22 Feb
22 Feb
3:27 a.m.
Hi Carloine,
On 2/21/07, Caroline Peacock
Have just installed the Ifeffit package (feffit-1.2.9-Mac10.4_horae64pre_pkg.dmg) on my Intel Mac (OS X 10.4.8)... Upon double clicking Hephaestus (as instructed in the readme) i am prompted to choose either X11 graphics or Aquaterm - either way X11 opens and then nothing...Is this a UNIX based program - from the screenshots i guessed it wasn't?
Any ideas why it isn't working?
I'm copying this to the Ifeffit mailing list, as I think someone else may have a better answer than I can give. Hephaestus does require X11, but I think the problem is that the Ifeffit-1.2.9 disk installers are all PPC only. That is, I think no one has made an installer for Intel Mac. --Matt