27 Jul
27 Jul
4:15 p.m.
To follow up on Bruce's announcement: The full installer for Windows is now ready and available from http://cars9.uchicago.edu/ifeffit/download.html The Windows installer includes Ifeffit 1.2.6, and the latest versions of SixPack (0.50) and Horae (that is, Athena 0.8.030, Artemis 0.7.008, Hephaestus 0.04, and TkAtoms 3.0beta9), and can be downloaded either from the cars.uchicago.edu server or from the sourceforge.net server. An update for Windows (update #10) is also available, though this update is relatively large (~12Mb: almost half the size of the installer itself!). For those of you who are using the programs regularly, it may be worth the effort to download the full installer. --Matt