Plots of apodization Windows in Athena 0.8.005 and artemis.0.5.004

Michel, I hope you don't mind that I am sending my responses to your questions to the Ifeffit mailing list. They seem of sufficiently general interest that I think the Ifeffit list would be interested. MS> I used artemis.0.5.004 to open a project created with MS> artemis.0.5.002. I noticed that the apodization window didn't MS> plot correctly in the R-space (i.e., it is just a red flat line MS> instead of a cathedral door-like shape), eventhough I checked the MS> 'Window' box as a plotting option. Hmm... that certainly seems like a problem, but I am not certain which problem. Unlike the Athena project files, the Artemis project files do not currently contain the data, they only contain a pointer to the data. It is possible that the data moved, that you are on another computer, or for some other reason the path and file listed in your project file just don't point to the correct thing. If you select "Change data file" from the "Data" menu and refresh the location of the data, does that solve the problem? If not, you should prepare a bug report as described at so I can figure out what is really going on. MS> Another detail which kind of puzzles me: whenewever I use a MS> Kaiser-Bessel window and increase the weight, the *plotted* MS> limits of the apodization window shift away from the positions MS> defined in the command window (e.g., for positions set to 2 and MS> 13 Å-1 in the command window and a weight dk = 1, the plotted MS> apodization limits are shifted to 1 and 14 Å-1). I am a bit confused by the numbers you give in that they are not consistent with what I observe when I make a plot displaying a Kaiser-Bessel window. Here is what I observe: For a window defined by kmin=2, kmax=18, and dk=2, the first non-zero value of the window is at k=1 and the last non-zero value is at k=19. In general terms, the first non-zero value of the Kaiser-Bessel window is at kmin-dk/2 and the last is at kmax+dk/2. The ultimate reference is, I suppose, the source code. In the src/lib/ folder of the ifeffit source directory, you will find the source code file "window.f". The first and last non-zero values for this and several other window types are defined around line 123. (Note that the comments at the top of the file regarding the K-B window are incorrect in that they contradict the code around lines 123.) The exact shape of the window and whether it falls all the way to zero is determined by some parameters computed from kmin, kmax, and dk and by the evaluation of a Bessel's function. This is all around line 167. The comments in window.f suggest this as a reference for the K-B window: 'Digital Filter' by J.F. Kaiser in 'System Analysis by Digital Computers' edited by F.F. Kuo and J.F. Kaiser, (New York; Wiley) 1966 The bottom line is that you may want to set kmin a bit higher so that kmin-dk/2 is at the point where you want the window to start. Note that setting dk to 0 is probably *not* what you want to do, although it is probably worth doing so just once to see what happens to the K-B window. MS> A final 'cosmetic' suggestion: would it be possible in future MS> versions of artemis, to plot both the amplitude and real part, or MS> amplitude and imaginary parts of experimental and simulated MS> chi(R) together? You are not the first person to ask for this, Michel, but the last time this came up, Artemis was much less far along. I suppose that it is time to revisit this issue. The reason that Artemis does not currently let you plot more than one part of chi(R) at a time is because it is so very easy to plot the data, the fit, the background spline, and any number of paths with a single mouse click. Already, that can make for an absurdly busy plot. If Artemis plotted *two* parts of each item, the plot would be twice as busy and twice as much of a mess. I suppose, though, that I should not be worried about that. That is, I shouldn't put too many limitations on what you can plot. If you choose to plot an unreadable number of traces, I should certainly let you do so! However, the situation gets more confusing as you allow more possible combinations of traces. For example, it might be reasonable to plot the amplitude and real part of the data and fit along with just the real parts of some of the paths. And so on... So, let me put it up to discussion among the folk on this mailing list. What should Artemis do? 1. Allow the user to select one or more parts of chi(R) (or chi(q) for that matter) and plot each of those parts for each of the things selected in the "Paths" list. 2. Allow the user to somehow specify which parts of chi(R) to plot for the data, the fit, and each path individually. (This would make the interface somewhat more complex.) 3. Continue to work exactly as it works now. 4. Something else entirely. Let me know! Happy New Year to all! B -- Bruce Ravel ----------------------------------- Code 6134, Building 3, Room 222 Naval Research Laboratory phone: (1) 202 767 5947 Washington DC 20375, USA fax: (1) 202 767 1697 NRL Synchrotron Radiation Consortium (NRL-SRC) Beamlines X11a, X11b, X23b, X24c, U4b National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 My homepage: EXAFS software:
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Bruce Ravel