yes, these are data from two sets of data taken at Ru and Pt edges with no recalibration in between because we needced to switch back and forth during the experiment. Carlo On Thu, 15 Apr 2004, Bruce Ravel wrote:
On Wednesday 14 April 2004 10:32 pm, Matt Newville wrote:
I have two e0 parameters in the model that correspond to ru and pt data sets (they are e0_ru and e0_pt) the same e0_ru I use for Ru-O path Typical values that they take are about: e0_pt = 7.2318013 +/- 1.0171952 (0.0000) e0_ru = -9.1526876 +/- 0.7730603 (0.0000)
and this is consistent through all data that I have and also their values almost do not depend on whether I use rmin=1.0A or 1.5A
Two e0's that differ by 16eV for metal-metal bonds seems strange. I'd guess that Pt and Ru would be easily distinguished in the fit, but also that E0 would not be dramatically different for these. Are you sure there's not something weird going on with these being out-of-phase or something?? I could believe it's possible, but if you look at the different fit components look in k- and r-space does it all seem to add up as you would expect?
I think Stanislav is doing a two-data set fit and these are the e0 values for the two different absorbers. That wouldn't, then, be so unreasonable.
-- Carlo U. Segre -- Professor of Physics Associate Dean for Special Projects, Graduate College Illinois Institute of Technology Voice: 312.567.3498 Fax: 312.567.3494 segre@agni.phys.iit.edu http://www.iit.edu/~segre