Jhonny, I see that you haven't yet received an answer to your question. I suspect that's because you've asked a very broad and open ended question. I'll try to get you pointed in the right direction, but you are going to have to spend some time studying up on how to perform EXAFS analysis. The error you are citing is from Artemis complaining that you are trying to over use the amount of information in the data set. The information content of an EXAFS measurement is approximated from it's bandwidth, that is the extent of k-range of the Fourier transform multiplied by the extent of fitting range. Specifically, Nidp <= 2 * (kmax-kmin) * (Rmax - Rmin) / pi That is, the bandwidth represents an upper bound on the information content of the data. It would seem that you have either a very short k-range or a very short R-range such that Nidp is only 2. I think you are not doing yourself a favor by starting your EXAFS analysis career with a material as disordered as zirconia. It's a low symmetry space group, none of the atoms are at symmetry centers. It's just a hard analysis problem. I think you need to practice on something much simpler, a metal or a high symmetry oxide. You should also consult some of the training material that is available on the web. There is a ton of good information at http://xafs.org/Tutorials. If you go to the Demeter home page and scroll down to the documentation section, you'll find links to videos of lectures I gave at Diamond about using the software. Following along with those, then repeating all the analysis on your own seems like a good idea. Getting a copy of either of Scott Calvin's or Grant Bunker's recent books on EXAFS would be a good idea, as well. B On 09/30/2014 02:43 PM, johnny huertas wrote:
Good afternoon: My name is Jhonny, I work at PUC-Rio in Brazil and I'm having hard difficult to fit the ZrO2 tetragonal. I create the INP file using the follow structural data Space group: p21/c a=5.1490 b=5.2070 c=5.3160 alpha=90 beta=99.2250 gamma=90 Zr (0.2750; 0.03900; 0.2090) O (0.0650; 0.3260; 0.3100) O (0.4610; 0.7570; 0.4790)
Several paths were created, but when I start to fit each path a message of ABORT appear saying "you have 3 variables but only 2 independent measurements in 1 data set" One more thing, each path has 1 coordination number (deg) I don't know what to do, I need some help. Thank.
Jhonny Huertas Flores Rio de Janeiro-Brasil
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-- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------ bravel@bnl.gov National Institute of Standards and Technology Synchrotron Science Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2 Building 535A Upton NY, 11973 Homepage: http://bruceravel.github.io/home/ Software: https://github.com/bruceravel Demeter: http://bruceravel.github.io/demeter/