Hi all, I have some spectra collected by a collaborator, Francesco Ressico, a PhD student at Uni Bologna, (see attached .h5 file below) and we are having trouble normalizing the Fe K edge spectra. The data are for serpentine group minerals and were collected in fluorescence mode. In the attached file, the correct X array value is 'energy_enc', the data type is 'xas', and the y array should be 'mu_fluo_det0'. The spectra are already normalized for the incoming beam energy (although this can also be done using 'flou_det0/i0'). There are multiple spectra in the file, any one of them can be chosen to test the procedure. After loading the spectra, I am able to plot the raw spectra correctly (see attached). But when I try to normalize the pre and post edge regions and plot the normalized spectra, the software only gives a blank plot. I have tried changing the normalization type, polynomial type, range, etc for both the pre and post edge, but nothing seems to work. I also tested different spectra, but with similar results. Does anyone have suggestions for how these data can be normalized? The h5 file is too large, so here is a dropbox link https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/d8k5s67vli0mq97ac520y/COR21_79_Xastransect_79_F1_THC.h5?rlkey=33ragg4p6x9rx65t9yvi5kewe&dl=0__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!btLKhnEiyp5gMQfSDnHdxqgt2ie5vcVHW7e142vokJ-wEX6zZSIOcAyHsf5THg9ZlyyIsx7Vfm27ycKWAQg1_cysDdnW65aCQA$ Sincerely, Jesse Walters -- Jesse B. Walters Ambizione Fellow Institut für Geologie Universität Bern