It doesn't. See the attached, which is a slide I put in that user's RunNotes file. I set up ppt files for each visit by each user but not all of them bother to record their stuff there. Anyway, you can see the peak I'm referring to, which just about matches Dy L1. The other DyL edges are below the start of data. I'm not all that surprised to find a little of another lanthanide; not only is it hard to separate them, but we've seen incidents in that lab of cross-contamination. For instance, one of his samples had more Lu in it than the intended Yb, mam On 8/4/2016 8:01 PM, Matt Newville wrote:
Hi Matthew,
Attached is a file of Yb L3 edge on something that was labeled "Yb AC" and measured in fluorescence many years ago, almost certainly in solution. I suspect that "AC" means "acetate".
This is a plain ASCII file (not XDI!). The data quality is not great. Does this have the feature you're seeing?
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