I upgraded to the new version 047 of horae and found that on the mac (10.3.7, standard system, Matt's installer for the perl bits) that I cannot read data any more (it just generates an error). I don't really understand the perl, but I found what appears to be an error (but it still doesn't fix the problem). First an observation. At line 4281, is it my mistake or is there a dangly bit (a comma here). my $ret = &construct_xmu($raw, $group, $label, $data, $stash, $prior_args, ); changed to: my $ret = &construct_xmu($raw, $group, $label, $data, $stash, $prior_args ); At line 3585, at the call to waitWindow() things go wrong: ($raw == 0) or $raw -> waitWindow(); and the following trap file is produced: any ideas? Please include this information along with your explanation when you make a bug report. The following message was trapped by Athena: Athena0.8.035warn/Users/paulfons/.horae/stash/ ATHENA.TRAPCODE(0x1c05630) at /Applications/Ifeffit/bin/athena line 1350 main::__ANON__('Tk::Error: Can\'t upgrade that kind of scalar at /Application...') called at blib/lib/Tk.pm (autosplit into blib/lib/auto/Tk/Error.al) line 488 Tk::Error('MainWindow=HASH(0x1fad974)','Can\'t upgrade that kind of scalar at /Applications/Ifeffit/b...','main::set_properties at /Applications/Ifeffit/bin/athena line...','<Button-1>','(command bound to event)') called at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Tk.pm line 406 eval {...} called at /Library/Perl/5.8.1/darwin-thread-multi-2level/Tk.pm line 406 Tk::MainLoop() called at /Applications/Ifeffit/bin/athena line 1407 Please include this information along with your explanation when you make a bug report. Font Courier 10 still in cache. Dr. Paul Fons Senior Researcher National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science & Technology METI Center for Applied Near-Field Optics Research (CANFOR) AIST Central 4, Higashi 1-1-1 Tsukuba, Ibaraki JAPAN 305-8568 tel. +81-298-61-5636 fax. +81-298-61-2939 email: paul-fons@aist.go.jp The lines below are in a Japanese font 〒305−8568 茨城県つくば市東1−1−1 つくば中央第4 近接場光応用工学センター ポール・フォンス主任研究官