On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, "Carlo U. Segre"
CUS> I have a file which runs out about 1200eV above the edge CUS> (13419eV). While Athena does find the high energy when setting CUS> the default normalization and spline ranges, it does not plot CUS> any of the data beyond 14220 (about 800eV above the edge). In CUS> fact, there seems to be a hard limit of about 800eV above the CUS> edge for all data and this translates into the k-space plot as CUS> well. I am now unsure of what effect this might have on the CUS> back transform if the defaults are not touched but certainly the CUS> graphical setting of limits for normalization, spline fit, CUS> fourier transform and back transform wil not work since the plot CUS> does not show the complete data range. Hey Carlo, While I believe that you are indeed running up against one of Athena's weak spots, a mere description is insufficient for me to troubleshoot the problem. I really need a project file or a raw data file that will reliably trigger this problem. I routinely use Athena on data that extends beyond 1200eV, so this is not a generic problem. I recently wrote up some guidelines for how you, the problem reporter, can help me, the problem solver, solve problems quickly and efficiently. Please take a look at http://leonardo.phys.washington.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/bugs.html To everyone reading this mailing list: Please use the suggestions on that web page as appropriate to your problem when communicating with me. I get software-related mail *every day* and am often swamped. Communicating well with me will really facilitate my ability to address your problem. CUS> Another problem I have found is that the Auto Align feature is CUS> somewhat unreliable and does not always yield a visually correct CUS> shift. I haven't characterized when exactly this happens but it CUS> has seemed to work once on a file and then not work later on the CUS> same two files.