis Testemale Institut NĂ©el FAME beamline at ESRF +33 476 881 045

Hi Denis, As always, thanks a million for your feedback. This kind of thing has a profoundly positive impact on the quality of the package. I am really grateful. The gnuplot-x11 dependency is a good catch. Thanks. Unsurprisingly, I have no problems opening files on my computers. So we need to figure out what is happening on yours that is not happening on mine. My first suspicion involves character sets.
- if I copy athena.prj from /home/denis/pathtothefolder/ to /home/denis/ then it works.
What is "pathtofolder"? Specifically does it contains any accented characters, ess-zets, eastern characters or anything else involving unicode? B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://xafs.org/BruceRavel Software: https://github.com/bruceravel

##Then, a possible bug. It is reproducible everytime: - I launch Dathena from the command line without specifying the name of the project I want to open - I try to open a project (an old style Athena project) from the GUI (for example located at /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj) - I get an error message (a pop-up window, the terminal is quiet) saying '/home/denis/athena.prj is not readable', i.e. it looks for my file in my home folder and doesn't take into consideration the path to the file I input in the 'import data' dialog. - if I copy athena.prj from /home/denis/pathtothefolder/ to /home/denis/ then it works. - a workaround is: 'dathena /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj'
I have reproduced this behavior on a computer I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.10. I have other computers at 11.10 and 12.04 that do NOT display this behavior, so it seems to be something new. I'll report to the mailing list when I uncover a solution. Cheers, B

Hi all, A couple weeks ago, Denis Testamale reported this problem with Athena and Artemis after upgrading his computer to Ubuntu 12.10:
##Then, a possible bug. It is reproducible everytime: - I launch Dathena from the command line without specifying the name of the project I want to open - I try to open a project (an old style Athena project) from the GUI (for example located at /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj) - I get an error message (a pop-up window, the terminal is quiet) saying '/home/denis/athena.prj is not readable', i.e. it looks for my file in my home folder and doesn't take into consideration the path to the file I input in the 'import data' dialog. - if I copy athena.prj from /home/denis/pathtothefolder/ to /home/denis/ then it works. - a workaround is: 'dathena /home/denis/pathtothefolder/athena.prj'
This misbehavior did not happen on earlier versions of Ubuntu. I have since fixed this. If you are a linux user downloading my software from GitHub, you will not see this problem. And I don't see this behavior on Windows. Here are some notes I made after installing Ubuntu 12.10 on one of my computers. I had some issues that others might run into. http://cars9.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/Demeter/UbuntuQuantal Happy New Year, everyone! B
participants (3)
Bruce Ravel
Denis Testemale
Ravel, Bruce