Dear Bruce, I installed the new versions of the programs. Many thanks for your ongoing work and especially for the new feature of exporting parameter values in Athena. While working with the new versions I listed the problems that I still ran over (all just minor problems that are not critical or for which I figured out a workaround). Some of the bugs have already been mentioned, but I was not sure if they should already be fixed with this release - if not please just ignore these points. Hope it helps to improve the software. My System is Win2000. Artemis 0.7.003 - After the update the path to the stash-folder is set to the default path: "c:\Program Files\Ifeffit\horae\stash" although my Ifeffit is installed at "c:\Programme\Ifeffit" and previously the stash folder was "c:\Programme\Ifeffit\horae\stash". Is it possible to set the stash folder automatically to the subfolder in the installation directory? Obviously, this should be corrected via: Options | General | Workspace. But Artemis will not let me do that. I included the messages that Artemis gives when I change the path and press "Save changes to future sessions" and "return to main window". In the latter case Artemis will ask if I want to keep changes for future sessions (obviously it recognizes that changes have not been saved) but will not return to the main program (and not change the path). However, it does affect working with Artemis in any other way (as far as I can tell). - Atoms potential cards (in feff.inp) is sometimes wrong. (work-around: enlarge r_max in atoms.inp) - Artemis will stumple if I try to import 30 paths (my default) but feff generated less than that (no paths will be loaded and and error message generated, see ARTEMIS Import.TRAP). - If I run feff, import 30 paths and then do that a second time, Artemis does not delete the old entries in the "data&paths"-window but just append the new entries with names "feff0001.dat:2" etc., is that the intended behaviour? The problem is that if I decrease r_max in feff.inp before doing the second run (to a value so that feff produces less than 30 path-files) Artemis will generate error messages when trying to plot the first path entries (obviously because they dont exist anymore). - Function "discard this dataset" does not delete the main folder "data0.feff.0". Therefore, after deleting a few FEFF-datasets I end up with a lot of folders "data0.feff.x", because the empty ones are not reused. The function also does not delete the corresponding parameter values (which is probably better than deleting them). - Set-up of Atoms/Feff-page before loading a datafile will lead to errors (already discussed) Athena 0.8.027 - Athena does not start when Artemis is running. Two new Windows will show up for a moment in the taskbar and disappear again, no error logs are written to the stash-folder. No problems occur if Artemis is not running. Also Artemis will not start when Athena is running. - When using the export function via "File | Save marked groups as data" Athena will state that I may not export more than 15 datafiles. But it also produces errors with less files: it seems that the maximum line width is limited to 259 characters. The line with the names of the datagroups is usually longer and therefore gets truncated. - Access to last opened files is not released: it is not possible to rename/delete project files that just have been closed or data files that just have been read in. This is possible after a new project file is opened or a new data file imported. - Sometimes the selection of groups gets faulty: when clicking on one of the groups it will not be highlighted. Instead the previously selected group will be redisplayed (and remains highlighted). Sometimes a completly different group will be highlighted and displayed. Closing and reopening will not solve the problem, but restarting of Athena does. I could not figure out how to reproduce this error and nothing is written to the stash-folder. - Athena sometimes resizes the width of the right panel (Data groups) by itself. E.g. when exporting data via "File | Save chi(R)" the window becomes wider and gets small again when clicking on a datagroup afterwards (but not always ?!). Atoms ? - I am not sure about the version number because "Help"|"About Atoms" displays "left" (?!) instead of version number. - The "Browse Space Groups" will still invoke the browser only once. Hephaestus 0.01 - Multiple choosing of Settings | Energies will TOGGLE between display in energies/wavelengths (instead of just keeping displaying in terms of energy). Moreover, the checkmark in the Settings-Dialog will stay at "Energies", even when displaying in wavelengts. Despite of this I would propose to display the unit on the main page anyway. - On my machine the checkmarks are hard to recognize as they only shown up as two tiny red dots. But they will show up as checkmarks when I hover over them with the mouse. (This behaviour is common to all the programs, also in previous versions). I also have some general question: - Is it possible to do an offline installation on a computer not connected to the internet? (e.g. by manually loading the updates-files and changing "update_site" in updater.ini) - Is there a way in Athena to display the raw data of a group as a text file? Athena will not allow to edit this data via "Edit | Edit data as text". I only had the idea of saving the group and looking at the resulting text file. - This raised another point: if I compare the file I read into Athena with the file I exported then I notice that they have a different scaling (abszissae values) - does Athena automatically change the scaling when importing data files? I also noticed that when exporting multiple groups then all groups are scaled to the same abszissae values which is not the case when I export them separately. Regards, Gerrit