Got it. Thanks very much! Best regards, Qiantao Shi
-----原始邮件----- 发件人: "Bruce Ravel"
发送时间: 2014年8月14日 星期四 收件人: "XAFS Analysis using Ifeffit" 抄送: 主题: Re: [Ifeffit] The missing feff paths This is not a problem -- it is the intended behavior of Artemis.
Look at the attached screenshot. This explains something that doesn't seem to be covered in the document. There is a configuration parameter which Artemis uses in an attempt to restrict the paths displayed to only those that are likely to have any impact on the fit. By default, Artemis simply does not display any paths with a ranking (i.e. an estimate of importance) smaller than 3. That is configurable. If you set it to zero, no paths will be dropped.
This is also relevant to the behavior of the path finder:
On 08/14/2014 04:45 AM, 史乾涛 wrote:
I have a problem when I used Demeter 9.18 or 9.20. The Artemis window only show parts of the calculated feff paths such as the followed figure (only 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 paths of the first 10 paths were shown, and where is the other paths?).
The problem
Did anyone meet this problem and how did you treat it?
Many thanks!
best regards,
Qiantao Shi
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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-- Bruce Ravel ------------------------------------
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