Hi Kleper, It looks a little to me like you don't actually have any paths included in the fit, or perhaps the path is defective (all zeroed out, or something like that). If you attach the project file, it will probably be easy to tell. --Scott On Jan 13, 2009, at 5:13 PM, Kleper Oliveira Rocha wrote:
Hi all,
Please, help me. When I try to do any fit in Arthemis, setting all parameters unless one, been this one any of the parameters, the fit gives for the answer -1.0000 +/- 0.000000 like example down. What is happening?
============================================================ Independent points = 8.239257812 Number of variables = 1.000000000 Chi-square = 0.120000000E+37 Reduced Chi-square = 0.165762849E+36 R-factor = NaN Measurement uncertainty (k) = 0.000437667 Measurement uncertainty (R) = 0.000724906 Number of data sets = 1.000000000
Guess parameters +/- uncertainties (initial guess): amp = -1.0000000 +/- 0.0000000 (1.0000) Set parameters: enot = 0 delr = 0 ss = 0.003 c3 = 0.0001 c4 = 0.00001
-- Kleper de Oliveira Rocha Chemical Engenieer Doctorated