On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 12:42 PM, Sathish Mayanna
Dear Matt
Now it seems working well except some minor things, I can remove the points from the data, the random point selection by software works better for rebinned data. I think the only problem I have now is I still cannot move the cursor after double click (I can only remove the points which the software decides - at least now it choose the points where I double click). When i move my mouse cursor on the plot, it shows the correct coordinates.
I'm still a bit confused about whether this actually working for you. The data you sent has fairly large arrays (>2400 points), but all the data was well-ordered in energy... I think that should "just work", without needing re-binning. And it does for me, and I don't see how re-binning would affect this.
If I don't rebin the data, Athena will not choose the point which I am intend to remove (I think i have some minor issues here). If I rebin the data from ~ 2400 to 350 points, Athena will work correctly.
Hmm. I don't really understand why that would be. Anybody else see this? Do you find that you need to re-bin by a factor of 7?
I think it's always been the case that you double-click near the point to be removed, and hope that Athena does select the one you intended.
This works perfect for rebinned data.
I have one clarifications, when u choose the option to deglitch the data (rebinned or non rebinned data), does the x(E) data plot looks like in the attached file (line) or it looks like sets of blue round points same size as cursor.
For me, it looks very much like the image you attached. I do not see a series of dots.
I think, the issue is solved except that I cannot move the randomly chosen point.
Why can't you remove the point chosen? That seems like it's not working to me. Wasn't that the problem you were having?
I mentioned "MOVE" in my above sentence, (Just to be more specific, when I double click on the plot to choose a point, sometimes Athena select its own random points away from the point where I clicked, when I try to drag that randomly chosen cursor to the point of my interest, it will not work), IS THIS NORMAL?
It's news to me that you can move a point on the graph at all. I thought you could only remove it or not. Anybody else know anything about this? I'm sort of stumped. Do you see this behavior with other data sets as well or just this particular set? Is re-binning always the solution? --Matt