I am writing to inquire if Demeter(athena, artemis) works on a 64-bit windows 8 system. I was trying to install Demeter 0.9.20 (downloaded from http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/)on my 64-bit windows 8 laptop. It seems install well, at least there were no problems coming out during the installation. However, when I opened Athena, and imported data (an EXAFS data file end with .dat), there was no graphic window and no data was imported into Arthena, which stopped me proceeding.
I had similar problems when I tried to install the Updater package (version after the 0.9.13 Installer package was installed.
Has anyone known if this problem was caused by the incompatibility between Demeter and Windows 8, or because I didn't install any supported package? Or how can I resolve this issue?
I do not have a Windows 8 machine of my own -- my employers do not allow us to use Windows 8. So I am reliant upon reports from users. I have been told by Windows 8 users that the 0.9.20 pre-release packages work just fine. So I am suspicious (but by no means certain) that your problem has more to do with your computer than with the package. I would need to see more information. Is anything written to the log file? http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/pods/bugs.pod.html#Capturing_error_messa... Is anything written to the screen if you try to launch Athena from a command window?
I also tried to install the source code of demeter (version 0.9.20) following the instructions on http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/pods/installation.pod.html. All procedures (step 1 to 4 in the section 'BUILD DEMETER AND ITS DEPENDENCIES') went smoothly on my Ubuntu 14.04. When it was done, I typed 'athena' or 'artemis' in the terminal under the demeter directory and athena or artemis were launched. But the graphic interface is still PGPLOT, rather than GNUPLOT, although I have installed GNUPLOT before I built demeter.
Hmmm ... I thought the build script recognized the presence of gnuplot on the computer and configured things accordingly. I will look into it. In any case, it is easily changeable at any time. In Athena's main menu, select "Preferences". Open the "Plot" group and change the value of the "plotwith" parameter. Alternately, edit the demeter.ini file in $HOME/.horae with a text editor, look for the "[plot]" group, and change "plotwith" to read "plotwith = gnuplot". (Spelling matters!)
Besides that, the data column window opened through 'open files' cannot be imported, as there is no 'OK' button in the bottom left. Also, the athena version shown is 0.8.061, rather than 0.9.20 which is the version number of demeter I built. I was really confused about these working issues, stopping me at the very beginning of data processing.
The word that you type at the command line to launch Demeter's version of Athena is "dathena". (When spoken out loud, the "d" is silent!) During the years I was developing Demeter, the silent "d" allowed one to have both the old and new versions of my software on the same computer. Clearly, you have a copy of the very old version still on your computer. I recommend getting in the habit of typing "dath<tab>" ;) B -- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://bruceravel.github.io/home/ Software: https://github.com/bruceravel Demeter: http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/