Hi, Yesterday I posted a new version of the Windows installer for Demeter at https://github.com/bruceravel/demeter/downloads and tagged version 0.9.11. A couple problems recently discussed on this mailing list that have been addressed: * I believe I fixed the problem of Demeter not co-existing on a windows computer with another version of perl. See this thread: http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/pipermail/ifeffit/2012-August/010683.html * Athena now correctly imports data with a reference of another element. See this thread: http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/pipermail/ifeffit/2012- September/010700.html * Improved import of project files from the old version of Artemis. See http://millenia.cars.aps.anl.gov/pipermail/ifeffit/2012- September/010718.html There are several other improvements. For a complete list see: https://github.com/bruceravel/demeter/blob/master/Changes.org Installation instructions: http://bruceravel.github.com/demeter/pods/installation.pod.html Reporting bugs: http://bruceravel.github.com/demeter/pods/bugs.pod.html As always, use this mailing list to report problems or to make suggestions. Regards, B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://xafs.org/BruceRavel Software: https://github.com/bruceravel