Beamline 3-3 at SSRL was very good in this range. I made Mg K-edge XAFS measurements there many times. I do not know if this is one of the beamlines that was shuttered during the SSRL upgrade though. There is also a chance that the Double Crystal Monochromator beamline at the SRC could make this measurement. I don't know what the lower limit is but I have done Si XAFS there 1.8 keV so it is close. You might check into that. On Oct 8, 2009, at 8:03 AM, Bruce Ravel wrote:
The 1 - 2 keV range is a really tough energy range. X15B was filling a niche at NSLS. To my knowledge -- and after a quick peak at the NSLS beamline guide -- there isn't another beamline at NSLS offering photons for XAS in the energy range. None of the UV ring spectroscopy beamlines advertise an energy range above 1200 eV.